23 October 2020,

Vanguard Lifestrategy 60% would have lost 12.47%. If you’re aiming to get your finances on track and you’re in or near retirement, then here’s your chance to claim a FREE copy of an exceptional investing report featuring 5 stocks that The Motley Fool UK is expressly recommending for INVESTORS aged 50 and OVER to consider investing in! All your comments in 86 above seem rationale to me. VWRL doesn’ seem to break down its weightings in this way – just by countries and sectors. If you’re less theological about these things, then a reasonably diverse equity holding is sufficient to meet your needs, in which case LifeStrategy or Fidelity (and possibly others, too) are eligible. The really obvious thing we all forget when borrowing money, If you want to make easy money, do something hard, How to check your credit score for free in the UK, Why you must get out and stay out of debt. Is there anything to be aware of when investing in newly established funds? All of these suit my “hands off” investing style so I guess they are built for lazy bones like me! Personally, I don’t have the kind of expertise that might provide a basis for a more active approach – so passive it is, for me. The value of stocks and shares and any dividend income, may fall as well as rise, and is not guaranteed so you may get back less than you invested. (but does anyone really believe that global equities are really uncorrelated?). the perfect asset allocation dos’nt exsist I do understand the different exposures (currency, liquidity, credit and interest rate) but I’m not really any wiser. According to one leading industry firm, the 5G boom could create a global industry worth US$12.3 TRILLION out of thin air…. I’m not knowledgeable enough to comment on whether it’s a Good Idea or not, just making sure I understand what you’re suggesting. Like its sister funds, the portfolio’s top 10 read like a who’s who of the best performing stocks in 2020. Should that influence my decision on which one to choose? @TA makes a good point about inheritance tax, but I believe it involves dying before 75, which I don’t plan to do – if you are somehow able to hold into life you can make back the tax with a few years of returns and you need to live 7 years after a gift. The content provided in this article has not taken into account the circumstances of any specific individual, and does not constitute personal advice or a personal recommendation for any individual; neither should it be relied upon by any individual when making an investment decision. It’s just noise. Much the same as monthly investing versus annual. The rationale for doing this is that you get the Dev World portion for cheaper. The results demonstrate the top four all work just fine. My thought was that combined with a global hedged bond tracker that this would provide an excellent, simple and easy way of achieving Lars Kroijer’s two fund investment strategy. © 1998 – 2021 The Motley Fool. 4. More on that in a moment. Weekend reading: A post-Covid return to normality or time to rethink it? I believe the buy/sell spreads for these huge funds are tighter than for VWRL so there is a saving there. On global bonds @AvantGarde, I like SGLO (G7 7yr) and INXG (UK 20yr linkers) as alternatives to VGOV (10yr gilts). Very timely posting, as I’ve spent the last week looking at the pros and cons of ETF’s from iShares (SWDA, IWDA, IWRD) and Vanguard (VWRL), And I would like to add my support for a companion article on bond allocations. Go for LifeStrategy 20-80 if you want an all-in-one fund that includes government bonds. I’d consider spreading my monthly investments over the following five funds. Don’t sweat it though, it won’t make much difference over the long term. Can you explain? The FinecoBank* Multi-Currency Trading Account offers UK investors highly competitive share-dealing rates across 26 global markets. Starting with UK-focused funds, one of my top picks in this area is Lindsell Train UK Equity. Tracker funds are low-cost collective investment schemes that follow the movement of an index, rather than the price of individual shares.. Trackers are known as 'passive' investments because a fund manager doesn't make any 'active' decisions about markets or individual investments. a set of geographical funds used to make up a home-brew world tracker). @magneto “Have for many years been wrestling with the question of domestic bias”. Over time gives an averageish cash rate. An Ongoing Charge Figure (OCF) differential of 0.1% on £10,000 is just £10. So I’d approach investing today by drip-feeding regular money into the markets. There’s no denying the success of American businesses and the country’s stock market. As a self-confessed fool, I wouldn’t go so far as to *suggest* anything! I think it is reasonable to expect strength and stability there. “SPDR MSCI ACWI IMI ETF – Very similar to the SPDR ETF above and has actually performed better over five years, though it’s less diversified.”. Otherwise IMI should edge it but is likely to be slightly more volatile. Infrastructure is deemed very ‘bond-like’ in that its assets tend to be … The fund’s holdings include Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing, Samsung Electronics and AIA. The only evidence I’ve found is a Vanguard paper that suggests that, for the UK between 1988 and 2011, home biased portfolios had slightly higher returns and significantly less volatility than more globally diverse ones (see Figure 1): https://pressroom.vanguard.com/content/nonindexed/6.26.2012_The_Role_of_Home_Bias.pdf, However, there’s no particular reason to assume that this can be extrapolated to other time periods or to longer or shorter timeframes. @Bal – Its hard to be exact and with equities especially you can’t guarantee to not have a shortfall especially over short periods but you can at least like you say guesstimate what you’ll need as a minimum and start with that layer – and then from there if it is falling behind then tweak what asset split you buy. A high-conviction fund which typically holds 25 to 40 stocks, it invests in best-in-class companies around the world which typically have strong brands, customer loyalty, low leverage, and are more resilient in times of economic uncertainty. Hi Its a worry this confuses people with less time as there’s no column that clearly explains out of the choices what is ALL World and what is Dev world (unless you are an index nerd)…. a neewbie , your opinion please if investing in these two: A lot of people advocate such an approach – but if they’d set their allocations in 1988 they would have spent the last 27 years rebalancing towards Japan’s sinking stock market”. John Mackey, CEO of Whole Foods Market, an Amazon subsidiary, is a member of The Motley Fool’s board of directors. To quickly see the difference between trackers use this fund comparison tool. Running costs 0.15% How does the UK component of an all-world tracker compare to the FTSE All-Share index? I started off with a bit of scepticism towards this, but this article and Lars’ piece have changed my mind. You wouldn’t lose your money but you would be out of the market if your ETF closed. Views expressed on the companies mentioned in this article are those of the writer and therefore may differ from the official recommendations we make in our subscription services such as Share Advisor, Hidden Winners and Pro. thisismoney.co.uk - These are trackers with a focus on 'solution providers'. With an all-world tracker, you can trust it to faithfully track the market. Or agonizing over a few percentage points of variation in any given sub-asset class . I do think that there is something fundamentally healthy about spreading it around. On the costs part, a few bps can be shaved off by splitting into geographical trackers. Here’s a useful piece on how to compare index trackers. What are your views on holding a bunch of Index funds as opposed to a single world indexer. Thanks about suggesting Premium bonds however they don’t look if they would produce me anything for my meagre short term cash as once it’s been separated from the dire emergency fund it’d be less than half the £10k where PBs start to provide some return. Here’s a post I’ve written about being out the market: As mentioned in another excellent Monevator post it works out better than an Irish based ETF such as VWRL where the significant US portion will be subject to withholding tax on its income of 15% which is never recoverable (http://monevator.com/etfs-and-the-peculiar-effects-of-withholding-tax/). a typical day’s entertainment might involve noticing: ooh, look how far US REITs have gone up! A small number of index funds or ETFs (probably max out around 4 or 5 due to the lump sum to invest) – not arrived at a mix yet. Your article on the US and the tech sector was definitely one of the things that got me thinking about the downside of home bias, which would have left me betting on the UK against the US and, specifically, betting against the tech sector. And right now, we're giving you a chance to discover exactly what has got our analysts all fired up about this niche industry phenomenon, in our FREE special report, A Top US Share From The Motley Fool. @magneto: rebalancing is good in fluctuating but generally even markets, but bad in steadily falling or rising markets. If in a year or two I have more to invest I wouldn’t need to think about moving the ISA contributions. This article is absolutely right. So until that changes I think the cost savings in transaction costs outweighs the details of the ETFs composition and I won’t be switching away from IWDA for the moment. We have selected the best tracker funds for you to track the world's key investment markets. For investors with very little interest, long time horizon, £ cost averaging in, its great but you can,t ’tilt’, and for those who read up more and are abit concerned about going in with a 50 % allocation to the US, especially those like me a bit late to the game. I see that you’re a Vanguard super-fan so I’m not continuing the conversation if you’re so biased. Otherwise I’ll leave it be. The cost of the fund is 0.30% p.a. All rights reserved. Trustnet looks at the IA Global funds that have outperformed the MSCI World index in … I like the Vanguard Lifestrategy 100 tilt towards the UK as it takes currency risk in to consideration. Could someone explain further please? use your geographical allocation to produce something like a global tracker.). Am I the only one to feel increasingly uneasy about whether my pension is inadvertently supporting the internment of the Uyghur people in forced labour camps? Does it essentially come down to a bet on whether or not the US remains the dominant world power? MyWalletHero is The Motley Fool UK’s new personal finance brand devoted to helping you aim to live a richer life. Interesting read; thanks for your efforts. I suppose I could tally the 1500 shares listed in its holdings spreadsheet but I have my limits! I would have thought that Emerging Markets offer some pretty serious potential here if you are talking 50 years. ” I assume you mean one, or the other is fine, it’s not necessary to have both – rather than meaning that neither is necessary? Personally I am partial to the idea of a combination of the Total US market VTI with an expense ratio of 0.05% and 3668 stocks and VXUS Total International Stock ex-US with an expense ratio of 0.13% and 6050 stocks. Have thought about putting 3 years + cash into a more cautious fund in the ISA to get a few percent however most I’ve looked at return very little after taking away fund costs. This is their response: “From a portfolio management perspective, it is not enough to look only at the number of names held in the ETF. I’ve read through all of these replies and don’t really see the following covered. VWRL by the way has 138 Korean companies, with Samsung making up 32% and 0.57% fund weighting. We may also publish information about consumer credit, loan, mortgage, insurance, savings and investment products and services, including those of our affiliate partners. As others have said, generally things even out. If you use separate regional funds and are making additional contributions, then you will need to ensure that these are at least roughly consistent with an updated global allocation. It does not really matter what currency VWRL is priced in as your currency exposure is not hedged, but it is convenient for UK investors to have VWRL priced in pounds because no currency conversion is required to purchase. U.S. retirees, who are spending their money in USD, are better off not adding currency risk to their portfolios by investing in foreign securities. I guess this is more a question of *why* to hold a global portfolio (the subject of Lars’ post) rather than *how* to implement it (the subject of this post). Not that this affects us pure passive types one little bit. In 2008, the average of the Mixed Asset 40% to 85% sector was -19.95%. The following points made by US investors regarding those in retirement, clarified the picture just a little :-. You cannot have two different OCF’s for one share class. Whenever a special deal is done, a new share class is created. Level-headed commentators vary in opinion: anywhere from fuggedaboutit to 5% of portfolio. Target retirement option also is still very tempting due to no thought required and Is that enough to be of concern? ACWI only contains 38 Korean companies and Samsung is 34% of these by market value. Correcting for that lifted the EM allocation to 13%. But putting a global tracker fund at the core of your asset allocation is a rational choice in an insane world. Emerging Markets make up about 12% of the MSCI All Country World index, so I would expect the same proportion to be reflected in all ETFs which follow that index. If not I’ll just keep it as it is. Many investors prefer "tracker" funds that replicate the whole index of stocks rather than paying a premium price for an "active" fund run by a professional investor, where there are … Charges and dealing costs are higher for these as well. But I do think shares, in general, will recover and go on to make new highs in the end. The fund charge is 0.01% less than the ETF which I guess is neither here nor there. “The point of this is to give rational options not overwhelm with detail” -The Accumulator. If it isn’t, find out what’s missing. Moreover, HL has special agreements with fund managers (see Woodford) to decrease fees, I imagine this is just another an example but with IWeb. The idea is to invest in a total world equity index fund or Exchange Traded Fund (ETF) that represents the global investable market as far as is practicable. Someone with a lot more seeming naus than me wrote an interesting post about it on this site, but I can’t recall where. Accumulator, maybe do a piece on building a global tracker with the aim of paying less than the going rate for an all-in-one job? [. Income versus accumulation – All of our best global index tracker picks come in both flavours, except the iShares ETF which is Acc only. Just don’t go OTT and don’t trade too often, no more than once per year, and keep at least 80% in mainstream trackers. I’ve been reducing my home bias over time. The best green tracker funds for UK investors: Cheap(ish) global ETFs that can boost your Isa with clean energy, battery technology and decarbonisation By Adrian Lowery for Thisismoney.co.uk This included the BNP Paribas Energy Transition, which returned 164 per cent last year. i agree The yield was nice and the price rise was nicer too, but as you say they don’t diversify with equity component. Frequent vs. annual or multiannual rebalancing made little difference. While the funds below would have been the best funds to invest in over the last 10 years and 5 years, within their respective sectors, there is no evidence that they will continue to perform well as I explained earlier. @The Accumulator – sorry I didn’t see your comments prior to my last message. I would also second a review of some of the bond fund and ETF offerings; VGOV is cheap but different data sources do not seem to agree on what one is buying. Sorry for the sidetrack, just following up on a promise! It seems to have a relatively high number of securities and the global diversification I am looking for in a fund rather than an ETF. As for home bias – I don’t see the need, even for those living on investments such as me. Cheers to you and everyone else for another good tranche of thoughtful comments. Try to work out whether the impact of costs over your investing lifetime is worth switching. Then again maybe I’m wrong. I believe that large investment portfolios can benefit from increased diversification – add a bit of small cap/value if you want, along with infrastructure, venture capital, REITs, corporate bonds, long duration gilts, foreign currency bonds, preference shares, PIBS, specialist ITs, gold, etc. Along the way, I’ve realised that there were a couple of huge errors in my own thinking that only became clear when I tried to find evidence to either back them up or contradict them. I use Vanguard, iShares, Blackrock, Fidelity and HSBC, OEICS and ETFs. So looking for an efficient frontier of equity home bias is a fool’s errand. But in reality, people tend to tilt their asset allocations. because at the end of the day, what you want is to do the bear minimum to keep your asset allocations constant. Receive my articles for free in your inbox. Weekend reading: And the little one said, rollover. If you pay dealing charges then the cost savings may not pan out either. Investing for beginners: Why do we invest? If the equities outperform you can always sell it down a bit to buy bonds, Also for some situations I’m an advocate if the idea of equities in an isa, bonds in the sipp – since isas aren’t taxed on growth, but from the numbers you give I’d just sipp it all. I responded to SPDR expressing further bafflement about the smaller number of stocks in the IMI fund (which obviously tracks a much larger index) as well as my concern about the relatively low assets under management hence the danger of a fund closure. It is always sensible to have a core fund at the heart of your investment pot - a fund that tracks the main global markets. @Cowboy — No worries, I have mixed feelings about my sentiments, but on balance I’d rather keep this thread about World Trackers if possible. Re investor compensation schemes – am a little baffled by this wrt “kick in if your broker or tracker provider goes up in smoke”. Secondly, charges in the KIID are given as 0.15% (rather than the 0.08% given in the iWeb info). I presume that all of these various all-world trackers are cap-weighted within each national market invested. If we see more severe stock falls than 50%, the situation would worsen. ETFs vs index funds – If you’re investing only a few hundred pounds a month then plump for an index fund rather than an ETF. I see your point about Premium bonds Vs savings/cautious investments. Many thanks. @ TA The bond content is spread globally, with 13% of assets in the UK. My thinking of equities being cheaper early on is more do with growth than p/e – i.e. @ Jonny – you don’t need UK corporate bonds, or indeed corporate bonds of any type. Use promo code FIN100-ML today and enjoy up to 100 free trades within your first three months! Those who are working and saving, yes bung it all in a world tracker and spend time earning more money to save. Vanguard target retirement As things stand, I think I’d prefer if we let it lie on posts that are nothing to do with rebalancing, such as this one. Investors who buy active funds hope the fund manager(s) will outperform rival active funds and a comparable stock market index. So looking for an efficient frontier of equity home bias is a fool’s errand. Three years is the minimum reasonable timeframe for comparison. What is your opinion of VWRL ETF vs FTSE GLOBAL ALL CAP GB00BD3RZ582 ? First time looking at SIPPs so wondered what people’s choices were for SIPP providers and what they would do with £10k. In the US for example, everyone pays at least 15% tax on dividends apart from shares held in a few ISA-type accounts. @dearieme, I am no tax expert, but as far as I know there is no legal way to avoid withholding taxes other than through the pension route. FTSE All-World UCITS ETF (VWRL) 1. Vanguard tracker tops list of most consistent global funds . I have heard that some European funds can avoid certain withholding taxes through stock lending just before dividends are paid, though whether there is any truth in this and more importantly whether there is any benefit to the investors I don’t know. The languishing parts of the world are where value likely lies. @ Bal – you’re in the right ballpark with all 4 of your options. ETFs are one of the most powerful investing trends of the century. Vg LS100 isn’t an all-world tracker; it’s just a 100% equity product that follows a marketable set of indices. Over the past year, all three of these funds have outperformed the broad U.S. equity market. All-World – Most products labelled world trackers only encompass developed world countries. Emerging markets: 7.2% (If we switched on the discussion board we’ve had waiting in the wings for 12 months, it’d make an excellent thread on there, for example). The hype of that time time taught me to stick with the global market and that I have no edge whatsoever, as Lars Krojher might say. The most beautiful thing in an all world index is You do not need bother with rebalancing. This fund will give you exposure to the underlying performance of the UK’s largest public limited companies such as HSBC, AstraZeneca, BP and British American Tobacco. Reassuringly expensive price tags will not secure you a superior global equity fund. If you want to home bias something, do it with your bonds and take a slightly bigger bond allocation rather than cut down on foreign shares. what i applaud is this site with its wealht of imformation avaliable so we each can choose what best suits our individual needs. Full disclaimer and privacy policy. So they have to take the rough with the smooth. But that is a pretty poor reason for adopting such an AA. What do you make of it and what are the chances that this fund will be closed in the future? @ David – I can’t verify more than the 5% China holding given the information iShares makes available and despite looking at it with three other tools. I do consider P2P, infrastructure, and commercial property, but haven’t yet taken the plunge. This way you can choose a broker that offers commission-free investment and so avoid a surprisingly damaging cost. its a put off. If you are earning/saving or have a decent pension, there is probably much less reason to be paranoid. Kind of assumed this would be the case with trackers and ETFs. However, volatility may be more beneficial for accumulators because it can enhance the benefit of dollar cost averaging and sequence of return risk is not as important for them. Whilst I am aware of the differences between the two – UK bias and lack of emerging markets in the LS100 – I can see how that relatively minor difference can account for the big difference in performance over the last four years. I’ve decided on index funds, chosen my asset allocation (for arguments sake lets say it’s 60/40 equities/bonds), and my Global Tracker (HSBC FTSE All-World Index Fund C). The Financial Ombudsman Service and Financial Services Compensation Scheme may consider certain investment related claims. With regards to OCF, I’ve checked with them and it is 0.08% (although the fact sheet reports 0.15%) as it is the institutional version. For efficient portfolio management, many of these constituent names would not need to be held in order to best replicate index performance. Volatility is not the friend of investors who are withdrawing money because it exacerbates sequence-of-return risk. But I have a feeling when the next crash comes it’ll go down together with VWRL, The only other asset class which gives good consistent negative (or close to zero) correlation with equities is gold but I haven’t been able to convince myself to buy it (no yield, entirely depending on price based on speculation etc etc). 3. All this assumes the most unlikely circumstance of annual rebalancing dates falling propitiously. With any luck you might even get a performance bonus out of it too by buying low and selling high. Slightly cheaper cost for a lot more hassle? but if you took the time you waste debating the minutiae of passive investing and focused it on creating an additional income source to then invest, you’d be a lot richer fairly quickly! I know this topic is a hobby for some of you but if you took the time you waste debating the minutiae of passive investing and focused it on creating an additional income source to then invest, you’d be a lot richer fairly quickly! However, it is extremely diverse because it holds All Share Trackers including the Vanguard US Equity Index which uses the S&P Total Market Index (over 3600 stocks). L&G interntaional index trust class c and L&G uk index classic, how would you weight these if just running these two together .I have read some of your ideas I am debating Hargreaves but note some of your favourates not available so grateful for best buying paltform too thanks. How much does it stabilise vls vs holding bonds? According to its fact sheet VWRL “covers more than 90% of the global investable market” including Large, Mid Cap and Emerging Markets. Little realising that sound returns are made by investing in the lesser lights. Please read my disclaimer. This is a great site. xxd09. Anyone tilting away from bonds to equities without taking into account their risk tolerance is asking for trouble. The Fidelity might make things simpler (i.e. More information about how The Fool collects, stores, and handles personal data is available in its Privacy Statement. Note that actively managed OEICS and ITs all suffer from withholding taxes and presumably foreign subsidiaries of UK companies have to pay it when paying dividends to the UK listed holding company. Not us, but an institution). There is very little to choose between these four global equity trackers: The reality is these shades of grey have made little difference to results over the last few years. I assume a big chunk of that “other” is the rest of Emerging Markets (and the difference mostly minor European countries), to bring up the 5.29% of China to a total of about 12%. For my part, my passive portfolio is basically 25% ftse global all cap, 15% vg EM stock index fund, and then 10% in each of the following: VG’s global small cap, all 4 of VG’s active factor funds and a global commercial property index fund. People were leaving the US market for dead. Index class C – US REITs have gone up who beleive they have to best articles or follow our via... The languishing parts of the crowd statement from Motley Fool we believe that global equities are not smoothing the. Portion of overall index performance a slight slant to small cap along with emerging markets Co-Founder Gardner! It goes on like that – that ’ s fund is the cheapest t matter Facebook! Admit there ’ s entertainment might involve noticing: ooh, look how far US REITs have gone up did... 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