23 October 2020,

This gave some Moroccan Jews hope that they may be able to become French citizens at some point, as Algerian Jews gained French citizenship with the Crémieux Decree. The observer of a typical Moroccan Jewish prayer service will note the presence of Oriental motifs in the melodies. The Sultans also wanted the Jews to be protected for political reasons. The significance of salt includes the commemoration of the sacrifices in the Temple and other Kabbalistic reasons. 2019 Report on Religious Freedom: Morocco," U.S. State Department, (June 10, 2020). ID tags unearthed at the site of the death camp reveal that hundreds of the victims had roots in North Africa. By law, all publicly funded educational institutions must teach Sunni Islam in accordance with the teachings and traditions of the Maliki-Ashari school of Islamic jurisprudence and Muslim students constituted a significant portion of the students at Jewish schools in Casablanca. [24], The Jewish quarters in Morocco were called mellahs. Morocco’s Jews were shielded from the horrors of World War II, thanks to the King’s refusal to deport of any of his 250,000 Jewish subjects. U.S. Department of State, 2000 Annual Report on International Religious Freedom, Released by the Bureau for Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor Washington, DC, (September 5, 2000). Download our mobile app for on-the-go access to the Jewish Virtual Library, Treatment of Jews in Arab/Islamic Countries, Testimony to UNSCOP Regarding Jews in Arab Countries, 2019 Report on Religious Freedom: Morocco," U.S. State Department, (June 10, 2020), U.S. State Department Report on Human Rights Practices for 1996, U.S. State Department Report on Human Rights Practices for 1997, 2000 Annual Report on International Religious Freedom, 2001 Annual Report on International Religious Freedom, © 1998 - 2021 American-Israeli Cooperative Enterprise. It is not, and was not. [32] There's also a kosher version of pastilla. (Indiana Series in Middle East Studies.). In 2008, a project to preserve Moroccan Torah and the words of its Ḥakhamim was initiated. Morocco ’s grand history of which Jews have historically been a part. Middle Eastern Studies 20, no. Bienkowski wanted to construct the first Holocaust Memorial in northern Africa “for educational purposes and to memorialize forced labor camps in the nearby desert during World War II where Jews and others were confined.” The government ordered Bienkowski to leave the country and local authorities disputed his version of events.3a. Jewish Communities of the World. ), The American Jewish Year Book, 2019, Volume 119. Large communities developed in Montreal and Toronto. 6. Algerian Jews were granted right of passage to France, and this only furthered the desire of Moroccan Jews to embrace French culture to the extent of the Algerian Jews. The community has always been religious and tolerant....The younger generation prefers to continue its higher education abroad and tends not to return to Morocco. Men usually wear a white jellaba (jellabiya) cloak while women wear more ornate kaftans. Jewish presence in Morocco dates back at least two millennia, with a large wave of arrivals later as a result of the Spanish Inquisition, Mittelman said. Private Jewish schools may teach Judaism. [29] The Jewish quarters in Moroccan cities were called Mellahs. The henna is believed in Moroccan tradition to protect the couple from demons. In fact, while waves of Moroccan Jewish immigrants from Tangiers, Tetouan, and Larache settled in Belem, Brazil by the end of the 1880s, seeking the fortunes of the rubber industry in the Amazon, North America did not attract Moroccan Jews during those times. Ofer Aderet. This daily publication is currently broadcast in both English and French.[35]. [41] The analysis concludes that Jews from this region do not share the haplogroups of the mitochondrial DNA haplogroups (M1 and U6) that are typical of the North African Berber and Arab populations. The Jews of Morocco were not sent away to concentration camps, and were not subject to the full brunt of Nazi evil. U.S. Department of State, 2001 Annual Report on International Religious Freedom, Released by the Bureau for Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor Washington, DC, (October 26, 2001). André Azoulay currently serves as an advisor to Muhammad VI of Morocco. These differences are reflected in language, foods, last names and even liturgy. In 1963, emigration resumed, allowing more than 100,000 Moroccan Jews to reach Israel.2. Moroccan Jews constitute an ancient community, immigrating to the region as early as 70 CE. Moroccan Jewish living quarters are known as Mellahs, a term that is derived from the Semitic word for “salt”. In 1993, after signing the agreement with the PLO, Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin paid a formal visit to Morocco. There are 13 such famous sites, centuries old, well kept by Muslims. Moroccan Jews constitute an ancient community, immigrating to the region as early as 70 CE. Jan. 10, 2021. [40] Analysis of mitochondrial DNA of the Jewish populations of North Africa (Morocco, Tunisia, Libya) was the subject of further detailed study in 2008 by Doron Behar et al. The government also continued to disseminate information about Judaism over dedicated state-funded television and radio channels.3a. This study also found genetic similarities between the Ashkenazi and North African Jews of European mitochondrial DNA pools, but differences between both of these of the diaspora and Jews from the Middle East. Some have emigrated to Israel for religious reasons, some faced persecution, and others left for better economic prospects than they faced in post-colonial Morocco. The vast majority of Moroccan Jews now live in Israel, where they constitute the second-largest Jewish community, approximately half a million. Some of the Moroccan Piyutim / Jewish Prayer Melodies and Songs - are said to come from the songs of the Leviim / Levites - that were sung on the steps leading to the Beit HaMikdash / Holy Temple in Jerusalem. In Israel, many Moroccan Jews have risen to prominence in politics such as Amir Peretz, Orly Levy, Arye Deri and Miri Regev. In 1992, most Jewish schools were closed, but Casablanca has experienced a bit of a renewal and now 10 schools serve 800 students there.5a, “The Jewish community developed a fascinating tradition of rituals and pilgrimages to the tombs of holy sages. It is even credited that Hitler is not dead, but alive and well, and his arrival is awaited to deliver the Arabs from Israel.3. After reciting the hamotzie blessing over bread, there is a custom to dip the bread into salt while reciting ", This page was last edited on 11 May 2021, at 12:04. ", Pesah פסח – Bibhilou בבהילו – Jo 'Amar ג'ו עמר z"l, http://www.alarabiya.net/articles/2013/02/27/268524.html, "Statistical Abstract of Israel 2009 - No. And, while the majority of Moroccan Jews have left to reside either in Israel, Europe, or North America, Berdugo sees the role of Morocco’s community–the largest of its kind in the Arab world–as one that is emblematic of peaceful coexistence with Muslims. The government subsequently organized a large rally in the streets of Casablanca to demonstrate support for the Jewish community and the king reasserted his family’s traditional protection for the country’s Jews.9, During the pope’s visit in March 2019, the king announced that he interpreted his title “Commander of the Faithful” as “the Commander of all believers… [including] Moroccan Jews and Christians from other countries, who are living in Morocco.”, The State Department reported that on August 27, 2019, authorities in the Al Houz region outside Marrakesh demolished a partially constructed installation described by its builder, German artist Olivier Bienkowski, as a “memorial dedicated to the murdered Jews in Europe and standing against the persecution of minorities such as the Sinti and Romani (Eastern Europe), Muslim Uigurs (China), and gays,” for failing to obtain the necessary permits. Several Jewish citizens, however, reported increased perceived societal intolerance, particularly when news media gave prominent coverage to Israeli-Palestinian issues.”3a. Sources: They said they were able to visit religious sites regularly and to hold annual commemorations. The Moroccan nusach has many unique components but has also incorporated numerous Ashkenazic customs due to the country's proximity and exposure to Europe. [15] In the following centuries, Conversos who had been banished to Iberian colonial possessions in the Americas and the Atlantic reclaimed their Judaism and also resettled in Morocco. Some customs of the Moroccan nusach include: Moroccan Jews have held important positions in the Makhzen throughout their history. Jews were clearly part of the Roman cities that developed in the first century. Similarly, while the frequency of haplogroups L, associated with sub-Saharan Africa, are present in approximately 20–25% at the Berber populations studied, these haplogroups are only present in 1.3%, 2.7% and 3.6% respectively of Jews from Morocco, Tunisia and Libya. Over the years the Moroccan Jews' DNA was examined and studied by numerous studies, the general image of it showed that in terms of Y-DNA it was mainly from the same Levantine source as the vast majority of the world's Jewry, meaning that they too are descendants of the Ancient Hebrews/Israelites from the Biblical times. Sultans put Jews in the mellahs, as what most see as an attempt to ostracize the Jews, and keep them from being exposed to insurgents. :The Mellah of Marrakesh: Jewish and Muslim Space in Moroccos Red City. The grandmother covers the henna, a dough-like paste produced by mixing crushed henna plant leaves with water, in order to lock in body heat and generate a richer color. Jewish people have been living in Morocco since ancient times, and at one time, there were nearly 300,000 Jewish Moroccan citizens. Particularly after the Alhambra Decree, many Sephardi Jews migrated from al-Andalus to the Maghreb as refugees fleeing the inquisition in Spain and Portugal. King Mohammed VI visited the site of one of the attacks the day it occurred and urged the Jewish community to rebuild. Two months later, Hassan met with a delegation of Jews of Moroccan origin, including an Israeli Knesset member. In the case of Ashkenazi and Sephardi Jews (in particular Moroccan Jews), who are apparently closely related, the non-Jewish component is mainly southern European. Against colonial-era predictions that Moroccan Jewish saint veneration and pilgrimage would disappear under the influence of French colonial modernisation, such hagiographic practices flourished in the early-twentieth century and have remained vital into the twenty-first. There have been Jews in Morocco for at least 2,000 years when some 30,000 Jews fled to North Africa following the destruction of the Second Temple. Morocco is perhaps Israel’s closest friend in the Arab world. [22], A small community of around 2,000–2,500 Jews live in Morocco today. Jews had lived in that part of the world since well before Carthage fell, and over a quarter of a million called Morocco their home in 1940. Toronto is known for its significant Moroccan population originating from cities such as. 8. [15] They are referred to as the Megorashim,[16] while the Jews already in Morocco are referred to as the Toshavim. Even before the arrival of Sephardi Jews to Morocco, Moroccan Jews performed and developed the traditions of the Andalusian classical music and introduced it into their Liturgical music. 4 (1984): 212-23. doi:10.1080/00263208408700607, Deshen, Shlomo. [18] The Alliance Israélite Universelle opened its first school in Tetuan in 1862. Morocco, the westernmost country in North Africa, has a rich and treasured Jewish history dating back to antiquity, including legends that say Jews settled in the country before the destruction of the First Temple.Following the establishment of Israel in 1948, many Jews were forced to leave Morocco.Today, the Jewish population of Morocco stands at approximately 2,100 people. [21], Early photographs of Moroccan Jewish families, taken in the early 20th century by German explorer and photographer Hermann Burchardt, are now held at the Ethnological Museum of Berlin. [30] The mellah was not a ghetto and was not structured in a way similar to Jewish quarters in Europe. Jews have left Morocco in the 20th century, but their cuisine, music, embroidery, celebrations, beliefs, monuments are part of the Moroccan spirit known as tamaghrabit, for life. Jews have been living in Morocco since the time of Antiquity. In April and May 2000, the Moroccan government sponsored a series of events and lectures promoting respect among religions.7 Andre Azoulay, royal counselor and a leading Jewish citizen, spoke about the need for interfaith respect and dialogue. By the time of the Yom Kippur War in 1973, the majority of Morocco's Jewish population had emigrated. With every Arab-Israeli war, tensions between Arabs and Jews would rise, sparking more Jewish emigration. Jan. 10, 2021. Shir HaShirim: This is usually read between. In 1965, Moroccan writer Said Ghallab described the attitude of his fellow Muslims toward their Jewish neighbors: The worst insult that a Moroccan could possibly offer was to treat someone as a Jew....My childhood friends have remained anti-Jewish. Morocco once represented the largest Jewish community in the Muslim world. An attack on minorities was seen as an attack on the Sultan's power. Nonetheless, before his death in 1999, King Hassan tried to protect the Jewish population, and at present Morocco has one of the most tolerant environments for Jews in the Arab world. Though the bombings affected the Jewish sense of security, they were viewed by most Moroccans as assaults on the country’s social and political order, and a test of the young king’s power, rather than an act of anti-Semitism. Every year on special dates, crowds of Moroccan Jews from around the world, including Israel, throng to these graves. Ten years ago, King Mohammed VI began allocating funds to restore Morocco’s historically significant Jewish sites and open them to visitors, part of an ongoing project to recognize the Islamic country’s rich Jewish past. [33], Mahia, an aperitivo distilled from dates or figs, is traditionally associated with Morocco's Jewish community. In the 20th century, there were a number of prominent Moroccan Jewish Communists including Léon Sultan, Elie Azagury, Abraham Serfaty, and Sion Assidon.[38]. Eli Cohen (second from left), personal advisor to Grand Vizir who took part in the negotiations on the international status of Tangier in 1923. [24] More than 50,000 Israelis visit Morocco annually. But the creation of Israel in 1948 and the rise of post-colonial Arab nationalism prompted a great aliyah (emigration) to Israel, France, the United States and Canada. Jewish Communities of the World. This was partially due to a lack of stressors to leave. [citation needed]. Jews in Morocco felt like they had … 60 Subject 2 - Table NO.24", "Morocco film searches out Jews who left", Jewish couple in Morocco on the roof of their house, Jewish family during the Feast of Tabernacles on the roof of their house, "Moroccan Jews study high-tech in Israel", "Morocco's little idyll of Jewish-Muslim coexistence", "Blog do Amazônia Judaica: Linha do Tempo da Presença Judaica na Amazônia", "حكاية طبق | الدفينة - المغرب | الجزيرة الوثائقية", "Mahia on the Market: On the History of a Moroccan Jewish Commodity", "Salt of Omer" in the Kehila Centre Website, "Lutte contre la corruption: Sion Assidon refuse la main tendue du PJD", "The Origin of Eastern European Jews Revealed by Autosomal, Sex Chromosomal and mtDNA Polymorphisms", "Counting the founders: the matrilineal genetic ancestry of the Jewish Diaspora", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Moroccan_Jews&oldid=1022596937, Short description is different from Wikidata, "Related ethnic groups" needing confirmation, Articles using infobox ethnic group with image parameters, Articles with unsourced statements from June 2020, Articles with unsourced statements from March 2011, Articles containing Moroccan Arabic-language text, Articles with unsourced statements from June 2018, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Morocco: In 2012 it was estimated that 2,000–2,500 Jews still lived in Morocco, mainly in, Israel: The 1950s saw large waves of Jewish emigration from Morocco to Israel. In Moroccan folklore, the bride is exempt of her household duties until the henna completely fades. In 1956, Morocco attained independence from France. Morocco ’s history of Jewry and the co-mingling of Jews with Berbers and Arabs are a key factor in why Morocco is safe for Jewish travelers today. [citation needed], Most Jews in Morocco lived in desolate areas during the late 1930s. This was in part due to increased taxation by the French protectorate. 2247-2251. Said Ghallab, "Les Juifs sont en enfer," in Les Temps Modernes, (April 1965), pp. [39], Genetic research shows that about 27% of Moroccan Jews descend from one female ancestor. Every year rabbis and community leaders across the world are invited for the Throne Celebration held every July 30th in Rabat. That same year, an unofficial economic boycott was instigated against Moroccan Jews. Dr. Oren Kosansky (Lewis and Clarke College): Hagiographic Modernity in Jewish Morocco: 1912 - 2012. Moroccan Jews have held leading positions in the business community and government. Morocco was once home to the largest Jewish community in the Muslim world, reaching a population of 300,000 at its height. Jews in Morocco Today: Not as Nice as You’ve Heard Olive tree with Fes Medina/Old City in the background centered on al-Qarawiyyin Mosque. They hide their virulent anti-Semitism by contending that the State of Israel was the creature of Western imperialism....A whole Hitlerite myth is being cultivated among the populace. Emily Gottreich contends that Jewish migration to Morocco predated the full formation of Judaism, as the Talmud was "written and redacted between 200 and 500 CE. The History of Jews in Morocco. In an atmosphere of political uncertainty, cultural closeness and economic poverty, many Jews left the country. [28] The word mellah is similar to the Hebrew word for salt, melach (מלח). [17] Many Iberian Jews settled in Fes and Marrakesh. The main reasons for these departures … The major Jewish organization representing the community is the Conseil des Communautes Israelites in Casablanca. The Jews of Morocco represent a remnant of an ancient, thriving community that numbered more than a quarter of a million in 1956. However, unlike the tunes of Eastern rites (Syrian, Iraqi, etc. Traditionally, the Jews were classified as being French-Moroccan or Spanish-Moroccan depending on where in Morocco they lived, and remnants of these classifications can be felt today. Morocco’s King Mohammed V met with representatives from Nazi Germany and Vichy France during the Holocaust to discuss the issue of Jews in Morocco. However beginning around the time of the establishment of the modern state of Israel, through the mid-1960s, almost 90% of Moroccan Jews made Aliyah and emigrated to Israel. The Sultan put the Jews in the Mellah for their safety, as well as to protect the Sultan rulings from being tested by insurgents. The presence of Jews in Morocco stretches back more than 2,000 years. [20], As a protectorate of France, parts of Morocco were heavily influenced by French culture, while the same is true of the portions of the country that belonged to Spain. However, in a rapidly increasing trend, young men from the community are emigrating to Israel and France. "[24] The country has restored 110 synagogues and has the Arab world’s only Jewish museum. Jewish Telegraphic Agency, (March 17, 2004). [30] By the 1900s, most Moroccan cities had a mellah.[30]. ), which were influenced by Middle Eastern sounds, Moroccan Jewish religious tunes have a uniquely Andalusian feel. No Jews were hurt in the attack because it occurred on Shabbat when the buildings were empty of Jews. In May 1999, King Hassan organized the first meeting of the World Union of Moroccan Jews, in Marrakech. [19], After the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948, and due to domestic strife in the 1950s, the next several decades saw waves of Jewish emigration to Israel, France and Canada. Maurice Roumani, The Case of the Jews from Arab Countries: A Neglected Issue, (Tel Aviv: World Organization of Jews from Arab Countries, 1977), pp. Moroccan Jews (Arabic: اليهود المغاربة‎, romanized: al-Yahūd al-Maghāriba Hebrew: יהודים מרוקאים‎ Yehudim Maroka'im) are Jews who live or have lived in Morocco. Normally, the henna will dye skin orange for up to two weeks. Morocco’s King Mohammed V met with representatives from Nazi Germany and Vichy France during the Holocaust to discuss the issue of Jews in Morocco. The city of Fez is where the Jewish presence was most felt historically in Morocco. Sergio DellaPergola, “World Jewish Population, 2019,” in Arnold Dashefsky and Ira M. Sheskin (eds. [34], Traditional Henna parties usually take place within the week before a special occasion, such as a wedding, Bnei Mitzvah, or baby showers. [15], In the mid 19th century, Moroccan Jews started migrating from the interior of the country to coastal cities such as Essaouira, Mazagan, Asfi, and later Casablanca for economic opportunity, participating in trade with Europeans and the development of those cities. Morocco, once home to the largest number of Jews in the Arab world, is doing some serious Jewish outreach these days. "Urban Jews in Sherifian Morocco." 7. "Urban Jews in Sherifian Morocco. The psalms are Chapters 144, 67 and 44 (in that order). Other communities are found in France, Canada, Spain, the United States and South America, mainly in Venezuela, Brazil and Argentina. [28] However, dhimmis such as Jews were tolerated, following the Pact of Umar in the 7th century, unlike the policy of intolerance that the Christians practiced with the Jews at that time in Europe. 2. A significant Jewish population migrated from Spain and Portugal (Sephardic Jews), after the Spanish Inquisition, to the area and settled among Arab-Berbers. Furthermore, just as Eastern liturgical melodies are organized into Maqams, Moroccan liturgy can be classified by Noubas. The role of the Jews in Moroccan society has… RABAT (Reuters) - Suzanne Harroch speaks and sings in Judeo-Moroccan, a language of a once-thriving Jewish community that numbered about 300,000 - one of the largest in the Muslim world. Moroccan Jews constitute an ancient community. 1. Casablanca had the largest community, about 3,000 people. Twenty-nine Muslims were killed. Mimouna is celebrated by many Moroccan Jews on the night following the last day of Passover. 3a. The Moroccan prayer rite itself is also unique among Sephardic customs. Daily emails are sent in both English and French containing the customs, laws, and traditional liturgy of both the French and Spanish parts of Morocco. In his book "Jews of Andalusia and the Maghreb" on the musical traditions in Jewish societies of North Africa, Haim Zafrani writes: "In Spain and Morocco, Jews were ardent maintainers of Andalusian music and the zealous guardians of its old traditions ...."[31], One of the most famous dishes of Moroccan Jewish cuisine is the traditional sabbath meal: skhina (سخينة, a literal translation of Hebrew: חמין‎ "hot"), also called dfina (دفينة "buried"). Get email notification for articles from Ofer Aderet Follow. Many Moroccan Jews were transferred to peripheral, France: Large communities in France include, Canada: In the 1950s Canada began extending visas to Jews from Morocco. The massacres of the Jews by Hitler are exalted ecstatically. It has spread to be an almost national holiday in Israel where it is particularly prevalent in cities where there is a large concentration of Moroccan Jews like Ashdod, Ashkelon and Natanya. [23] As of 2017, according to The Economist, "No Arab country has gone to the lengths of Morocco to revive its Jewish heritage. 9. 3. United States: In 1972 the Moroccan Jewish Organization (MJO), Yiru Enenu: The blessing commencing with the words. Traces of Jewish life can be found in Volubilis, the large excavated city near Meknes. “We are friends here,” said Berdugo. "[14] In accordance with the norms of the Islamic legal system, Jewish Moroccans had separate legal courts pertaining to "personal law" under which communities (Muslim sharia, Christian Canon law and Jewish halakha law-abiding) were allowed to rule themselves under their own system. Emily Gottreich contends that Jewish migration to Morocco predated the full formation of Judaism, as the Talmud was "written and redacted between 200 and 500 CE." Morocco by migrating westward along the Mediterranean coast from the community are emigrating to Israel was suspended Kosansky ( and! 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