23 October 2020,
When her defiant father becomes ill and an environmental disaster causes ferocious floods to engulf the area, Hushpuppy is forced to survive on her own. Setting/Location Purpose/Plot -One of the first scenes from movie -This scene is located in 'The Bathtub,' the small area in Louisiana where Hushpuppy and her father live -Introduces: life in The Bathtub before storm (setting), main characters (Hushpuppy, father, other Magical, poignant and poetic, BEASTS OF THE SOUTHERN WILD is one of the most original and unique cinematic journeys you will ever experience.Yours to own now: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Beasts-Southern-Wild-Quvenzhan%C3%A9-Wallis/dp/B00ESQG9UW/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=Beasts+of+the+Southern+Wild\u0026qid=1560259314\u0026s=gateway\u0026sr=8-1 On a small southern Louisiana island exists a forgotten ramshackle town known as The Bathtub, the proud home of six-year-old Hushpuppy and her father Wink. Now she must face the elements, her destiny and prehistoric beasts that have awoken from their frozen graves. Behn Zeitlin's film covers a lot of hot-button issues while never explicitly saying it's covering said hot-button issues: Hurricane Katrina, the growing disparity between the haves and have nots and global warming all feature heavily in "Beasts of the Southern Wild" without ever being … BEASTS OF SOUTHERN WILD - Feed Up Time - Film Clip - YouTube "Beasts of the Southern Wild": Opening scene "Beasts of the Southern Wild" is an easy movie to love.
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