23 October 2020,

I will not use increased income to buy another property. It depends on a lot like your lender, state costs and more. I was able to put that equity back to work buying more rentals and still having plenty of cash flow. Wow! I need to study your plan carefully and see what I learn. (I’m from Taiwan and the price in the area I live at least doubled comparing to the price five years ago. I am very impressed and will certainly be looking around your site for more details! New income sources: I have no idea what the future holds as far as opportunities and money. Just curious about how and where you decide to buy the rentals besides using the 1% or 2% rule. of 25% down, or purchase the property all cash and refinance cash out but I am only allowed 65/70% of the priced I actually paid for the property (not the true appraised value). I have 6 properties so far, and planning to buy my 7th. I figure a bird in the hand is better than two in the bush and besides, they never call me. I have big goals in real estate but need some guidance on how to get lenders to lend. Remember 2008? I purchase a rental property with a hard money lender for $230k. What’s your idea Betty? Here’s a way you can invest in real estate with as little as $100…it’s a REIT. I know it will be tough, but I think I can do it. The upside is the value of my portfolio is very high, the down side is, I will continually need large amounts of money to make moves, and this is the problem I am having.. Mark, I am blown away with you 100 home goal. I understand their rules are different and this is the only way i could do this transaction. I have left paid employment and am trading property full time which I have discovered the banks don’t really like when it comes to lending me money. I enjoy the work and interactions with my tenants. Your payments will be higher? I will pay off the half mortgage from 2018 and nine more properties in 2019 making 31 properties paid off. How much can you earn from a rental property? I would love to get that going. The cash I had available to fund more deals. I refinanced on my truck again. I will have $988,800 a year going to whatever I want it to go to at this point. As I grew my portfolio, I focused on buying properties in the $65k–$85k per unit range. Tell me what is the very furst thing to do to own 100 rental properties in 10 years ? If I live to 80 (Like my grandma did) then that’s 62 years from now and in 20 years from now I will be 38.. That’s the age where I hope to have over 5 million. I am going to purchase your book for sure! A person might have to get a commercial blanket loan on the 10 properties and a higher interest rate then they could start financing rentals again once the 10 loans are paid off. Copyright © 2019 InvestFourMore. Your acquisition date of that property will be the date you acquired 100% ownership of it. RELATED: The Surprisingly Simple Math to Retiring On Real Estate. Liked your plan. He benefits by getting out of the corporate grind and learning how to be truly wealthy. We promise you will find ample value from our website. Hi, Thank you for the comment and good luck! I always thought it would be fun to develop land. So I will have to reset my goals to a 101 properties in 10 years. My goal for 2018 is to purchase 12 rental properties. Your cost basis of the property and any other assets listed will be the "adjusted" cost basis you figured on each asset with the math above. While buying both a single-family house for yourself and a rental property might be out of your reach for many years to come, you might be able to swing one two-unit building that fills both roles. As I read your blog I swear it was like reading my entire plan of action through someone else’s eyes. There are great ones out there, but they aren’t building a rental portfolio for themselves. For now I am investing close to where I am because I can manage them and I know the market and can buy them below market. As a disclaimer, I don’t have anything against putting together more creative real estate deals. For example, a $100K home should rent for at LEAST $1000 per month. It will be really helpful to know from where to start to have such goals. There are actually no Keller Williams near by me. For example, let’s say that you buy a house for $100,000: You learn through research that the average rent for that type of property in that location is $1,000 per month. I started a property management company myself. They have no room to expend, grow and leverage, for a chance to put their equity to work.<<. Seems a bit lofty but still amazed to have gotten this far. I am just starting in real estate investing and I am in my late 20s. I also like the diversification of having 100 different properties in different locations than one property. Nobody making 200k should driver that car.. Owning rental property provides not only income but also deductions you can take at tax time. It is based on the subconscious part of our brain and on how it operates our bodies. Would you share with me on how you started a management company. I think you will make much more money using loans than cash. About how much cash one needs to start a successful career in real estate business as you did? I am set on the idea and will use the snowball method to make payments. $300,000/77 is $3900 or so and divide that by 15 years that is only $260 a year and $22 a month. I’d love to swap emails and get some insight from you if you were willing!!! I am constantly changing and adding new goals. I will be 44 at that time. So after the 1st 4 purchases, I have been able to refiance with a 30 yr fixed loan and get 90+% of my cash back and my cash flow per month is positive at min. FYI, people love the car and talk to me all about it. It generates me $350/mo. I purchased 3 properties in 2013 and 2014 in the Houston area in Texas. This is after all expenses, vacancies, and loan payments had been accounted for. I am the founder of InvestFourMore, Managing Broker of Blue Steel Real Estate. After PITI, I make approx. I hope you can get there, and I agree, rehabbing rentals takes a ton of money, I say its like a water truck of money backing up to the place you just purchased, you open the valve wide open at the beginning, and then refill with a trickle from the hose, but it never stops. Are all your rentals in same area? 61 lot occupied. Follow these six steps to file your vacation rental property tax form: Step 1: Report 100% of rental income on Schedule E of Form 1040. It takes a lot of money, time, and effort to buy 100 properties in the right way. I just wanted to add that you inspired me to take night classes to become a residential real estate agent, I just enrolled in my local community college to do just that. I work with almost all the major rental aggregator’s across the country. He’s been there every since. Hi Joe, The hardest part about getting started is saving for down payments. I am very much interested in real estate. I think I was pretty successful. If I had just saved cash flow and not refinanced, the loans could mature sooner and rates go up on the properties I would have refinanced. If, however, you own a house or apartment available for renting or lease, you can generate income with the property, and in some cases, end up with … Search over 8 lakh+ properties on 99acres.com. I love cars and have no regrets about buying them, especially after the Lambo doubled in value after I bought it. I will most likely be better off than my projections indicate if I can buy 100 rental properties. We are all different and I learned a long time ago to go after what makes me happy, not what others say should make me happy. That is $182,400 a year all going toward paying off mortgages. 100 SFRs is a nice push goal to keep you busy for the next decade. That is awesome you have made a transformation. I don’t know when the going-up trend of the house price will stop. This is what I did to maximize the cash I had available. Get complete property information, maps, street view, schools, walk score and more. thank you! Mark, From what I am being told, if I purchased the property with hard money for $230k I will be only be able to refinance with a conv. Are you paying cash or getting a loan? I wrote an article on it called single family versus multifamily. I will refinance two more properties and use those proceeds to buy three more rentals. In 2015, with income and savings, I should be able to purchase four properties. I am for sure! I figured the old saying “you never know until you ask” was a great starting point. Maybe in 10 years i will email you and we can see how our goals have panned out. I will have 15 houses with about $9,400 in monthly cash flow. We’ll rent out the whole thing when we move into a single. Am I disappointed? Jim, you better get your wife on board before you do anything! I would be happy to give advice to anyone interested in buying rental properties. All … Thank you for the comment Mike! If I purchase all cash ($225k) I will only get back approx. Do you use a property management company? Thanks….! I am only 26 and i feel like this has changed my life entirely. Whether it is love, happiness, money, or material items our subconscious has much more power than we think. The more houses you get, the more income you bring in. I’ve also gotten some very bad tenants, and got myself thoroughly “burned”. I would pay off the houses with the lowest loan balance. I have done this for two reasons: 1. It’s just a curiosity. I own them all in cash so I still do alright, but still these costs are staggering and real. Great inspiring article. It may have more return per dollar spent on acquisition if you’re able to reduce operating costs. The increased income will allow me to add another rental and HELOC another as well. Still, I quickly figured out that owning two or three of these properties would NOT be enough to retire on. If I consolidate my portfolio with say (1st Key) I will have 1 new loan at appox 5.4%. What can I do TODAY to move one step forward ? If, the hard money lender was to say for example a $300k loan on the property, then I believe I would be able to almost do a full cash out refinance, walking away with approx. I don’t listen to the news, I pretty much stopped watching television with the exception of Disney channel with my eight year old. I would also try to join an REO group like the NRBA or US REO Partners if you have a lot of REO experience. I must continue this until I can go 21 straight days without uttering anything negative about anyone, anything, absolutely anything deemed a negative comment. If you want to change your life, start visualizing how it should be every day. Good luck! I’ve been doing a lot of (not the exact amount, but you know) and if I can reach 100 houses and let’s say I rent them all out for $650 a month, that’s $780,000 PLUS my income from my trucking business. Now you will enter an entirely new rental property of which you own 100% of. $50,000 per month take home pay seems pretty nice to me! There needs to be a plan of action in place – a sound one I might add. Cap Rate = (Cash Flow/Property’s Value) x 100. As I was reading I kept repeating the phrase “great minds think alike”. I am thinking much bigger thanks to your leadership! They are building a business that sells the idea of owning rentals for long-term wealth to you! What if job market goes down and not many people to rent? I do some buy-and-hold and some buy-and-sell deals now but because of the incredible appreciation for the past five years, I don’t know if buy-and-hold is still a right choice or not. Unbelievable story and goals. Its becoming extremely hard to find those kind of bargains and my only concern is staying focused and avoiding value traps in order to have a aggressive but sustainable growth. Hi Stacy, thank you for the comment and details! One of the most important aspects of the management of properties is keeping a record of landlord documents. Good luck. Hi Arthur! I am a RE Developer in NY (Nassau County LI), I have access to properties at well below market value, but still very expensive avg. I don’t know what is your area or areas of preference but if you have an interest in South Florida we would like to work with you where we have been active with best results for the last 30 years. I really liked reading it and hadn’t thought about the visualization idea. I can no longer cash flow on residential rental properties in my market. They may be able to provide a blankey loan and free up much of that equity. All potential landlords consider the cost of purchasing an investment property, but … THank you Ben! That is great to have so many sources of income. Multifamily is more expensive in my area compared to single family rentals based on the rent to value. I agree it can be overwhelming dealing with maintenance and expenses, that is why I like to buy newer homes if possible and stay away from homes over 40 years old for the most part. Please excuse me as I am outside at an outdoor café called coffee culture here in Mississauga Ontario, and would love to have a conversation with you sometime in the near future (even if only to just say hello and feed off of each other’s aspirations) I would be happy. I get much higher returns on the SFRs now then I can commercial in my area. Your articles are extremely motivating! Buying 100 rental properties will allow me to retire with more than enough money to reach my current dreams and goals. It would be tough to buy 100 houses without a high paying job and being able to save a lot of money. I have read a lot of your posts, and I will continue to do so! I plan to purchase 100 rental properties by January 2023, but I realize that may not happen. I have 2 great relationships with hard money lenders. I have a website for my real estate team fergusongreeley.com 2. A couple of ideas are repeated in books and audio tapes beginning with Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill. I will definitely be following your progress and growth Mark. I can refinance my rentals and have refinanced two of them so far, taking out over 50k total. I will have 59 rental properties with a monthly cash flow of $41,000. If I know that I can reach a goal and if I know exactly how to reach it, where is the motivation for me to push myself? I’ve been reading for 2 hours now. I am also counting on my new attitude and work ideas to create enough extra income to purchase one more rental property. Mark – great article. I know we will be successful. Even though, not sure if I can reach my 1,000 houses by age 60 goal, but hey I don’t see why not, that’s 42 years from now! [email protected]. That’s number 2. By the way I am not in USA but in New Zealand. combined interest on the 4 current mortgaged props is prob. It’s realy exciting.. great idea to make money. I have to train my subconscious to help me reach my goal. Thank you Shawnda! All Rights Reserved. The other aspect of it though is the repairs and headaches and extreme long term costs of holding all these single family homes. This is a pretty advanced strategy and I doubt your lender has ever heard of it. Incredible article. I only buy houses that are well below market value and have great cash flow. I have to be positive all the time. His newly created equity dollars keep compounding with each property he buys and sells. If we are negative and sad, negative and sad things will come our way. How could being positive magically bring positive things into our lives? But throughout the years, I’ve maintained a consistent savings rate of over 70%. I assume my rental properties will not appreciate, but they have already seen huge appreciation in the last two years, increasing my net worth by $600,000. In reality, it’s more likely that you will manage to buy 2, 3, maybe even 4, in a single year. I would like to be able to talk to you on an idea I don’t see you mention that could help you speed this up a lot! Great stuff here! I am having similar problems. Sounds like you are on an awesome path! I have not yet finished reading. Can you elaborate why you would to do that instead on using that money for down payments on more homes? But no matter I will still go forward and face this challenge because I know opportunities and creativity will always there. From my current income, I will be able to buy ten rental properties. Hi Mark, your plan is so inspiring! I have done countless of hours researching and reading people’s stories, so I would say I am on the right track to getting my first rental when I graduate. I started doing research on the brain and on how the law of attraction theory worked. Find great deals on Houses for Rent in your area on Facebook Marketplace. The incredible part is we did not increase the rents at all, even though they are likely to go up over thirteen years. I’m Atlanta. It is very hard to find rentals and I have stopped buying them in Colorado. We know our children will never have to support us financially, and we can be retired and still bring in a pay check. Eventually, you will have a detailed blueprint for how you will get to where you need to go. ( only renting the land. Thank you for the comment! Instead, I focused on maximizing my income from my full-time job and my various business endeavors. why 100 rental properties instead of 10 apartment complexes? Ask and You shall receive is a little different, but has a good message. A couple questions: 1) Do you have a website where you market your properties? My goal is to have 1,000 houses by the time I hit 60. I started off purchasing my home and have it paid for. However now that it is late 2014, I can easily see myself making more than enough money to buy 100 rental properties and have plenty of money left over to do other fun activities. Have you made a plan yet? Rental Properties, Case Studies, Guest Posts, Mindset Training, Retirement. He is the founder of DealCheck—the leading real estate analysis software used by 28,000+ investors and agents to quickly analyze and compare investment properties. That would be very risky if the economy tanked or jobs moved elsewhere and your rents went down. I should have had three by December 2011, six by December 2012, and nine by December 2013. First and foremost, it can help you get your foot in the door to a lucrative career in real estate investment. nice article. Here is a list of a few of the things I would love to do with one million dollars a year coming in and no job! Can you help me find a portfolio lender in Philadelphia? I would also look into buying with hard money and then refinancing. Anywho, by the age of 25 I want to have at least 300 grand saved. At the start of 2013, I reworked all my goals including my rental property purchase schedule. Think and Grow Rich is now known as one of the first self-help books, and many of its basic ideas are still taught today by the world’s most famous life coaches and teachers. Don’t you run into issues with your debt to income ratio? If you are constantly thinking about not having money, then your subconscious will do its best to make that come true as well. So, that’s #3! Very surprised. The economy has never tanked here before so I’m not worried about it now. Here’s why. Please send me an email and lets exchange contact information, Hi Matt, here is my email [email protected]. These are many assumptions and one or more of them may not work out as I plan. Thanks! I am currently trying to put some into a blanket loan. I want goals that make me think and reach for new ideas and systems. I have not used a portfolio lender as of yet. If anyone is able to email me at [email protected] and show me the ropes and help me form a game plan as to how I can join all of you in real estate success, please do so. Find your ideal rental property using our unique search facilities of flats and houses available to rent across the UK. But again we are free to choose out lifestyle, from my view expensive things prolong the time needed to build the empire. And since its commercial getting a mortgage, raising private money or even creating TIC’s will be a much easier sell. That alone would cover most of the note. I do make a higher percentage return on my money having it leveraged over cash since I have less cash into each property. $600 per month cash flow positive (not terrible). Sounds like you have a great plan. Report the rental income the same way for each year you own that rental property. I know it’s a long shot, but I wanted to reach out to you and see if I could ask you a few questions sometime. I want to be wealthy beyond what I’ve ever dreamed. Still runs great though. I usually buy my properties for about $100,000, with a four percent interest rate and 20 percent down, which leaves a payment of $381 for principal and interest. Tax Guy covers the most important federal income tax questions and answers for rental property owners. I will be buying my first rental property this year. In 1991, individual investors owned 92 percent of the Nation’s rental properties. I also think the tenants are higher quality in single family, they are less expenses (tenants pay more bills), and they take less cash for the initial investment. I am a big believer in making big goals and one of my goals is to purchase 100 rental properties by 2023. Managing your own rental property means you’ll also have to handle financial details. https://investfourmore.com/2013/03/05/how-to-finance-more-than-four-properties/. Your plan is very interesting and very inspiring. never finance more than 60% LTV on any one property, or no more than 40% LTV on the entire portfolio, this ensures my ability to re-up my notes. It’s realy different. 70% loan to value would be 210k which should be no problem since the current loan is 230k. Thank you for being you. The crazy thing Mark is that the deals are vanishing and I am finding it hard to stop. looks like as i write this near the end of June 2017 you are a little off course of you goal, less than 6 years to buy what 80+ rentals yet? 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