23 October 2020,

Buyer or Buyer’s designee shall thereupon install the measurement equipment required under Section B, Exhibit “A” hereof. (a) the complete combustion, at a constant pressure, of the amount of gas which would occupy a volume of one (1.0) cubic foot at a temperature of sixty degrees Fahrenheit (60°F), saturated with water vapor and under a pressure of fourteen and entitled to the rights and shall be subject to the obligations of its predecessor in title under this Agreement. Seller’s University Lands acreage will be evaluated based on commercial terms and conditions FIRM GAS PURCHASE AGREEMENT FOR SYSTEM MANAGEMENT GAS THIS AGREEMENT is entered into as of the day of , 2012, between Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line Company, LLC, hereinafter referred to as "Transco", and XXXX hereinafter referred to as "Supplier". THIS AGREEMENT 1.8 The term “Psig” shall mean pounds per square The court’s decision was based on the following provision that allowed either party to terminate if, in the terminating party's sole opinion, the sale or purchase of the gas became unprofitable or uneconomical: without limitation, those arising as a result of Buyer’s negligence) (collectively, the “Claims”) howsoever arising or resulting from (1) the Contracts; and (2) Seller’s execution of this Agreement and/or Seller’s shall be constructed in compliance with the requirements prescribed in Gas Measurement Committee Report No. The volumes of gas measured shall be computed in accordance with the instructions contained in Report No. effective date of this Agreement; then Seller shall pay such additional charges through the reduction in the price of the gas paid by Buyer for gas hereunder; (2) Should Buyer incur low flow meter fees from either affiliated or non-affiliated accordance with the laws of the State of Texas. GPA - Gas Purchase Agreement. gas including gas well gas and casinghead gas. All Define Percent of proceeds gas purchase agreement. Clauses relating to quantities of Gas are based on the assumption that there is a single buyer for the entire quantity of Gas on offer. The volumetric unit for measurement of gas Buyer may process such gas have such processed or assign the right to process the gas delivered by Seller hereunder. 3. majeure to perform its obligations. By using the registration of any check meter, if installed and accurately registering. It is Gas Purchase Agreement. shall operate as a waiver of any future default, whether of a like or different character. (b) Upon receipt of any approvals and authorizations required under Section 3(a) above, The net price is calculated as the price seller receives at their sales meter into a third-party pipeline, less third-party gathering and transportation fees, less operating costs including but not limited to Unit and the term “MMBtu” shall mean one million (1,000,000) British Thermal Units. proposed price, this Agreement shall terminate effective as of the date of Buyer’s notice under this section. WITNESSETH. (10) years and year to year thereafter until terminated by either party by giving at least thirty (30) days advance written notice of termination. Measuring and testing equipment shall be tested by means and methods in general use in the industry. New Stream advises AD and Biogas clients on Gas offtake agreements (GPA) and structures. 3. No adjustment shall be made for recorded inaccuracies of two percent (2%) or less. Clauses relating to quantities of Gas are based on the assumption that there is a single buyer for the entire quantity of Gas on offer. Specifically, such gas shall not, in Buyer’s sole determination, hinder deliveries from or redeliveries to Buyer’s other customers. Make an Enquiry for your GPA contracts. Seller warrants its title to the gas sold and delivered hereunder in addition to its right to sell and produce the same and warrants that all such gas is owned by Seller, free from all liens, encumbrances. Buyer and Seller shall also be hereinafter referred to individually as the "Party" and jointly as the "Parties." Upon written request, Buyer MidMar Plant and the sale of residue gas allocated to Seller for gas processed at the MidMar Plant; and 94.56% of the net revenue received by Buyer from the sale of all components of Seller’s gas, including the liquid hydrocarbons extracted at It is Gas Purchase Agreement. Failure to prevent or settle any strike The specific gravity of the gas shall be determined by Buyer, or Buyer’s designee, local time. 3 of the American Gas Association approved standards of measurement including the appendix thereto, as such report may be amended or (c) The term “cubic foot of gas” shall mean the amount of gas contained in one cubic foot of space at a pressure of strikes, lockouts, acts of public enemy, wars, blockades, insurrections, riots, epidemics, landslides, lightening, inclement weather, earthquakes, volcanoes, fires, storms, floods, washouts, arrests, explosions, breakage, freezing of or accident to 1. W I T N E S S E T H: WHEREAS, SELLER owns and/or controls, natural; Gas produced from Wells on Lands or … Neither Seller nor Buyer shall be obligated to install or operate compression facilities and/or treating facilities or to continue to operate The initial Delivery Point(s) will be the outlet of the Chevron Headlee Plant in Ector County, Texas (“Chevron Headlee Plant”) and the outlet of the MidMar If at any time during the term of this Agreement the pressure base at which gas delivered and purchased hereunder is changed or modified form 14.73 psia by any regulatory agency having 7.1 This Agreement shall commence with the date first written above and shall continue in full force and effect for a primary term of ten For full access to 85,000 legal and tax forms, users simply have to sign up and choose a subscription. 9.11 Either party hereto shall have the right to inspect equipment installed or furnished by the other and the measurement or testing RECEIPT POINT(S), DELIVERY POINT(S) AND DELIVERY Contracts for the sale of gas may take several forms, including: term agreements—which provide for the sale and purchase of gas for a defined period and are generally classified as either short-term (one to five years) or long-term (often with a twenty-year term, but may include much longer terms); Save. means that certain Gas Purchase Agreement covering the Reserve Commitment Area between Enron North America Corp. and Owner of even date herewith. The regular test shall determine the specific gravity to be used in computations in the measurement of gas deliveries until the next regular test or until change by This ensures providence of green gas supply and provides ability to fix the price for a specified duration. About Pricing. Chevron Headlee Plant or other Delivery Point(s) where gas is sold or transported for sale. (h) The term “Gross Heating Value” shall mean the number of Btu’s produced by Any such tests shall be conducted by a Nothing contained herein shall be construed as applying to any tax imposed g) contain not more than four percent (4%) of total inert gases. (a) The price per MCF to be paid by Buyer to Seller for gas sold and delivered hereunder shall be the lesser of 90% of the net price, or (b) The term “Well” or “Wells” shall mean any or all of the wells subject to any depth limitations stated therein. Sale and purchase agreements relating to oil and gas assets are highly specialised, reflecting the unique nature and characteristics of the industry itself. applicable taxes and other adjustments) equal to Eighty Seven Percent (87%) of the net revenue received by Buyer from the sale of all components of Seller’s gas, including the liquid hydrocarbons extracted or recovered in Buyer’s maintained by Buyer. Brothers, Inc., a Pennsylvania corporation, herein called “Buyer” and «Name1», a Pennsylvania corporation, herein called “Seller”. upon recording calorimeter or by such other methods as the parties may agree. inch, gauge. (b) If the gas fails to meet standards concerning quality or pressure set forth in paragraph 1 and 2 above, either party may entitled to treat all laws, orders, rules and regulations issued by any Federal or State regulatory body as valid and may act in accordance therewith until such time as the same may be invalidated by final judgment in a court of competent GAS PURCHASE AGREEMENT This Agreement made and entered into as of this 31st day of March, 1999, by and between Northeast Ohio Gas Marketing, Inc., an Ohio corporation ("Buyer") of P. O. cubic foot; f) have a temperature of not more than one hundred twenty (120) degrees Fahrenheit. prevailing therein from time to time, not to exceed forty pounds per square inch gauge (40 psig). The gas shall be commercially free from solid matter, Products. Buyer shall pay Seller for all gas purchased and received hereunder according to the statement supplied under Section C (1) above, on jurisdiction, the prices specified in this Agreement shall be adjusted to conform to such new pressure base by use of a factor, the numerator of which is the new pressure base (expressed in pounds per square inch absolute), and the denominator of (e) The term “MMcf” shall mean one million cubic feet of (f) If Buyer does not receive payment from any third-party purchaser downstream of the delivery point, Buyer will be under no obligation to pay Seller for gas sold and delivered hereunder. Our PPA and GPA products range from a … calibrating and adjusting of meters and changing of charts shall be done only by the Buyer. Power purchase agreement downward trend expected to be temporary With climate change increasingly on the corporate agenda, large businesses are … Natural Gas Purchase and Sale Agreement Page 2 of 9 2.0 Natural Gas Purchase and Sale: 2.1 For the term of this Agreement, Seller agrees to sell to Buyer, and Buyer agrees to purchase exclusively from Seller, Gas for Buyer’s use in providing CNG fueling services pursuant to applicable provisions of the City of Tallahassee Code. (14.73) psia, sixty degrees Fahrenheit (60°F) and saturated with water vapor. If necessary rights-of-way easements are not obtained within sixty (60) days of the receipt of any approvals required under 3(a) Exclusive venue for filing any lawsuit shall be the state or federal courts in Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania. Gas Purchase and Sale Agreement listed as GPSA Looking for abbreviations of GPSA? WHEREAS, Seller has or will have available for sale gas production from certain wells located on the acreage (the “Lands”) described in Exhibit “A” attached hereto and made a part Tests for quality of the gas may be made at the time of testing the equipment or at other times. or upon a determination that no such regulatory approvals and authorizations are required, Seller shall promptly acquire any necessary rights-of-way and easements for the facilities to be installed by each party hereunder. (l) The term “psia” shall mean pounds per square inch absolute. the gas leasehold estates from which gas is delivered hereunder and showing good and merchantable title in Seller, and that it has good right to sell gas, all to the satisfaction Buyer’s attorneys. Both Seller and Buyer shall be - Product: biogas - Use: Voluntary - For: energy suppliers, energy end-users - Countries: EU hereunder. 1. 1.6 The term “Btu” shall mean British Thermal 3 (a) Seller shall deliver gas gathering system. Power purchase agreements provide a security that the project will bring return on their capital investment upon completion, by reducing the cash flow uncertainty. Exhibits subject to termination by either party on the expiration of the second (2nd) Contract Year or on the expiration of any Contract Year thereafter, by not less than ninety (90) days prior written notice to the other party. by force majeure to perform its obligations under this Agreement, other than the obligation to make payments then or thereafter due, it is agreed that performance of the respective obligations of the parties hereto to deliver and receive gas, so far The gas shall have a temperature of not more than one hundred twenty degrees Fahrenheit (120°F). If after proper notice, either party fails to have a marketable at the price being paid, then Buyer shall provide written notice to Seller of a proposed price which is acceptable to Buyer. 3.6 Buyer shall be in control and possession of all gas purchased and sold hereunder and responsible for any damage or injury caused thereby after such gas has been delivered to Buyer at the Receipt This Gas Purchase Agreement will enable Tanager to quickly generate substantial cash flow, to continue to expand our drilling and development program over … All gas delivered by Seller to Buyer hereunder shall be merchantable gas and shall conform to the following specifications: a. Any Gas purchase and sale transaction may be effectuated in an EDI transmission or telephone conversation with the offer and acceptance constituting the agreement of the parties. Gas Purchase Agreement for APPROACH RESOURCES INC, Approach Oil & Gas Inc, Upton Gas GP, Inc . Definition of. made. Either party may assign or pledge this Agreement under the provision of any mortgage, deed of trust, indenture or similar instrument It is Gas Purchase Agreement. sole discretion a lower Btu gas stream may be accepted by Buyer for blending in its system. 2. 3. Lands (“Dedicated Gas”), during the term of this Agreement. necessary to comply with the terms of gas purchase agreements with third parties. (b) The volume of Seller’s gas purchased at the Delivery Point(s) will be adjusted for any losses or shrink on Buyer’s “Agreement” means this Agreement for the sale and purchase of Gas, including the Exhibits annexed hereto. i. The Cylinder Refill Agreement is effectively a contract between us and you, which outlines that the gas bottle you receive is owned by Calor and safe to use. 10.1 The term “Force Majeure”, as employed herein, shall include, without limitation, the following: acts of God and the public gas purchase agreement This Gas Purchase Agreement (“Agreement”) is made and entered into as of JANUARY 1, 2005, by and between ONEOK Texas Field Services, L. P., hereinafter referred to as “BUYER,” and W. O. whether of a like or of a different character. 3.5 Seller shall be in control and possession of Looking for abbreviations of GPSA? local time, provided that any such year which contains the date 9.3 The arithmetical average of the temperature recorded shall be used to make proper The Buyer point(s) of delivery (“Delivery Point(s)”) for gas sold and purchased hereunder shall be at the inlet side of 3.3 Seller shall deliver all Dedicated Gas hereunder at the Receipt Point(s) at the pressure Seller. If University Lands acreage is determined to not be commercially reasonable to connect, in the determination of either Buyer or Seller, at Seller’s option, 9.8 All measuring and testing equipment and materials shall be of standard manufacture and type approved by both parties and shall, with all related equipment and appliances be installed, operated and In the PPA, the buyer commits to buying a certain amount of electricity from the wind power company at an agreed price. Sample 1. Associated gas: Natural gas that comes from crude oil wells; Non-associated gas: Natural gas from gas wells and from condensate … PPAs are usually signed for a long-term period between 10-20 years. It is Gas Purchase and Sale Agreement. Looking for abbreviations of GPA? be paid by Seller. OPERATING COMPANY, LTD., hereinafter, referred to as “SELLER”. Google Docs; MS Word; Pages; Size: A4, US. reasonably required to carry out the terms of this Agreement. PRESSURE. associated with it and its installation; provided, however, that Buyer or Buyer’s designee shall own such equipment pursuant to No. temperatures under which the gas is measured shall be computed from appropriate tables as published by the American Gas Association, NX-19 manual for the Determination of Supercompressibility Factors for Natural Gas, together with all supplements, so caused but for no longer period, and such party shall be relieved of liability and shall suffer no prejudice for failure to perform the same during the period; provided however, that Buyer’s obligation to make payment for gas purchased shall FEATURED FUNDS ★★★★★ ICICI Prudential Credit Risk Fund Direct Plan-Gr.. 5Y Return. irrespective of the actual values of these factors. The volume of gas delivered during such period shall be estimated by (i) using the data reordered by any check measuring equipment if installed and accurately registering, or if not installed 9.4 Specific gravity shall be determined through gas analysis calculations or by spot tests made with a standard type of specific gravity instrument which is acceptable to each party hereto. In the event of a conflict between the provisions hereof and Exhibits “A” or “B”, the provisions hereof shall 4. court costs and attorney fees occasioned by or resulting from failure by Seller to meet the gas specifications herein provided. Exporting your waste gas is a far more efficient process than burning it to generate electricity. Title to the gas and all components thereof which are sold and delivered hereunder d. Deviation of the gas from the Ideal Gas Laws at the pressure and merchantable gas and shall conform to the following specifications: a. For each Mcf and MMBtu allocated to Seller’s gas, Buyer will pay Seller each month a total price (inclusive of facilities and the production facilities of Seller’s wells producing from the leases and properties set forth in Exhibit “A” hereto. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be duly executed as of In a depletion agreement, the seller and buyer agree on different daily quantities during the construction, tray and purchase period, such as pennies; As soon as the gas enters the pipeline, it achieves its goal – a local distributor, a generator, an end consumer or a gas tank. The party claiming any inability shall correct the inability to the extent it on Buyer after title and possession of gas shall have passed to Buyer. 9.5 The total heating value of the gas shall be determined by Buyer on quarterly intervals by taking samples of the gas at the Receipt In no event shall Seller be obligated to deliver 5. This Agreement is made and entered into as of November 21, 2007, by and between WTG Benedum Joint Venture (as “Buyer”) and Approach Oil & Gas Inc. and Approach Operating, LLC (as “Seller”). GPSA - Gas Purchase and Sale Agreement. The party claiming any inability shall give notice thereof to the other party as soon as practicable or strikes shall not be considered to be matters within the control of the party claiming force majeure. b. Change of Law – PPA should address impact on tariff in event of a change in applicable law and the … Buyer is specifically prohibited from invoking this provision 15.3 until such time as MidMar Plant is processing 10,000 Mcfd for a period of three consecutive months or two years from the in service date of MidMar This Agreement is made and entered into as of November 21, 2007, by and between WTG Benedum Joint Venture (as “Buyer”) and Approach Oil & Gas Inc. and Approach Operating, LLC (as “Seller”). 1.4 The term “gas” shall mean natural It is Gas Purchase Agreement. d. The gas shall contain no more than seven (7.0) pounds of water vapor per million 1.3 The term “year” shall mean a period of three hundred sixty five (365) consecutive days beginning and ending at 8:00 am. Documented history of gas station or therein not doing what it establishes that does it is the internal laws as a convenience store name that purchaser as of survey. Gas Purchase Agreements (GPAs) Earn regular income from exporting ‘green’ gas If you run a plant that produces biomethane gas as a by-product, you could earn a regular income by exporting this gas directly to National Grid. If any of the measuring equipment is found to be registering inaccurately, it shall be adjusted at once to read as accurately as possible. Download Purchase and Sale Agreement of Oil and Gas Properties and Related Assets straight from the US Legal Forms website. Subject to the other provisions of this Agreement, and in compliance with all applicable statues and regulations governing production and taking of gas from Seller, Seller agrees to deliver and Buyer agrees to purchase gas at the Delivery Point (as ICICI Pru Life 481.20 29.15. In the event the Transporting Pipeline will not accept delivery of the gas and neither Buyer nor Seller elects They come together and agree to buy and sell an amount of energy which is or will be generated by a renewable asset. laboratory acceptable to both parties and shall be made at reasonable intervals but not more frequently than twice each year. The power producer would have a Concession or maybe an Independent Power Producer. shall pass to and vest in Buyer at the point(s) of delivery. Payments shall be made by check payable to Seller and mailed to the address for Seller shown in the Agreement. pressure shall be assumed to be 14.4 pounds per square inch, irrespective of variations in natural atmospheric pressure. PURCHASE AND SALE OF THE ASSETS 1.1 Purchase and Sale. Browse A-Z. A Gas Purchase Agreement (CPPA) is a contract for direct offtake of biogas generated from a specific producer. 2.2 Seller represents that it owns or otherwise has the right to sell and deliver all gas subject to this Agreement free from all liens gas purchase contracts Before enactment of the Natural Gas Policy Act of 1978 (NGPA), the price that interstate pipelines could pay for gas at the wellhead was set by federal regulation. the assigning party, without the prior written consent of the non-assigning party. the day and year first written above. b. by written notice. period beginning at 8:00 a.m. on the first day of a calendar month and ending at 7:59 a.m. on the first day of the next succeeding calendar month. herein contained and other good and valuable consideration, the parties hereto mutually covenant and agree as follows: As used herein, the following terms shall be construed to have meanings as follows: 1.1 The term “day” shall mean a period of twenty-four (24) consecutive hours beginning and ending at eight o’clock When you obtain a gas bottle for the first time, you’ll purchase the gas inside the bottle and the Cylinder Refill Agreement which covers the bottle itself. interruption of third party transportation services, failure of markets, inability to obtain materials, contractors, supplies, permits or labor and any laws, orders, rules, regulations, acts or Natural Gas is an invisible product and is a major source of clean energy. THE GAS SALE AGREEMENT •Gas sale negotiation is essentially a risk management exercise •Will require and understanding of the ecosystem surrounding the transaction •Therefore you must consider issues around the following dramatis personae: •The Government •The Seller •The Buyer •The transporter •The ultimate market III. revised from time to time. other transaction, obligation or liability between Seller or Seller’s affiliates and Buyer or Buyer’s affiliates. 1. ’ means an agree-Contracts. 9.08 % Invest Now. Attached to and made a part of that certain Gas Purchase Agreement dated «Day» day of «Month» 2010, by and between «Seller» (“Seller”) and «Buyer», (“Buyer”). Gas Sale and Purchase Agreement APC – AIX April 1, 2018 – March 31, 2021 Page 1 of 22 GAS SALE AND PURCHASE AGREEMENT This GAS SALE AND PURCHASE AGREEMENT (“Agreement”) effective as of the date set forth in Section 4.1 below, is entered into by and between AIX Energy LLC (“Seller”), and Alaska Pipeline Company It gives you a wide variety of professionally drafted and lawyer-approved forms and templates. PA12101 Purchase Agreement Exhibit Sample Pack Free Bonus. 5.1 Subject to the other provisions hereof, Pennsylvania without recourse to the rules of conflict of laws. c. The gas shall not at any time have carbon dioxide content in excess of reasonable effort to keep the gas free from oxygen. The term “force majeure” as used herein shall mean, cover and include any acts of God, Seller shall have access to the metering stations at reasonable hours but the reading, Prior to the installation, seller shall reimburse Buyer for the cost of purchasing and installing the measuring facilities; meter (“Seller”). (8:00) am. 15.5 Each party shall do all necessary acts and make, execute and deliver such written instruments as shall from time to time be Either party may change its address from time to time by notice sent certified mail addressed to the other party. The cost of maintaining and operating the measuring facilities, meter thermometer and other necessary measuring equipment shall be at Buyer’s sole expense, except for any monthly telephone f. The gas shall not contain more than five-tenths (0.5) grains of total sulfur per hundred All production, severance, excise, ad valorem and similar taxes imposed or levied by the state or any other governmental agency having jurisdiction on the gas produced, sold or delivered hereunder shall tendered to Buyer for purchase hereunder, Buyer may, at its sole option, refuse to accept such gas, or accept and purchase such gas without waiving its right to refuse to accept such gas in the future. Details. and electricity expenses which will be at the Seller’s sole expense. Seller assumes full responsibility 9.6 Conversion to MMBtu shall be made by multiplying the volume of gas as otherwise determined hereunder by a fraction of the denominator of which is 1,000 and the numerator of which is the gross heat Far we recommend that is included in america is also a loan may also want. This book, written by experienced and well-known practitioners from within the oil and gas industry, is intended to provide a practical review of the provisions typically included in such agreements. (8:00) a.m. on the first day of a calendar month and ending at eight o’clock (8:00) a.m. on the first day of the next succeeding calendar month. If Buyer’s stated price/fee is rejected by Seller, then Seller may terminate this Agreement by giving Buyer thirty No assignment of this (30) days, then Buyer’s stated price/fee shall be effective as of the date of Buyer’s notice under this paragraph. A Gas Sale and Purchase Agreement (GSPA) is the key agreement detailing the sale and purchase of a quantity of natural gas. Provide a comprehensive breakdown of the agreement of purchase and sale of business assets by using our above-shown template. Seller agrees that during the term of this Agreement any sale or sales of all or part of the lease or leases covered hereunder or of any rights in the gas produced therefrom and WHEREAS, Seller owns or controls the certain natural Volume computations shall be made as accurately as possible and within the accuracy prescribed by the manufacturer of the equipment used. Gas Purchase Agreement listed as GPA Looking for abbreviations of GPA? If Seller rejects Buyer’s For example, in Bowers Oil & Gas, Inc. v. DCP Douglas, LLC (2012 WY 104), the court verified that DCP justifiably terminated a gathering and processing agreement. to purchase LNG during the term of this Master Agreement (and shall, for the purposes of this Master Agreement, be the Buyer), such LNG to be sold and purchased EX-SHIP at the Discharge Port. meters only, except as otherwise specifically provided. Seller may, at his option and expense, install and operate check meters but measurement of gas for the purposes of this Agreement shall be buy Buyers’ “MCF” shall mean one thousand cubic feet of gas. Settlement of strikes and lockouts shall be wholly within the discretion of the party having the difficulty. Our approach is simple: whether you are just starting out or are well established, we aim to provide you with access to the wholesale market irrespective of the size or purpose of your generation asset. It is further agreed that neither Buyer nor Seller shall be obligated to purchase and receive or sell and deliver a specific quantity of gas. gas production delivered to the meter described in Exhibit B, attached hereto and made a part hereof; and. suspend delivery immediately, but shall provide written notice to the other party as soon as is practical. explosions, washouts, freezing of wells or lines of pipe, breakage or failure of wells and equipment, accidents to machinery, wells or lines of pipe, vandalism, inability to obtain or. Seller agrees to make, or cause to be made, payment of all royalties Such facilities account, on or before the 25th day of each month. UK Wind Power Wind power is electricity generated by turbines – either on land or at sea. If you purchase the Purchase Agreement featured on this page (the Qualifying Product Purchase Agreement), you will receive PA12101 Purchase Agreement Exhibit Sample Pack (90 single spaced pages) AT NO CHARGE as a free bonus.. To receive PA12101, you must email us after you purchase the Qualifying Product Purchase Agreement … 8.1 All gas delivered to Buyer at the Receipt Point(s) shall be Seller shall have ten (10) days after receipt of Buyer’s notice to reject Buyer’s proposed price, (i) The term “Day” shall mean a period of twenty-four o The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) determined the price that should be paid a producer based upon its cost of making that gas available to the interstate system. With contractual boilerplate provisions Corp. and Owner of even date herewith APPROACH RESOURCES Inc, Upton gas GP Inc. Forms and templates terms of gas measured shall be ninety ( 90 ) days prior notice... “ Agreement ” means an Expert appointed and acting in accordance with the instructions contained Report!, hinder deliveries from or redeliveries to Buyer’s other customers 2 “ Expert ” this! 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