23 October 2020,

-- Sacred mountains: Olympus, Fuji, Popocatepetl, Ararat, Kailash, Hesperus, -- Human-built sacred mountains: Great Pyramid, Teotihuacan, Silbury Hill, Cahokia mound, -- Sacred bodies of water: Pushkar Lake, Ganges River, Lake Titicaca, Blue Lake, -- Sacred islands: Lindisfarne, Iona, Miyajima, Delos, Wizard, Valaam, -- Healing springs: Asklepions, Milk River, Bath, Tomagawa Onsen, -- Healing and power stones: Blarney, Men-an-tol, Kabba, -- Sacred trees and forest groves: Bodh Gaya, Anuradhapura, St. Catherine's at Sinai, Glastonbury, -- Places of ancient mythological importance: Vrindavan, Izumo Taisha, Kachina Peak, -- Ancient ceremonial sites: Machu Picchu, Karnack, Palenque, -- Ancient astronomical observatories: Stonehenge, Monte Alban, Externsteine, Carnac, Fajada Butte, -- Human-erected solitary standing stones: throughout the world, -- Megalithic chambered mounds: Newgrange, Gavr'inis, sites around the northeastern United States, -- Labyrinth sites: Knossos, Glastonbury Tor, turf mazes of England, stone mazes of Scandinavia, -- Places with massive landscape carvings: Cerne Abas giant, Serpent Mound, Nazca lines, -- Regions delineated by sacred geographies: Kii peninsula, Languedoc, Australian songlines, -- Oracular caves, mountains, and sites: Siwa, Delphi, Patmos, Hebron, Mt. Look at the list of world regions at the top. Over the years, I have identified thirty-two categories of power places, which I have listed below, along with examples of specific sites. ʅ Click the URL above to launch the map. Great Stupa, Sanchi, India, third century BCE Therefore, in the same way any of us today can sense variations in temperature - simply a change in the thermal energy field - prehistoric people could perhaps sense subtle geophysical energies at particular places on the land. Durkheim argued that by sacred things we should not understand simply those things which are called gods or spirits – a rock a tree, a river, a pebble, a building – which are frequently held as sacred, as displaying inherent sacred qualities. Click on a country. To give further credibility to this hypothesis, consider the ability of various animal species to travel with unerring accuracy across great distances. Click on a region. (p 312) Sacredness requires that special locations be set aside for religious rituals; for Central Australians these may be landmarks associated with the mythical ancestors. As we examine the factors contributing to the presence of energy fields at these places, it will be useful to have a list of the kinds of sites one may encounter. However, they usually share some features in common. Children will explore the concepts of pilgrimage and sacred places within the contexts of Christianity and Hinduism. Faults tend to have high mineralization around them affecting local electric and magnetic fields, and to be points of weakness where stress and strain in the crust can manifest, causing energy effects within and above the ground. Prehistoric and Ancient sacred sites: Stonehenge, Prehistoric, England, 3000-2000 BCE; Pyramid of the Sun and Temple of Quetzalcoatl (Feathered Serpent), Teotihuacan Culture, Mexico, 150–225 AD; Parthenon, Ancient Greece, Athens, Greece, 447-438 BCE; Sites built for polytheistic religions. Sacred Space. Look at the list of power places in that country. In coastal and sea areas, sacred sites may include features which lie both above and below the water. We have already come across an instance of sacred space: the places where the ritual objects are stored when not in use, which are forbidden to profane persons. Planet Earth is an enormously complex entity experiencing multiple energetic phenomena that interact with human beings in both known and unknown ways. These same sacred forms and shapes derived from natural objects and features become symbolic or emblematic of the sacred or divine. Sinai, Katsuragi San, -- Male deity / god shrines / yang sites: Shiva jyotir lingams, Apollonian temples, -- Female deity / goddess shrines / yin sites: Shakti Pitha, Diana temples, St. Brigid springs, Marian shrines, -- Birthplaces of saints: Lumbini, Bethlehem, Assisi, -- Places where sages attained enlightenment: Shatrunajaya, Nantai San, Bodh Gaya, Mt. Houses Worship, Places Of. For Indigenous groups, their religious, spiritual, medicinal, and cultural practices are inherently linked to specific geographical locations. The first, obvious answer is that these parts of the Earth's crust have been subjected to considerable tectonic forces; they are natural "energy zones". Prehistoric people could likewise have been attracted to the power places on the Earth without even being aware of the attraction. Not having scientific devices to measure the high-energy fields of these sites, how did prehistoric people determine their precise locations? What impact do sacred sites have on their religion’s followers? The Ganges River is a very sacred place to Hindus. While this idea may at first seem preposterous, it gains credibility when we learn that neuroscientists estimate contemporary human beings use no more than 5-15 percent of their inherent mental faculties. Estimated time for this unit: One term . What are some visual characteristics that sacred structures and places of worship have in common? Numerous kinds of power places and sacred sites may be found around the world. Five notable gurdwaras in India are known as takhts: takht means throne or seat of authority. Is it not conceivable that the species Homo sapiens, with its enormously complex brain, has a similar (though currently mostly unused) sensing faculty? The sacred sites of antiquity were those places where spirits entered from otherworldly realms. In these different interpretations, however, common characteristics were recognized in the sacred, as it is understood by participant individuals and groups: it is separated from the common (profane) world; it expresses the ultimate total value and meaning of life; and it is the eternal reality, which is recognized to have been before it was known and to be known in a way different from that through which common things … Geophysical Characteristics of the Sacred Site Location. Or are only some special places sacred? Hills, rocks, waterholes, trees, plains, lakes, billabongs and other natural features can be sacred sites. [It is worthy of respect and dedication, and believed to be holy.]? Planet Earth is an enormously complex entity experiencing multiple energetic phenomena that interact with human beings in both known and unknown ways. (3). In the Northern Territory, all places that are sacred or otherwise of significance according to Aboriginal tradition are protected under the Land Rights Act and the Northern Territory Aboriginal Sacred Sites Act 1989.Sacred sites are protected on all forms of land tenure including freehold land.. A bird can return to its nesting place without having (as far as we know) any conscious mental awareness of the behavior. Copyright ©1982-2020 Martin Gray, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Sacred Site: An Operational Definition (2008) A sacred site is a place in the landscape, occasionally over or under water, which is especially revered by a people, culture or cultural group as a focus for spiritual belief and practice and likely religious observance.In addition, to satisfy this stem definition and reflect its wide and rich variety, a sacred site must also have one or more of the following nineteen characteristics … Research has shown that many ancient sacred sites are located directly upon or in close proximity to areas known to have unusual levels of these various kinds of geophysical phenomena. Sacred Places: The Significance of the Church Building by Joseph Ratzinger , appearing in Volume 10 Even the staunchest opponents of sacred things, of sacred space in this case, accept the Christian community needs a place to meet, and on that basis they define the purpose of a church building in a non-sacral, strictly functional sense. Sacred place — sacred space? Pigeons are able to home from hundreds of miles away, salmon return to their birthplace after swimming halfway around the world and swallows return to a previous year's nesting place after journeys of 10,000 miles. Characteristically Religious Feelings Awe, a sense of mystery, a sense of guilt, and adoration are "religious feelings" which tend to be aroused in religious believers when they come in the presence of sacred objects, in sacred places, and during the practice of sacred rituals. In Ohio, in the United States, the 2,000-year old Serpent Mound, an inexplicable earthwork a quarter of a mile long, was built over a geological site unique in that country: due to volcanic action or meteoric impact it is a highly compressed area of intensive faulting....The greatest megalithic complex in the world, around Carnac in Brittany, France, is hemmed in by fault systems, and occupies France's most volatile tectonic region....In England and Wales all stone circles are situated within a mile of a surface fault or an associated tectonic intrusion....Clearly, the association of such important sites with such distinctive geological features would not have happened by chance. Energy-monitoring studies have revealed that many of these sites do indeed have unusual geophysical energy anomalies relative to the surrounding countryside. Normally these are natural shrines, such as sacred groves, or temples and sanctuaries in which gods or spirits live or have manifested themselves or in which their statues, symbols, holy objects, or relics are … All of nature is regarded as being sacred, yet certain geographical features and areas figure more prominently than others on the sacred map. Look at the list of countries in that region. A shrine (Latin: scrinium "case or chest for books or papers"; Old French: escrin "box or case") is a sacred or holy site dedicated to a specific deity, ancestor, hero, martyr, saint, daemon, or similar figure of respect, wherein they are venerated or worshipped.Shrines often contain idols, relics, or other such objects associated with the figure being venerated. Rituals cannot only set apart particular times as sacred, but certain spaces as well. Waranan Sowannee. The same is true of various geophysical phenomena such as magnetism, radioactivity, gravity, the presence of subsurface water, the presence of concentrated mineral ores, volcanic activity, earthquakes, tremors, and other seismic activity, ultrasound, ionization, earth lights phenomena and other geophysical anomalies. Paul Devereux comments that, In Iceland, for example, the main national site, the tenth-century AD Althing, was built not merely on a fault, but on the rift formed between the North American and Eurasian tectonic plates - an extension of the  mid-Atlantic ridge. Some of these categories overlap and some of the sites mentioned could be listed under two or more categories. Sacred natural sites consist of all types of natural features including mountains, hills, forests, groves, rivers, lakes, lagoons, caves, islands and springs. Look at the list of countries in that region. Fujisan, sacred place and source of artistic inspiration. Sacred places have multiple levels of meaning to Indigenous cultures. It is the Firesouls that make these sacred spaces possible. Unable to explain the phenomenon, scientists have suggested that these animals have some kind of brain mechanism that gives them the ability to navigate by sensing the electromagnetic fields that crisscross the planet. These include the Lectionary, which is a collection of Bible readings used during Mass, and the altar vessels. Look at the list of world regions at the top. Verse Concepts. SACREDNESS. In nearly every region of the world ancient people revered particular rock outcroppings, springs, caves and forest groves. Learn more about sacred geometry in architecture by … Tabor, -- Death places of saints: Kushinager, Dakshineshwar, Tiruvanamalai, -- Sites where relics of saints and martyrs were/are kept: Canterbury, Kandy, Mt. Sacred objects include holy books used in rituals. -- Places where UFOs or other anomalous extraterrestrial phenomena have been seen. The symbols that give a place meaning typically refer to the religious context in which a people lives. Instead, elemental, restful and modest spaces that often have a reverence for natural materials are slowly becoming the norm. The SACRED is that which is the object of veneration and awe. The ancients sensed the places of power but how then would they explain them? The totem is the emblem of the clan, but more than what the churingas represents. We visit sacred places to commune with the universe and to gain spiritual wisdom, but is earth itself holy and everything on it blessed? In order to more fully understand the powers of these places, it is important that we study the connection between the existence of localized geophysical anomalies and the so-called paranormal phenomena spoken of in the miracles and legends of holy places. SACRED GEOGRAPHY. Satish Kumar, former monk, peace and environmental activist, editor and author, helps us understand both the universal and more intimate personal sacredness. The term comes from the Latin sacer meaning restricted or set off. (2), If we are not dealing with some bizarre coincidence, what could the ancients have been seeking at fault zones? Since Christians were often persecuted in the early days of Christianity, the first churches were simply people's homes, or any other safe gathering place, often indicated by the secret sign of a fish. In this unit children will have the opportunity to study the key features of worship and what worship means to a believer in Christianity and Hinduism. IntroductionThe characteristics of Thai Sacred Place stem from different concepts such as local concepts of sacred places in Thailand; the concept of the system and the interconnection of all matters; the concept of time and concepts about the human relationships; and concept of inter-relationships between human beings and nature. In other words, these species have a "turned on" brain and sensing faculty in relation to the energetic environment in which they live. Athos, Vezelay, Konya, -- Places with enigmatic fertility legends and/or images: Cerne Abas, Sayil, Paestum, -- Places with miracle-working icons: Sabarimala, Tinos Island, Izamal, Guadalupe, -- Places chosen by animals or birds: Durham, Talpa, -- Places chosen by various geomantic divinatory methods: Koya San, Chinese feng shui sites, -- Ancient esoteric schools: Giza, Chartres, Uxmal, Mitla, Ephesus, -- Ancient monasteries: Lhasa, Externsteine, Mihintale, Ellora, -- Places where dragons were slain or sighted: St. Michael's Mount, Delphi, -- Places of Marian apparitions: Zaragoza, Lourdes, Fatima, Knock, Zeitun, -- Unique natural features: geysers, volcanoes, sink holes. Architecturally-designed contemporary sacred spaces often eschew conventional religious imagery, lacking traditional symbolic elements such as the altar and pulpit and the grandiose, embellished exteriors of the past. For Catholics, examples of ‘sacred objects’ are those used during celebrations of the Eucharist. Click on a particular site to see photos and descriptions. Perhaps prehistoric people used, consciously or unconsciously, other parts of the brain that allowed them to sense the energy fields of the sacred sites. Northern Territory. The ICOMOS Scientific Committee for Places of Religion and Ritual (PRERICO) was formally established to research, and provide specialised interests in Monuments and Sites of Religions and Ritual, including places of world religions and local traditions and beliefs, religious heritage and sacred places including their intangible significance. -- Sacred mountains: Olympus, Fuji, Popocatepetl, Ararat, Kailash, Hesperus-- Human-built sacred mountains: Great Pyramid, Teotihuacan, Silbury Hill, Cahokia mound-- Sacred bodies of water: Pushkar Lake, Ganges River, Lake Titicaca, Blue Lake-- Sacred islands: Lindisfarne, Iona, Miyajima, Delos, Wizard, Valaam Hindus also like to have their ashes scattered in the Ganges after cremation. Travel to any of the TKF Open Spaces Sacred Places and you will see all of the above elements and features in some form. Copyright ©1982-2020 Martin Gray, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Stories of sacred environments are weaved into the cosmologies, world views, and cultural practices of Indigenous peoples. This section examines the ways in which They can vary in size from the very small: an individual tree, small spring, or a single rock formation, to whole landscapes and mountain ranges. In sacred places a believer experiences religion, participates in significant life cycle rites, and interacts with significant religious others, such as high priests, rabbis and so on, as well as the generalized religious other represented by the community of believers (Mead, 1934). Atmospheric conditions, temperature variations and sunlight intensity are examples of such energy phenomena that profoundly affect humans both physically and psychologically. In religious traditions, these sacred spaces are places where the veil between humans and the transcendent are thin, facilitating communication between heaven and earth. A Place For God's Name Choices. Sacred sites are places within the landscape that have a special meaning or significance under Aboriginal tradition. Click on a country. The beauty of the solitary, often snow-capped, stratovolcano, known around the world as Mount Fuji, rising above villages and tree-fringed sea and lakes has long been the object of pilgrimages and inspired artists and poets. In miracle: Sacred places Miracles are often connected with special sacred places. Just as there are many forms of Christianity, there are many forms of churches today. Click on a region. Deuteronomy 12:5. Ancient people, living in harmony with the Earth and dependent upon its bounty for all their needs, may have developed skills that modern people no longer use, cultivate or even recognize. Possessing such a faculty does not necessarily imply having a conscious awareness or understanding of the sensing process. A person may be designated as sacred, and so can an object or a place which is regarded as extraordinary or unique. For they also built for themselves high places and sacred pillars and Asherim on every high hill and beneath every luxuriant tree. What are some examples (be specific) of the use of sacred geometry in the architectural designs of various places of worship? When you step into a sacred space, you can leave the profane world behind. Perhaps an answer may be found in the human faculty of sensing; ancient people somehow felt the energies of the sites. It is a place to go on pilgrimage to bathe in sacred waters. BibTeX @MISC{Camhi_characteristicsof, author = {Natasha Camhi}, title = {Characteristics of Sacred Place: Separation and Fluidity}, year = {}} [People care for and protect them, and they also make pilgrimages to worship and celebrate.] Focused Religions: Christianity and Hinduism When they are articulated in art and architecture, they become not only the 'abode' of the divine, but also serve as a means to entice the divine either to continue to reside at a given place or to take up residence at a new site. Look at the list of power places in that country. It is common knowledge that human beings develop skills and understandings uniquely appropriate to the place and time in which they live. The Akal Takht (‘throne of the Timeless One’) is in Amritsar (Punjab), facing the Harmandir Sahib (Golden Temple), and it is the highest seat of authority. While Great Plains Indian religions differ considerably from one another, they all exhibit a sacred geography. What makes a site or place sacred? Sacred landscapes are the foundation of cultural resilience. Thousands of minor and hundreds of major sacred places and spaces are scattered throughout the Indian subcontinent. Click on a particular site to see photos and descriptions. Not having the scientific knowledge to understand the geological causes of their felt experiences of power place energies, prehistoric people might have sought to explain those energies with myths and legends about spirits, deities, gods and goddesses, and magical powers. Firesouls are the individuals that are passionate about creating, maintaining and sharing the healing, restorative powers of Open Spaces Sacred Places with others. How is this possible? The Latin sacer meaning restricted or set off, their religious, spiritual, medicinal, and the altar.... In some form revered particular rock outcroppings, springs, caves and forest groves those used during Mass, believed! 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