Note: Much action – TBD means that something needs to happen here but that it is “To Be Determined” during rehearsal, so we’re not sure just what it is yet. Much action – TBD. ��s{g���w�,L\l���e�����5��q����_K p��DC/����`������ki�_X�'[+�u�&�>-mݘH��g:5:l��X��?܂��q5���]�`��n�k��Q�n����$�����w�A�M�0ϓ�z1��^�^ʲ���;_�E!���F�q��5 �ם�:ˆ�F�^Cg� :|�e�Y�+s�W#��HKP�ς�`��%�QJ��N8by6me_��+]_;*O��}/]A�u�6M_�mƦl�w��T1<3. "D������t47�!��>� �l��6N��cE% ���@dbn ��א�'��U!� ��� �̍��͍ 6� j"[�o�? %PDF-1.3 "#[c�Bsd�vBБȀ��`d��p3��â#�8X�;:~����Ll��s�dKdncd�l���t���}��9�~KX���m���휈��ʋ����NfN��v4�fٚ|K�9���o,�`��N�6�DN �o�-�!�����������7������pv4�1�/� ��V G�o�o���_q������Y��K��_R�郹�#�ʄ���ۦ�ӷmSs�D��Ė�������v��s8�+AT����ƶ6V�D� FY[��Q�Ϫ�@��V�������������k�_#K�9�����C�9[Y�X7��/���������������"������#H:|w�����`b�n����Q�� `,o�ddFdb`�=�������m �����'�gf�w���)��Y�|O��� 6�������9���_���s��n��ɿ�S���^�~�GIH�֍ȓ�{��YXq|[�df��������)c��`�F��#�"�'���M������3�JN6�߫�? A Streetcar Named Desire by Tennessee Williams And so it was I entered the broken world To trace the visionary company of love, its voice An instant in the wind (I know not whither hurled) But not for long to hold each desperate choice "The Broken Tower" by Hart Crane SCENE ONE A Streetcar Named Desire was presented at the Barrymore Theatre in New York on December 3,1947, by Irene Selznick. 1 0 obj<>endobj x��ctem�6۶mWR���mgǶmWl�vŶ��m���Gݧ{����}O\�s�������J�ƶ� 1['zf��D¶�� ��;9�������F�� �H `L$0"ba!b���!��sw075s"�RQT�����/�? A Streetcar Named Desire: Themes A Streetcar Named Desire opens with the arrival of Blanche DuBois, a Southern belle who has lost her inheritance, at the New Orleans home of her sister Stella and Stella's husband Stanley. 3 0 obj<>stream A conflict arises %���� 2 0 obj<>endobj It was directed by Elia Kazan,with the following cast: Negro Woman Eunice Hubbell Stanley Kowalski Stella Kowalski Gee Gee James Peg Hillias Marlon Brando Kim Hunter Steve Hubbell Rudy Bond Harold Mitchell (Mitch»Karl Malden A STREETCAR NAMED DESIRE SCENE ONE: [it is dusk of an evening in early May….
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