Dans le film, Kyle affronte les rebelles, Chris Kyle n'a jamais été impliqué dans une version irakienne de «. The route takes about an hour and 45 minutes, passing through classic Texas ranch country: wide-open space, wooded hills, endless sky. The last time Taya Kyle spoke with her husband, she testified at the trial, was around 3 p.m. She reached him on his cellphone, and he told her they had just arrived at the lodge. A forensic psychologist who interviewed the defendant in jail reported that Routh said the number of guns in the truck had made him feel anxious and that he'd become convinced that Kyle and Littlefield were planning to kill him. One of the officers was wearing a body camera, and a recording of the conversation between Chevera and Routh was played in court. Exhausted and running out of options, she turned to Chris Kyle. Il s'agit également du meilleur démarrage de la carrière de Clint Eastwood en tant que réalisateur, qui lui permet de battre le record de Gran Torino, qui, six ans auparavant, n'avait engrangé que 29 500 000 $ à la même période, et le quatrième plus grand succès du réalisateur sur le territoire américain[30]. En France, l'accueil est également positif puisque le site AlloCiné, ayant recensé 36 titres de presse, lui attribue une moyenne de 3.8⁄5[21]. Sauf indication contraire ou complémentaire, les informations mentionnées dans cette section peuvent être confirmées par la base de données IMDb. A short time later, she received official confirmation that Chris and Chad were dead. Le psychiatre lui explique également qu'il peut se rendre utile auprès des vétérans blessés.
At the trial, a police officer said that after Routh's arrest, he had overheard Routh complaining that Kyle and Littlefield "wouldn't talk to me." "You must be Eddie," Kyle said. All rights reserved. Available for everyone, funded by readers. Littlefield, significantly, had never served in the military — they had met on the sidelines at their daughters' soccer games — but they shared an enthusiasm for working out and guns. Le 2 mai 2013, il est finalement annoncé que Steven Spielberg réalisera le film[7],[8]. He was 38. Finally, he served for four months in the humanitarian relief effort in Haiti following the horrifically deadly earthquake of January 2010 and came back with harrowing stories, his father later said, of "fishing hundreds of bodies — men, women, children — out of the ocean, piling them up and throwing them into mass graves.". A lodge guide was dispatched to the range, and he discovered the two men. D'abord distribué en exploitation limitée lors des fêtes de Noël dans quatre salles aux États-Unis, American Sniper prend la 22e place du box-office le week-end de sa sortie avec 633 456 $, pour une moyenne de 158 364 $ par salle, pour un total de 873 667 $ de recettes engrangées[22],[25],[26]. "It just comes as a shock and it's staggering to think that after all Chris has been through, that this is how he meets his end, because there are so many ways he could have been killed" in Iraq, McEwen said. One of the prosecutors asked Watson if his nephew's odd pronouncement and inexplicable new possessions indicated to him that something ominous had occurred. © 2020 Guardian News & Media Limited or its affiliated companies.
Then Routh got his bong and the men smoked a bowl or two of pot. Il va alors consulter un psychiatre, qui déduit qu'il souffre de stress post-traumatique et qu'il culpabilise de ne pas avoir pu empêcher la mort de ses amis. Trevor Cox, the director of Fitco Cares, a foundation Kyle helped establish for veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder, described Kyle as a humble man who wanted to serve his country and help other and who died "doing what filled his heart with passion – helping soldiers struggling with the fight to overcome PTSD". Eddie Ray Routh, 25, tall and bearded, appeared from the back of his house. His two kids attended the elementary school where she worked, so when he came to pick up his children, she approached him as a last resort. Routh told one of the psychologists who testified that he shot Littlefield first, then Kyle. "Are you okay?" Elle lui parle de sa grossesse, et il apprend qu'il va être l'heureux papa d'un petit garçon. As darkness fell, police, sheriff's deputies and Texas Rangers descended on the scene. Les attentats du 11 septembre 2001 renforcent sa motivation de réussir sa formation de sniper. Asked whether it was part of the organisation's program to take veterans to gun ranges, Cos said: "We haven't ever done a shooting event, but in my opinion I don't think there's anything inappropriate in what he was doing something a lot of military people enjoy. Christopher Scott Kyle, dit Chris Kyle, né le 8 avril 1974 à Odessa (Texas) et mort assassiné le 2 février 2013 dans le comté d'Erath (Texas), est un officier marinier et tireur d'élite de la marine américaine, membre des Navy SEALs.
Within a year, his life was falling apart. Privacy | Whatever transpired on the trip to Rough Creek, such camaraderie didn't seem to materialize. Chris Kyle devient papa pour la deuxième fois. He became an armorer, repairing and maintaining small arms, and shipped out to Iraq in 2007.
Laura called her mother, Jodi Routh, and told her what Eddie had said. The next day, autopsies revealed that four of Kyle's six wounds were determined to be "rapidly fatal," and four of the seven wounds that Littlefield received were likewise deemed unsurvivable.
And something about Routh's behavior had spooked Kyle and Littlefield, too. Il réussit néanmoins à s'enfuir avec son unité sain et sauf. "I'm driving a dead man's truck." Chris Kyle, author of American Sniper and the most lethal sniper in American military history, was killed on Feb. 2, 2013. Littlefield was lying on his back on the shooting platform and Kyle was facedown in the grass nearby. Any time there is a veteran through our organisation I'm aware of it. He had been shot twice, had undergone reconstructive surgery on both knees and had dangerously high blood pressure, impaired hearing and floaters in his right eye. New details that emerged at the capital murder trial of Routh at the Erath County District Court in the small ranching town of Stephenville, Texas, offer a riveting and disturbing account of the tragedy that befell the man they called The Legend. Chad Littlefield, a 35-year-old friend of the war veteran and author, was also killed at the scene. Il succombe en 2009 des suites d'une opération chirurgicale de reconstruction faciale qui a mal tourné, après s'être marié, Jason Hall, le scénariste du film, a admis avoir exagéré dans le film l'utilisation du, Le film mélange les différents intervenants du conflit lorsqu'il enchaîne les scènes d'action relatant les quatre déploiements de Chris Kyle en Irak. Sometime that evening, Routh drove to his home in Lancaster, picked up his dog, Girley, and drove off before police had staked out the location. The men had never met, but Routh's life was like a distorted mirror of Kyle's. … Is the apocalypse upon us right now? On Jan. 19, 2013, he had another psychotic episode, holding Weed and her roommate prisoner in their apartment while brandishing a knife until police arrived, and he landed at the VA hospital once more. On Tuesday, after less than two and half hours of deliberation, the jury found Routh guilty of murder and minutes after that verdict was announced, the judge issued a sentence of life in prison without the possibility of parole.
"If I could figure out the number of people I saved, that's something I would brag about," he told NBC News' Lester Holt. (The filmmakers had considered but ultimately omitted a final scene portraying the killings, partly in deference to Kyle's widow, Taya, and her children.) Le 2 février 2013, il explique à Taya qu'il a promis à une femme de rendre service à son fils, un ex-marine, et de l'emmener tirer. They were hanging out on the back porch when Watson heard a loud diesel engine in front of the house and the crunch of a man walking down the gravel driveway. ", "Chris died doing what he filled his heart with passion – serving soldiers struggling with the fight to overcome PTSD.". Unlike Kyle, who joined the Navy at 24 after attending college and working as a rodeo rider and cowboy, Routh enlisted in the U.S. Marines at the age of 18 in 2006. She said that she had heard he was spending a lot of time helping other veterans with disabilities and PTSD and told him about Eddie's deepening crisis. … Is this about hell walking on Earth right now? After the shootings, Routh drove to his sister's home in Midlothian and told his sister and brother-in-law what he had done, police said.
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