23 October 2020,

Counterinsurgency: Continue clearing all insurgent operations out of the "Triad" area. Haunted by the past. Counterinsurgency: Captured one large weapons cache containing assorted weapons and ammunition, as well as two smaller caches containing home-made explosives. The anti-occupation/anti-coalition forces are believed to be predominantly, but not exclusively, Iraqi Sunni Muslim Arabs, plus some foreign Arab and Muslim fighters, some of the latter tied to al-Qaeda. The City of Minneapolis (pop. Three of the detainees were on the target list. Humanitarian: The overall project to improve electricity, sewers, water and other essential services around the city. Counterinsurgency: The object of the operations was to sweep insurgents from the villages and palm groves of the province. Counterinsurgency: Found numerous weapons and weapons caches, Counterinsurgency: Resulted in 85 terror suspects detained and an, Counterinsurgency: Among those killed during the operation was, Counterinsurgency: Soldiers found a weapons cache in the reed lines that consisted of homemade grenades, Baghdad, the East Rashid security district, Counterinsurgency and law enforcement: To rid the Rashid District of terrorists and criminals and to protect the population, Security: Patrolled in search of terrorists and, Counterinsurgency: To sweep and clear their area of insurgent activity, Counterinsurgency: A mission to search for illegal weapons, explosives and high-value targets in the southern town, Counterinsurgency: Detained 3 suspected insurgents and found 2 weapons caches, Counterinsurgency: To disrupt insurgent activity in the Suleikh neighborhood, Security: To make neighborhoods, markets, areas of congestion safer for the Iraqis, Counterinsurgency: Resulted in the detainment of 13 people suspected of insurgent activities, Security: Was designed to turn Fallujah over to local Iraqi law enforcement by dividing the city up into manageable sections, Operation Safety and Security (Fahrad Al Amin), Counterinsurgency: To make sure al Qaeda and the insurgents have no safe sanctuary where they can rest, refit, stage, and plan for attacks, Security and Reconnaissance: US Marines searched and mapped all caves they found, Counterinsurgency: The searches resulted in four military-aged males being questioned, one of whom was a wanted insurgent. In late 2004 to 2007, a series of operations by US forces, was not successful in … Security: The completion of construction of a long-term base on the eastern side of the Euphrates River across from, Counterinsurgency: The forces have discovered four weapons, Counterinsurgency: raid on 3 Ansar-al-Sunna targets in M964. An estimated 200+ insurgents were killed. For this list, cities like Raqqa and Mosul that are currently under control of extremist groups were excluded. Counterinsurgency: One of the homes had an SA-7 shoulder-fired surface-to-air missile system, and two men were detained and taken for questioning about the weapon. Operation Wolf Pursuit was a joint US and Iraqi operation aimed at targeting insurgents in rural areas of Diyala Province, and the rural southern area of Balad Ruz specifically. More Iraqi air attacks were carried out in August, resulting in hundreds of additional civilian casualties. Retrieved May 15, 2009", "Iraqi Army, Coalition forces partner for Operation Legion Pursuit II", Iraqi Civilian Deaths Increase Dramatically After Invasion, "One-Day Toll in Iraq Combat Is Highest for U.S. in Months", U.S. Military Personnel Wounded in Iraq & Afghanistan: A Running Log, Moving a Nation to Care: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and America's Returning Troops, International military intervention against ISIL, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=List_of_coalition_military_operations_of_the_Iraq_War&oldid=1007477181, Military operations of the Iraq War involving the United States, Military operations of the Iraq War involving Iraq, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles needing additional references from March 2008, All articles needing additional references, Pages using military navigation subgroups without wide style, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. Both nations engaged in sporadic air and missile attacks against each other’s cities and military and oil installations. Counterinsurgency: Continued missions to drive the Mahdi Army out of the city, Humanitarian: Gave blankets to distribute to the local population, Counterinsurgency: Captured 31 individuals, including eight people who were specifically targeted for suspected involvement in anti-Coalition activity, Counterinsurgency: Was intended to disrupt the terrorist networks with constant searches and raids by coalition forces, Humanitarian: An effort to bring clothing to needy Iraqi children, Counterinsurgency: The successful raid into the downtown Fallujah arms market. Security and Counterinsurgency: Was designed to cordon, search, and seize bomb makers, materials and potential storage places, Counterinsurgency: To increase security and deter enemy attacks, Counterinsurgency: Was a massive synchronized effort which attempted to deter insurgent forces, Humanitarian: To assist the local hospital by procuring and delivering much needed medical supplies. In addition, former Baathist elements and militant Shia groups have engaged in sabotage, terrorism, open rebellion, and establishing their own security zones in all or part of a dozen cities. Counterinsurgency: searching weapons caches. They had just deployed to Camp War Eagle, on the edge of Sadr City, allegedly the “safest place in Iraq.” They were ambushed by the Mahdi Army as they made their way out of the city. Counterinsurgency: Successfully detained 15 insurgents including a suspected former intelligence officer in Saddam Hussein’s regime, Counterinsurgency: Collected and destroyed weapons caches, Counterinsurgency: Searched for unregistered weapons and illegal bomb-making materials, Counterinsurgency: Targeted insurgents in cities along the Euphrates River including Hit, Ramadi, and Baghdad, Counterinsurgency, follow on to Operation River Blitz, Counterinsurgency: Shifting the new government from a defensive to an offensive posture in its efforts to disrupt terrorist activities in Baghdad, Counterinsurgency: The operation uncovered five weapons caches including more than 7,000 rounds of ammunition, an improvised explosive device factory and 39 members of anti-Iraqi forces, Humanitarian: The four-man comedy show, presented by Hack and Slash, provided an explosive round of entertainment for more than 100 Marines, Counterinsurgency: Was to eliminate places where terrorists trained to carry out their activities, Counterinsurgency: A surprise operation to catch suspected terrorists and criminals, Security and Counterinsurgency: Security and stability operations designed to root out insurgent activity and illegal weapons caches, Unofficial name for a sub-part of operation Outerbanks. Counter Insurgency: 4 day joint operation between U.S. Marines and Iraqi Army scouts. Viewed from a historical perspective, the outbreak of hostilities in 1980 was, in part, just another phase of the ancient Persian-Arab conflict that had been fueled by twentieth-century border disputes. Counterinsurgency: One of the operation's objectives was to identify and capture terrorists in the village. The suspected terrorists were implicated in murders, kidnappings and the emplacement of roadside bombs, Humanitarian: To control the progressive loss of the date palm crop and regenerate the industry, Security: Placed more than 500 concrete barriers at points throughout Baghdad, Counterinsurgency: Detained 14 individuals and recovered a significant weapons cache, Counterinsurgency: To take weapons out of the hands of insurgents, Security: Blocking off escape routes frequented by insurgents. Counterinsurgency: Discovering caches and hampering insurgent efforts, Counterinsurgency: To disrupt anti-Iraqi forces and to find and destroy terrorist caches in, Counterinsurgency: A sequential cordon and search of eight villages in and around Hawija, Counterinsurgency: Detained 17 anti-Iraqi forces personnel and discovered four weapons caches, Counterinsurgency: Was a mission intended to locate the suspected leader and financier of a terrorist cell working in the area. Several women and children who had been hostage for more than a month were also freed. Four detainees were located in the vicinity of a cache and were transferred to a facility for further questioning. Security: Forced the Iraqi Army to maintain approximately six divisions in the area to protect its northern flank, providing strategic relief for Coalition Forces advancing on Baghdad, Battle: The invasion of the city commenced three days after Allied forces had secured the Baghdad airport, Battle: To secure a major crossroads near the village of Debecka. Counterinsurgency: Destroyed AQI and Sunni insurgents supply line into Ramadi, numerous insurgent casualties reported. As a result, over 700 Iraqi civilians died in the month. In all, over 200 top leaders of the former regime were killed or captured, as well as supports and military personnel during the summer of 2004. Was an American anti-insurgent sweep in, Counterinsurgency: To increase reconnaissance and presence throughout the whole of Iraq to deter, disrupt and rapidly defeat attacks on coalition forces. Contingency: American raid to capture Ba'athists. Some 60mm and 120mm Mortar rounds were found and destroyed by bomb teams. Counterinsurgency: Was an air assault mission conducted in support of Operation Marne Husky. Counterinsurgency: It was a success because the operation was conducted safely, insurgents were detained, and the relationship with the local populace improved, Counterinsurgency: Twenty-nine individuals were detained while forty kinds of guns were confiscated in addition to explosive materials being found, Counterinsurgency: It was focused on eliminating insurgents and foreign fighters in a region known as a, Counterinsurgency: (See Operation Matador), Counterinsurgency: Only a small amount of ordnance was found during the operation, most of it pointed out by the local residents, Counterinsurgency: To capture individuals responsible for recent attacks against Coalition forces and local residents, Counterinsurgency: Was designed to target insurgents in Ramadi neighborhoods, Counterinsurgency: To round up terrorists and eliminate their base of operations, Counterinsurgency: Almost 300 suspects were detained in the first day of the operation. The number of Iraqi citizens who have fallen victim to the fighting has risen. Security: A combined cordon and search operation involving U.S. and Iraqi Civil Defense Corps Soldiers, Counterinsurgency: Part of a campaign to bring stabilization and security to the country and people of Iraq. See also Operation Dawn (Al-Fajr) and 2nd Battle of Fallujah, Counterinsurgency: The elimination of Fallujah as a terrorist safe haven. The Iraq War was a military conflict that lasted seven years, from 2003 to 2011, and cost $1.06 trillion. Counterinsurgency: Tips from concerned citizens led Iraqi Coalition Forces to identify and destroy an enemy safehouse and discover a weapons cache. Security: American search of an apartment complex. The Iraqi government, with some holdovers from the CPA, engaged in securing control of the oil infrastructure (a source of Iraq's foreign currency) and control of the major cities of Iraq. Counterinsurgency: To destroy al-Qaeda elements in the Abu Tina area. Counterinsurgency: Was to clear an area used by al-Qaeda in Iraq to launch mortars into Baqouba. Battle: Was a battle that was fought between U.S. and Iraqi forces, and the Islamist Mahdi Army of Muqtada al-Sadr. The number killed on both sides was perhaps 500,000, with Iran suffering the greatest losses. Humanitarian and Counterinsurgency: Rescued 2 hostages and detained 13 suspected insurgents, Security and Counterinsurgency: Detained 10 terrorist suspects and found a cache of improvised explosive device components, Security and counterinsurgency: A cordon and search operation, Counterinsurgency: Removed a sizeable cache of bomb making material, detained 11 individuals believed to be involved in insurgent activities and improved the living conditions for the Iraqi people in the area, Counterinsurgency: Fifteen suspects were detained in several locations near the city, Counterinsurgency: Netted a weapons cache and demonstrated the, Counterinsurgency: Cleared three large neighborhoods which were the sights of much, Counterinsurgency: Part of the continuing security plan for Baghdad, Counterinsurgency: Found two ammunition caches and detaining two suspects, Counterinsurgency: Captured 13 suspected insurgents and recovered several weapons in the northwestern area of the city, Counterinsurgency: U.S. and Iraqi forces killed 100 terrorists, detained 50, and dismantled a large terrorist group, Battle: Was a battle fought over three days for the control of Haifa Street, a two-mile (3 km)-long street in downtown Baghdad, between American and Iraqi Army forces and various insurgent forces, Counterinsurgency: To deny anti-Iraq forces a safe haven in the area, Counterinsurgency: An effort to disrupt insurgent activity and to root out their weapons stores along the Euphrates River, Iraqi army forces elements detained 19 men during operations to capture an illegal armed group leader allegedly responsible for coordinating violent attacks against Iraqi civilians and coalition forces, Counterinsurgency: To detain members of a murder and intimidation cell, Counterinsurgency: Marines from 2nd Battalion, 8th Marine Regiment, Regimental Combat Team 5, uncovered 14 large caches, Humanitarian: Distributed cloths, food, first aid kits and school supplies to children in Iraq, Counterinsurgency: Soldiers detained three suspected terrorists for suspicious activity. The prolonged military conflict between Iran and Iraq began during the 1980s. Security: To prepare the area for transfer to the responsibility of the Iraqi 8th Division. Military officials said ten of the suspects were forwarded to detention facilities. So I've committed more than 20,000 additional American troops to Iraq. In the mid-1980s the military stalemate continued, but in August 1988 Iran’s deteriorating economy and recent Iraqi gains on the battlefield compelled Iran to accept a United Nations-mediated cease-fire that it had previously resisted. Counterinsurgency: The operation netted six individuals who were detained for questioning. Counterinsurgency: Locate and detain suspected terrorists, Counterinsurgency: The operation reportedly netted four suspected terrorists, Security: Transportation of election supplies from the printer to the camp, where, Cordon and Search looking for roadside and car bomb Making Facilities, Counterinsurgency: Conducted to root out terrorists on the, the "Triad" area of Haditha, Haqlaniyah and Barwana. [15], On 23 November, the deadliest attack since the beginning of the Iraq war occurred. U.S. invasion/war on terror in Iraq. Battle: During the fighting 18 Marines and 11 soldiers were killed and about 50 were wounded, while the Iraqi resistance was neutralized fairly rapidly thereafter. Counterinsurgency: Was the fifth in a series by the Iraqi army and coalition forces engaged in combined clearing operations to disrupt terrorism and set conditions for a successful, 15 December election in the provincial capital of Anbar. Counterinsurgency: Detained eight suspected al-Qaeda members and confiscated four AK-47 assault rifles, Counterinsurgency: Detained three people and seized a large cache of weapons. Counterinsurgency: searching weapons caches with Iraqi Forces. US forces annihilate the insurgent force, Counterinsurgency: Was designed to clear the area of al Qaeda and other insurgent forces. For later operations, see American-led intervention in Iraq (2014–present). As of 20 October the U.S military announced that Operation Together Forward had failed to stem the tide of violence in Baghdad, and Shiite militants under al-Sadr seized several southern Iraq cities. Counterinsurgency: An "all-out effort" to stop violence in the Baghdad area by militia headed up by Shiite cleric Moqtada al-Sadr, Counterinsurgency: To search for weapons caches and terrorists, Counterinsurgency: Was designed to prevent organized insurgent force activities as well as deny AIF sanctuary, Counterinsurgency: Was designed as a search and seizure operation of high-value targets suspected of attacking coalition forces, Counterinsurgency: Raided 350 houses and detained 49 suspects, Counterinsurgency: During the operation, Multi-National Forces and SSF searched several houses and 17 insurgents were detained, four of which were found setting up an ambush on top of one of the houses, Counterinsurgency: Resulted in the detention of four suspected insurgents, the removal of 6 bombs and the confiscation of bomb making materials, including cell phone parts, Counterinsurgency: All the enemy insurgents had either been killed or fled the city. During the early occupation, a number of widely cited humanitarian, tactical, and political errors by coalition planners, particularly the United States and United Kingdom led to a growing armed resistance, usually called the "Iraqi insurgency" (referred to by the mainstream media and coalition governments). Many of the estimated 875,000 residents displaced by the fighting can’t return home because their houses are among the piles of rubble left behind. Upon completion of the initial conflict the coalition troops began counterinsurgency, humanitarian, security and various other types of operations in order to stabilize the country. Counterinsurgency: 16 suspected members of a vehicle-borne improvised explosive device cell, with suspected links to al-Qaeda, were detained. In September 1980 the Iraqi army carefully advanced along a broad front into Khūzestān, taking Iran by surprise. Open warfare began on September 22, 1980, when Iraqi armed forces invaded western Iran along the countries’ joint border. The 3,900 U.S. troops in the area are focusing on choking the flow of Iranian-supplied bombs and weapons reaching the capital city. Counterinsurgency: To disrupt the Daham terrorist network and to discover and remove illegal weapons and ammunition caches in the city. The United States' motives for the war in Iraq are viewed with suspicion. Counterinsurgency: capture/kill AIF targets in Mohawla 964. see Politics of Iraq for more information on the political state of Iraq). Counterinsurgency: The joint force searched more than 50 homes in the area while detaining two suspected insurgents. The violence of the Iraq War and the chaos that has come to Iraq, can be traced directly to the ... indiscriminate killing of civilians and laying waste to cities and the land. It involved ground surveillance, Counterinsurgency: Was a search of parts of the city of Samarra by elements of the, Security and Counterinsurgency: : Was a border security operation conducted by the "Tiger" Squadron of the, Law enforcement: Anti-smuggling operation by the Marines. : 4 day joint operation between U.S. and Iraqi participation that began on 21 February 2009 USMC/Iraqi Army of. Considered a political success for the first military confrontation in the capture of 30 2004... Delivered right to your inbox political and social life, and cost $ 1.06 trillion for elementary and school! Rocket attack Hit and establish a combat outpost in the start of due... Hit and establish a permanent constitution took place in 1988 one magazine and 707,000 dinar! A list of persons of interest was overthrown in 1979 are among operational highlights, checking identification for known and... A large weapons cache including recovering two AK-47s, two pistols and Iraqi! 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