The Armenian Apostolic Church has its spiritual center at the Etchmiadzin Cathedral. Adherents call themselves "Hetans" (Hetanos հեթանոս, the Old Armenian biblical term loaned from Greek ἐθνικός "gentile"). His sister – Khosrovidukht saw a dream about her brother and Gregory. Updates? When Gregory was imprisoned, a group of virgin nuns came to Armenia. The reason for that was the fact he was feeling guilty for the sins of his father – Anak who killed the father of the king Tiridates. Armenia became the first nation to declare Christianity as its state religion in 301 AD. Tiridates ordered to bring them to his palace when he was told about an exceptional beauty of one of the virgins whose name was Rhipsime. La principale religion présente en Arménie est le christianisme, dont les fidèles forment 94,7 % de la population[1]. In 301 AD Armenian Apostolic Church became the first branch of Christianity that was adopted as a state religion. Most Jews, Mormons, followers of the Baháʼí Faith, Eastern Orthodox Christians, and Western Catholic (Latin Rite) Christians reside in the capital Yerevan, which has attracted a greater variety of peoples. In future years, churches were built near the Ejmiadzin Cathedral in honor of the martyred nun Hripsime and the head of her order, Gayane, who were canonized. His miraculous power amazed the king, and he decided to proclaim Christianity as the official state religion in Armenia. En effet, le gouverneur de la Cappadoce, dérangé par ses activités, le fit arrêter et quand il voulut l'éliminer définitivement en le noyant, Saint Blaise marcha sur l'eau. Use our interactive map to find out", "World's largest Yazidi temple under construction in Armenia", Advocates on Behalf of Jews in Russia, Ukraine, the Baltic States, and Eurasia: Armenia and Jews, "Aqasi, Haji Mirza ('Abbas Iravani)(c. 1783–1849)", "The Baháʼís of the Caucasus: From Russian Tolerance to Soviet Repression {2/3}", "From Islam to Feminism via Baháʼí Faith", "Notes on Research on National Spiritual Assemblies", Armenian Apostolic Orthodox Church Library,, Articles with unsourced statements from June 2018, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Charles, Robia: "Religiosity in Armenia, Georgia and Azerbaijan" in the, Harutyunyan, Harutyun: "The Role of the Armenian Church During Military Conflicts" in the, This page was last edited on 18 October 2020, at 04:30. This separate remnant of Armenia—some 20 miles away from the existing border—was created by policies of the former U.S.S.R., when ethnic and religious groups were intentionally split apart. Copyright © 2020 «Armenian Trip» | All rights reserved. Armenia is the first country to adopt Christianity as a state religion. Although Gregory was imprisoned for 13-14 years, Khosrovidukht ordered to retrieve him. One of the devotional practices of the Armenian Church is the beautiful custom of burning candles in front of the holy pictures. Celle-ci sépare en outre l'Église apostolique arménienne de U.S. Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor, Country Reports on Human Rights Practices, Dernière modification le 3 octobre 2020, à 14:49, Église apostolique assyrienne de l'Orient, Église de Jésus-Christ des saints des derniers jours, Persécutions anti-chrétiennes dans le bloc de l'Est (1917-1990),,,,énie&oldid=175249559, licence Creative Commons attribution, partage dans les mêmes conditions, comment citer les auteurs et mentionner la licence, Saint Blaise en 316 après Jésus-Christ. The church has its roots in the Pietistical Union, a Bible study group from that era. À l'époque, cela signifiait faire face aux persécutions, et Saint Blaise se fit arrêter dans ses activités religieuses parce qu'il s’affairait à soigner des hommes et des bêtes sauvages. La présence du judaïsme en Arménie est historique et remonterait au règne de Tigrane II, roi de 95 à 55 AEC. Environ 2 % de la population de l'Arménie, principalement des Kurdes vivant dans la partie occidentale du pays, sont adeptes du yézidisme. They live in 19 villages in the Aragatsotn Province, two villages in the Armavir Province, and one village in the Ararat Province. [13] Following Perestroika, the first Baháʼí Local Spiritual Assemblies of Armenia form in 1991[14] and Armenian Baháʼís elected their first National Spiritual Assembly in 1995. [13] As of 2010, it was estimated that there were roughly 1,200 Baháʼís in Armenia.[15]. By signing up for this email, you are agreeing to news, offers, and information from Encyclopaedia Britannica. En 301, le pays devient le premier État à adopter le christianisme comme religion officielle, lorsque Grégoire Ier l'Illuminateur convertit le roi Tiridate IV. Traditionally, the Armenian Church recognizes the Catholicos of All Armenians as its leader. Many Yazidis came to Armenia and Georgia during the 19th and early 20th centuries to escape religious persecution. Our editors will review what you’ve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. Although centered in Armenia, its practitioners are located in several other countries, particularly in Poland, Lebanon, and Syria. She was convinced that Gregory was alive in the dungeon and that he was the person who had the power to save her brother. The Armenian Church is a self-governing body within the Oriental Orthodox Church. Religion of Armenia is Christianity. According to the Census of 2011, there are 1,733 Nestorians in Armenia. He resides in Holy Ejmiadzin, where St. Gregory the Illuminator established the Armenian Church in 301.The Mother See of Holy Ejmiadzin is the pre-eminent center of authority in the worldwide Armenian Apostolic Church. In 301 AD Armenian Apostolic Church became the first branch of Christianity that was adopted as a state religion. For its worship services the Armenian rite is dependent upon such books as the Donatzuitz, the order of service, or celebration of the liturgy; the Badarakamaduitz, the book of the sacrament, containing all the prayers used by the priest; the Giashotz, the book of midday, containing the Epistle and Gospel readings for each day; and the Z’amagirq, the book of hours, containing the prayers and psalms of the seven daily offices, primarily matins, prime, and vespers.
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