23 October 2020,

An SBAR specific to AGPs during COVID-19 was produced by Health Protection Scotland (HPS) and agreed by NERVTAG. Enquiries should be submitted using the Enquiry form, COVID-19 Awareness Information for Players, Participants and Parents/Carers, Covid 19 Mental Health and Wellbeing Awareness Training for Coaches and Volunteers. Scottish Government guidance to ensure the safety of customers and staff. This includes all in-home workers such as utility engineers, domestic cleaners, furniture delivery and installations. Updated information on staying away overnight. Protection Scotland’s Information and Guidance for General (Non-Healthcare) Settings for application by food businesses and complements Scottish Government’s Coronavirus (COVID-19): creating and mainting safer workplaces guidance, over-arching sector guidance for easing lockdown and general guidance for safer workplaces. Currently you may travel to your second home in Scotland or within the Common Travel Area excluding the Republic of Ireland (including to a second home let as self-catering accommodation) and stay there with members of your household (or extended household). Meeting other people indoors information updated for Level 0, 1, 2 and 3. From 26 April – 17 May Scotland will be a single Level 3 area. avoid touching hard surfaces with your hands, wash your hands when you arrive, when you leave, when you get home and especially before eating or after touching surfaces, not share food or utensils – if eating, each household should bring, prepare and eat its own food separately, if possible, keep rooms well ventilated – consider opening windows or a door. for more information about moving home, including buying and renting in the private or social sector. The hospitality sector should follow: sector guidance for tourism and hospitality. By law, employers must take all reasonable steps to minimise the risk of the incidence and spread of coronavirus. You must stay within the Level 3 area for non-essential shopping (including Click and Collect) and should only travel out of a Level 3 area for essential shopping if there are no practical alternatives. stay at least 2 metres apart from anyone who is not part of your household, unless in a public venue that is operating 1 metre distancing with additional measures being in place to avoid transmission. Updated list of businesses that can open at Level 2 to include casinos. Latest guidance to support Scottish Governing Bodies (SGBs) to deliver a safe ‘return to work’ for professional and performance athletes and support staff. Unregulated activities and services for children and young people include groups such as Brownies or faith-based classes for children, and activities for parents and children such as baby and toddler groups. Where an individual household includes more than 6 people, they can nevertheless meet as a single household even if the total number of people exceeds 6. Anyone visiting a building will either be required by law to wear a face covering (unless exempt) or be advised to wear one. Also guidance for SGBs and deliverers of education. Please don't provide any personal information. Takeaways can operate as normal. This information is retained for 21 days with a view to sharing with Test and Protect Teams, if required. Link to audio version on SoundCloud added to overview page. You will be asked by the venue to provide your contact details (for each person) for Test and Protect purposes. Updated in line with statement from the First Minister. Updated levels table following weekly review. Children under 12 do not need to maintain physical distance from others. Outdoor contact sports are not permitted, except for professional sport. When visiting you should comply with the physical distancing and hygiene measures in place. Where an individual household includes more than 6 people they can continue to meet as a single household in hospitality premises. you or anyone at home has symptoms - book a COVID-19 test; you have been asked to by NHS Scotland or the Protect Scotland contact tracing app; Help if you need to self-isolate. Read the sport and physical activity guidance. Moray is likely to remain at Level 3. you can meet in groups of up to 6 from 2 households in an indoor public place such as a café, pub or restaurant, you can meet in groups of up to 6 from 6 households outdoors, in a private garden or a public place like a park or an outdoor area of a café, under 12s do not count towards the total number of people or households meeting outside but do count towards the household numbers indoors, you can travel anywhere in Scotland and can stay, in holiday accommodation - but you should not stay in someone else's house, you can travel to England, Wales, Northern Ireland, the Isle of Man or the Channel Islands -, before you travel you must check the travel rules in those countries, you should not go into someone’s house except for certain reasons such as joining your extended household or caring for a vulnerable person, you can provide informal childcare, for example to look after a grandchild, 50 people can attend funerals and weddings, tradespeople can carry out any work in your home such as, cafés, pubs and restaurants can provide full outdoor service, subject to local licensing, and serve food indoors without alcohol until 8 pm, all close contact services including hairdressers, barbers and beauty salons, gyms and swimming pools (no indoor group exercise classes allowed for over 18s), all public buildings like libraries and community centres, leisure and entertainment venues such as cinemas, theatres, nightclubs and concert halls, You should not meet anyone socially who is not in your household indoors, You can go into another person’s home only for certain reasons, such as for essential work, to join your. Updated information on care home visiting. At the start of December, the Earl and Countess of Strathearn travelled to Edinburgh as part of a 1250-mile, three-day tour of England, Scotland and Wales. stay at least 2 metres away from anyone who is not part of your household (, unless in a public venue that is operating 1 metre distancing with additional measures being in place to avoid transmission), are a single parent where all others in your household are under 18 years old, are part of a couple who lives apart – including any children you each live with, update to guidance on compliance with court orders relating to parental responsibilities and rights on, Scottish Courts and Tribunals Service website, Restaurants, cafés, pubs and bars can open, sector guidance for tourism and hospitality, Where an individual household includes more than 6 people they can continue to meet as a, You will be asked by the venue to provide your contact. Coronavirus rules and guidance do not prevent anyone from leaving their home to escape domestic abuse or taking other measures to keep themselves safe from domestic abuse. Building based day services and residential respite/ short break services. Please provide enough information to let us find and fix the issue but don't send any personal information. You should not meet anyone socially who is not in your household indoors in a private dwelling. There are 13 designated CNI sectors including agriculture and food production, activity to maintain the food supply chain, energy and transport. Personal. Places of worship are asked to maintain a temporary register of worshipper and staff/volunteer contact details for a period of 21 days for Test and Protect. Added time when temporary Level 4 restrictions will end on 11 December. You can help by being considerate and by: People are advised to work from home wherever that is practicable. Face coverings and physical distancing rules must be followed. The first Covid-19 vaccinations in Scotland were administered on 8 December. Coronavirus (COVID-19): guidance for the safe use of places of worship. This resource provides guidelines to support safe learning and teaching in curriculum areas which involve practical activities. Public services will be delivered online where possible. Support services do not include close contact retail services, such as massage, which are covered by separate, guidance on one to one support and support groups, Remember that some people may find physical distancing rules harder to follow than others, for example those with sight loss, autism, learning disabilities and dementia. COVID SAFE GROUP TRAINING IN NOAK BRIDGE ... Boxing 壘 Weights . , courts and tribunals. Created with Sketch. Coronavirus (COVID-19) short term action plan 2020-21 ; Scottish Government route map: sport, culture, leisure (21 August 2020) Scottish Government infographic: physical activity for people who are shielding (19 June 2020) Children and young people return to sport after COVID-19 From Monday, hugs and personal contact will be allowed and people can mix indoors in Scotland. We contribute to Scotland’s sustainable economic growth by supporting people and businesses to develop and apply their skills. ... COVID: Scotland's First Minister relaxes COVID rules. Find Children under 12 do not need to maintain physical distance from others. Sport-specific guidance on undertaking sport safely within the current Scottish Government guidance, Latest sport and physical activity guidance. Courts and Tribunals will remain open. Added a link to the timetable for easing restrictions to each page. Non-essential shopping is not an exception to this. By using all three sections of the guidance, an individualised approach to considering how to reduce the risk of contracting COVID-19 at work can be sought between an individual and their employer that takes into account general workplace risk assessments and measures for all staff, an individual’s clinical risk to coronavirus, the nature of the work, the local prevalence of the virus, and … Specific sector guidance can be found at: Places of worship are required to take measures to protect individuals, worshippers, staff members and volunteers from infection by COVID-19. Gov.scot uses cookies which are essential for the site to work. Currently the Pfizer-BioNTech, Oxford-AstraZeneca and Moderna vaccines are being given in Scotland… You should stay at least 2 metres apart from people from other households at all times, unless the venue is operating 1 metre distancing due to additional measures being in place to avoid transmission. Businesses which provide essential services can continue to operate, such as those in the, Critical National Infrastructure (CNI) sector. See further guidance on travel and transport and view maps of local authority area boundaries. All such activity must be done in compliance with industry guidance. Accommodation exemptions added to Level 4 information. It is currently permitted to conduct activities in connection with the essential maintenance, purchase, sale, letting or rental of a residential property that you own or are responsible for. Information on Scottish Governments approach to managing Covid-19 is available at Scottish Government: Coronavirus in Scotland. Exercise is permitted indoors in gyms and indoor sports facilities, abiding by the rules on meeting other households. Supporting employees to work from home where possible is an important part of that. You can meet in groups of up to 6 adults from 6 households for exercise outdoors (under 12s do not count towards the number of people meeting or households), and travel to any other Level 3 area for that purpose. All retailers can open. By continuing to use this site, you agree to our use of cookies. Currently you may travel to your second home in Scotland or within the Common Travel Area excluding the Republic of Ireland (including to a second home let as self-catering accommodation) and stay there with members of your household (or extended household). Email: Covid19OutbreakManagement@gov.scot. By law, employers must take all reasonable steps to minimise the risk of the incidence and spread of coronavirus. Support services section updated for all Levels. Public buildings such as libraries or community centres can open to the public. a shop, face coverings must be worn. ​​. Please see our home moves guidance for more information about moving home, including buying and renting in the private or social sector. From 17 May, mainland Scotland and some islands will move to Level 2. Find out more Updated to reflect the First Minister's announcement that stay at home guidance will remain in place until at least the end of February. Contact sports are not allowed indoors. Where an individual household includes more than 6 people, they can continue to meet outside as a household even if the total number of people exceeds 6. Your feedback will help us to improve this site. Wedding ceremonies and civil partnership registrations can take place with a maximum capacity of 50 people (including the couple and the witnesses), provided the venue’s capacity allows for 2 metre physical distancing. Support services do not include close contact retail services, such as massage, which are covered by separate guidance on this page. 01/10/2020 18:12 BST | Updated 01/10/2020 22:15 BST Scottish MP With Coronavirus Got Train To London And Back Sports organisations will need to refer to guidance produced by their Scottish Governing Body of Sport and ensure they operate in line with the guidance. COVID-19 - the correct order f..... To support colleagues, HPS has produced a short videoclip showing the correct order for putting on (donning) and the safe order for removal (doffing) and disposal of personal protective equipment (PPE) for healthcare workers in a primary care setting. Updated pages to reflect FM's statement and forthcoming changes to guidance. We work with our partners to provide services that deliver the very best outcomes for Scotland’s people, businesses and the economy. Skills Development Scotland (SDS) is Scotland’s national skills body. apply in all public buildings except for those delivering an essential public service. Further details are available from the, museum, galleries and heritage sector guidance, Those responsible for places of worship must take measures to ensure, as far as reasonably practicable, that people are able to maintain a distance of 2 metres at all times from others who are not part of their household, and should limit the numbers attending services accordingly, in line with, guidelines on physical distancing capacity, Places of worship are asked to maintain a temporary register of worshipper and staff/volunteer contact details for a period of 21 days for Test and Protect. Information on children's activities added. Face coverings must be worn indoors. The Scottish Government has now published updated guidance for the tourism and hospitality sectors (16 April). Social care building-based day centres and residential respite services can operate in line with the relevant guidance, following all necessary risk assessments and safety requirements. you must wear a face covering when you go into any retail premises including any indoor area of a shopping centre, unless exempt. Whilst close contact retail service providers will implement mandated safety procedures to ensure the safety of customers and staff, it is an individual’s responsibility to ensure they comply with the following guidance: Customers should be asked for contact details for Test and Protect purposes. In public spaces within regulated (staffed) accommodation, the rules with regard to socialising in an indoors public place apply. Updated guidance on ESF evidence requirements is published and regularly updated on the Scottish Government’s COVID-19 advice and guidance area for European Structural and Investment Funds. The maximum number of people you can meet outdoors in a restaurant, café, pub or bar is 6 which can be from up to 6 separate households. Life. . You can get more information in the sections below. No group exercise classes or sports (contact or non-contact) are permitted indoors. ​​. Some public buildings will operate an on-line booking system and some may have dedicated opening times for high risk groups. They should follow and have implemented Scottish Government guidance to ensure the safety of customers and staff. All home moves are permitted, provided they can be carried out safely. Those at a higher risk of severe illness from coronavirus (including those who had been shielding, people 70 and over, people who are pregnant and people with an underlying medical condition) should strictly follow the physical distancing guidance. Physical distancing and good hand hygiene remain the most effective measures in reducing the transmission of COVID-19. further information and guidance on working in other people’s homes, Tradespeople can work in other people’s homes providing they follow. Information on domestic abuse added to each of the Level pages. You can go into another person’s home only for certain reasons, such as for essential work, to join your extended household or to provide care and support for a vulnerable person. In Level 3 or 4 areas enforcement of residential eviction orders in the private or social rented sectors, cannot take place unless the eviction is in relation to antisocial or criminal behaviour. Specific guidance can be found at: Coronavirus (COVID-19): vehicle lessons. This can include providing emotional support for someone whose wellbeing is at risk, including for those who are isolated because of disability or a caring responsibility or where they are a parent or carer of a child under one. Room service, including alcohol, is allowed as normal. Adults are allowed to take part in organised outdoor sports, personal training and coaching, as well as indoor exercise classes and non-contact sports. out more about cookies, Coronavirus (COVID-19): Scotland’s route map, Find out more about the changes from 17 May, easy read version of our plans for easing coronavirus restrictions (PDF), children and young people gathering restrictions and activities (PDF), guidance is designed to support safe re-opening and delivery of building-based day services for adults, guidance on adult stand alone residential respite, guidance for residential children’s houses, residential schools, secure care, and residential respite/short break facilities. Remember that some people may find physical distancing rules harder to follow than others, for example those with sight loss, autism, learning disabilities and dementia or other communication or mobility needs. POLITICS. Test and Protect purposes. updates following announcement of lockdown to come into force from 5 January 2021. Minor amendment to text re children under 12 in level pages. From 26 April, both colleges and universities are operating ‘Restricted Blended Learning’ in Levels 4 and 3. or to provide care and support for a vulnerable person. This is to support contact tracing as part of NHS Scotland’s Test and Protect system, in the event of an outbreak linked to a particular venue. Calculations for physical distancing guidelines. All indoor and outdoor visitor attractions such as museums, galleries, educational and heritage attractions, zoos and aquariums can open providing there are physical distancing and hygiene measures in place. The maximum number of people who can meet indoors in a public place is 6 which can be from up to 2 separate households. Further information on what this will involve can be, guidance for higher and further education institutions and student accommodation providers, guidance on organised activities for children, a birth partner supporting a woman during hospital visits, visiting someone receiving end-of-life care, supporting someone with a mental health issue, or dementia, or a learning disability or autism, where not being present would cause the patient to be distressed, receive a minimum of two indoors visits a week, one person at a time. Our services remain open and accessible,however the nature of our delivery is changing in response to public health advice. Sports organisations will need to refer to guidance produced by their Scottish Governing Body of Sport and sportscotland and ensure they operate in line with the guidance. Updated level 1 information on socialising and hospitality. avoid crowded shops. All organised sports and activities are permitted, provided appropriate safety measures are followed. Where toilets are part of a larger premises e.g. Table service and the wearing of face-coverings (unless exempt) when not seated by all customers is mandatory in all hospitality venues. Parents. An extended household is a support network that joins two households. Relevant public health advice should be followed, which may mean that support could look different and services may be unable to operate at full capacity. Letter from the Minister for Public Health Sport and Wellbeing (30 July 2020), Mel Young and Joe FitzPatrick joint statement on travel restrictions, Statement from Head of Active Scotland, Andy Sinclair, SAMH Coronavirus mental health information hub, Coronavirus (COVID-19) short term action plan 2020-21, Scottish Government route map: sport, culture, leisure, Scottish Government infographic: physical activity for people who are shielding, Children and young people return to sport after COVID-19, Principles for Participants with Disabilities Returning to Physical Activity and Sport in Scotland (Phase 3 and beyond), Phase 3: Getting coaches ready for a return to sport and physical exercise, World Health Organisation situation report (updates). 2 and 3 Isles moving to Level 4 restrictions will end on 11 December, a of. Uncertain period where toilets are part of that are compulsory for all visitors and staff any of incidence. 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