Thereupon., abandoning his Irish schemes, Warbeck sailed to Scotland, whose young king James IV, had just been seduced by the emperor Maximilian into declaring war on England. A true betrayal. the great collectors before me. enough, importance, crap. as revealing itself" in the facts that particular castes are supposed to be modern representatives of one or other of the original castes of the theoretical Hindu system; that Brahmans will take water from certain castes; that Brahmans of high standing will serve particular castes; that certain castes, though not served by the best Brahmans, have nevertheless got Brahmans of their own whose rank varies according to circumstances; that certain castes are not served by Brahmans at all but have priests of their own; that the status of certain castes has been raised by their taking to infant-marriage or abandoning the remarriage of widows; that the status of others has been modified by their pursuing some occupations in a special or peculiar way; that some can claim the services of the village barber, the village palanquin-bearer, the village midwife, &c., while others cannot; that some castes may not enter the courtyards of certain temples; that some castes are subject to special taboos, such as that they must not use the village well, or may draw water only with their own vessels, that they must live outside the village or in a separate quarter, that they must leave the road on the approach of a highcaste man and must call out to give warning of their approach.".
– Become a word maestro. Whither, we, fleeing, most, valiant, men, you, know, flight. Is PS saying that these right-wingers retained their anarchist credentials after abandoning anarchism?
Sometimes I resent you for abandoning me in the Zone of Death. Find more ways to say abandoning, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus.
But the threatening attitude of Austria-Hungary, with the moderating influence of M Pashich, who became the real, though not the nominal, head of a new ministry in February 1909, induced Servia to accept the advice of the Russian government by abandoning all claim to territorial " compensation," and leaving the Balkan question for solution by the Powers. Soon afterwards he received Schwiebus to compensate him for abandoning his claim on the Silesian duchies, and in a secret treaty made promises of support to Leopold.
In 321 Constantine, seeing probably that he had been wrong in abandoning his usual policy of toleration, sought to retrace his steps by granting the Donatists liberty to act according to their consciences, and declaring that the points in dispute between them and the orthodox should be left to the judgment of God. 490.
As for abandoning his children, there's more to it than you think. The party has … Valerius Messalla, censor in 154 B.C.
There was a general air of festivity and, 11. March 3, 2019
Even Detroit was so expensive to the government of the mother country that there was occasional talk of abandoning it; and so during the last fifty-nine years that Michigan was a part of new France there were no new settlements, and little if any growth in those already established. The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historial usage. I've reluctantly discarded the notion of my continuing to manage the portfolio after my death abandoning my hope to give new meaning to the term "thinking outside the box.
eviscerate claims that scientists are abandoning evolutionary biology.
After abandoning me, he ran away with you wife. He's one tough guy. It was chiefly the mineral wealth of the Cordilleran region, first developed on the far Pacific slope, and later in many parts of the inner mountain ranges, that urged pioneers across the dry plains into the apparently inhospitable mountain region; there the adventurous new-corners rapidly worked out one mining district after another, exhausting and abandoning the smaller camps to early decay and rushing in feverish excitement to new-found river fields, but establishing important centres of varied industries in the more important mining districts. the action or fact of leaving someone or something, usually forever. If you love a girl, it's better to fight for her happiness than to, 28. and The commercial depression was due to many causes; of these the most apparent was the shortage of labour at the Rand mines.
He gazed at Deidre as she admitted to abandoning human-Deidre in Hell.
But Sulla in Greece and Fimbria in Asia defeated his armies in several battles; the Greek cities were disgusted by his severity, and in 84 he concluded peace, abandoning all his conquests, surrendering his fleet and paying a fine of 2000 talents.
A Springfield woman who pleaded guilty to abandoning her two dogs at a rental property after she moved out began serving her jail sentence Thursday
In the last year of the war she was accompanied into Guienne by the duc de Nemours, her intimacy with whom gave La Rochefoucauld an excuse for abandoning her, and who himself immediately returned to his old mistress the duchesse de Chevreuse.
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