[117] Two men who first explored the regions of ice and snow were Horace-Bénédict de Saussure (1740–1799) in the Pennine Alps,[118] and the Benedictine monk of Disentis Placidus a Spescha (1752–1833). In contrast, the southeastern part of the Alps ends on the Adriatic Sea in the area around Trieste towards Duino and Barcola.[20]. The Lauberhorn is the more strenuous downhill race at 4.5 km (2.8 mi) and poses danger to racers who reach 130 km/h (81 mph) within seconds of leaving the start gate. [30] The Tethys was later squeezed between colliding plates causing the formation of mountain ranges called the Alpide belt, from Gibraltar through the Himalayas to Indonesia—a process that began at the end of the Mesozoic and continues into the present. [13][14][15] To the south it dips into northern Italy and to the north extends to the southern border of Bavaria in Germany. Hannibal famously crossed the Alps with a herd of elephants, and the Romans had settlements in the region. [138], The Alps are one of the more popular tourist destinations in the world with many resorts such Oberstdorf, in Bavaria, Saalbach in Austria, Davos in Switzerland, Chamonix in France, and Cortina d'Ampezzo in Italy recording more than a million annual visitors. (2011). The variances in nomenclature in the region spanned by the Alps makes classification of the mountains and subregions difficult, but a general classification is that of the Eastern Alps and Western Alps with the divide between the two occurring in eastern Switzerland according to geologist Stefan Schmid,[8] near the Splügen Pass. Gradually, the mountains were explored and valleys were settled. [139], The tourism industry began in the early 19th century when foreigners visited the Alps, travelled to the bases of the mountains to enjoy the scenery, and stayed at the spa-resorts. In mid-June cows are moved to the highest pastures close to the snowline, where they are watched by herdsmen who stay in the high altitudes often living in stone huts or wooden barns during the summers. Explore 10 of the most historic sporting sites throughout the years with this photo gallery. In some areas the modern practice of building ski runs by mechanical means has destroyed the underlying tundra from which the plant life cannot recover during the non-skiing months, whereas areas that still practice a natural piste type of ski slope building preserve the fragile underlayers. He completed his series of ascents in 1911.
You’re probably already familiar with the big-time European wine producers of France, Italy and Spain. Climatic conditions show variances within the same zones; for example, weather conditions at the head of a mountain valley, extending directly from the peaks, are colder and more severe than those at the mouth of a valley which tend to be less severe and receive less snowfall. [144], During the post-World War I period ski-lifts were built in Swiss and Austrian towns to accommodate winter visitors, but summer tourism continued to be important; by the mid-20th century the popularity of downhill skiing increased greatly as it became more accessible and in the 1970s several new villages were built in France devoted almost exclusively to skiing, such as Les Menuires. The Julian Alps are an offshoot to the south across Slovenia, with links to the lengthy mountain chain that runs down the length of the Adriatic coast, the Dinaric Alps. A number of airports around the Alps (and some within), as well as long-distance rail links from all neighbouring countries, afford large numbers of travellers easy access. [9] The plants that grow at the highest altitudes have adapted to conditions by specialization such as growing in rock screes that give protection from winds. Large hotels were built during the Belle Époque; cog-railways, built early in the 20th century, brought tourists to ever higher elevations, with the Jungfraubahn terminating at the Jungfraujoch, well above the eternal snow-line, after going through a tunnel in Eiger. [73], Alpine plants such as the Alpine gentian grow in abundance in areas such as the meadows above the Lauterbrunnental.
They start at Mediterranean Sea and run north following the border between France and Italy. The peaks in the easterly portion of the range, in Austria and Slovenia, are smaller than those in the central and western portions.[15]. The Alps boast castles and gardens, spas and yodeling, alpine cowbells and schuplattein dancing. The border between France and Italy is delineated by the Maritime Alps, with peaks that emerge almost directly from the Mediterranean Sea, followed by the Cottian, Graian and Dauphine (or Delphinic) Alps, and the Mont Blanc complex. [146] Most of Europe's highest railways are located there. [42], Due to the ever-present geologic instability, earthquakes continue in the Alps to this day. [85], Reptiles such as adders and vipers live up to the snow line; because they cannot bear the cold temperatures they hibernate underground and soak up the warmth on rocky ledges. [77], The Alps are a habitat for 30,000 species of wildlife, ranging from the tiniest snow fleas to brown bears, many of which have made adaptations to the harsh cold conditions and high altitudes to the point that some only survive in specific micro-climates either directly above or below the snow line. [47], Glaciers pick up rocks and sediment with them as they flow.
Wildlife such as ibex live in the higher peaks to elevations of 3,400 m (11,155 ft), and plants such as Edelweiss grow in rocky areas in lower elevations as well as in higher elevations. [106] The Great St Bernard Hospice, built in the 9th or 10th centuries, at the summit of the Great Saint Bernard Pass was shelter for travellers and place for pilgrims since its inception; by the 19th century it became a tourist attraction with notable visitors such as author Charles Dickens and mountaineer Edward Whymper. The Romans, however, had built roads along the mountain passes, which continued to be used through the medieval period to cross the mountains and Roman road markers can still be found on the mountain passes. The tip of the mountain consists of gneisses from the African plate; the base of the peak, below the glaciated area, consists of European basement rock. Browse this gallery to see some of the newest architectural marvels found throughout Europe. [137] In the lower areas where the forests are widespread, wooden tiles are traditionally used. The English word Alps derives from the Latin Alpes (through French). [133], Farming had been a traditional occupation for centuries, although it became less dominant in the 20th century with the advent of tourism. [107], Radiocarbon-dated charcoal placed around 50,000 years ago was found in the Drachloch (Dragon's Hole) cave above the village of Vattis in the canton of St. Gallen, proving that the high peaks were visited by prehistoric people. The lowest of the Alpine passes at 985 m (3,232 ft), the Semmering crosses from Lower Austria to Styria; since the 12th century when a hospice was built there, it has seen continuous use.
But when Christmas time rolls around, some places become nothing short of magical.
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