Das Festival für Euch zu präsentieren, bedeutet für uns fast tägliche, umfangreiche Vorplanung in unterschiedlichsten Bereichen, frühzeitige Vertragsabschlüsse, enorme finanzielle Vorleistungen und und und... eine To-Do Liste welche manchmal kaum zu enden scheint! Gebt gut aufeinander acht... Black Forest ON FIRE Peter, Michel & Daniel und die gesamte ON FIRE-Family. Vielen Dank an alle die da waren und mit dazu beigetragen haben, dass alles so reibungslos und friedlich über die Bühne und das Gelände gegangen ist. Data map: On August 16, 2020, local time, the fire in the Amazon Rainforest Reserve south of New Preso, Pará, Brazil, continued with thick smoke. Forest fires mainly affect the two Brazilian biomes of the Amazon and Pantanal. Jeder hat, mit unserem vollsten Verständnis, auch die. Officials with Colorado Parks and Wildlife (CPW) are asking for help from the community with tracking down a person who poached a deer in a small Colorado town. Read more » STAGE II BURN BAN NOW IN EFFECT! If those unfinished bottles of medication from that cold you had five months ago are still crowding your medicine cabinet, you’re in luck! Three people are dead after investigators believe a man lost control of his truck on I-25, crossed over the median, and slammed into an oncoming car. Copyright 2020 KKTV. EL PASO COUNTY, Colo. (KKTV) - Firefighters with Tri-Lakes Monument Fire Protection District were able to make quick work of a fire in the Black Forest area Monday night. Wir danken für Eure Einsicht und wünschen Euch viel Zuversicht & Energie in Eurem Leben. BFOF News – Verzichte müssen nicht unbedingt Verlust bedeuten! Dear Neighbors, and Timber Meadow Drive, just off Highway 83. A family and their pig were forced to evacuate their home joining hundreds of people impacted by a wildfire. To protect the lives and property, of the citizens and visitors of the Black Forest Community, from the effects of fire, medical emergencies, hazards, environmental incidents and other emergency situations. Um diese Energie am Leben zu erhalten sind jedoch auch, gerade in Bezug auf das momentane Weltgeschehen, gewisse Entscheidungen von Nöten. Vermutlich kann keiner von uns abschätzen wie sich die Lage in den nächsten Monaten entwickeln wird und ob im Sommer Veranstaltungen in dieser Größenordnung wieder zugelassen werden. Wir wollen dass das Festival zukunftsfähig bleibt und keine finanzielle Bauchlandung erleidet. GERNE stehen wir Euch hierzu auch Rede & Antwort falls Euch etwas auf dem Herzen liegt. Many of you who live in that area have noted... PJ Langmaid has been serving as Interim Chief of Black Forest Fire Rescue since May 2019. Black Forest Fire Rescue is working with the City of Colorado Springs to end the dual taxation the citizens are currently paying for fire protection and emergency medical services. Crews were able to quickly contain another small fire Monday night in the Black Forest area. Quick responses knocked down this fire before it became too large. As of 1200 pm today August 24th , 2020 El Paso County is … Our crews are dedicated to your safety and protection but…, Black Forest Fire/Rescue is hiring qualified Fire/Medics and Fire/EMT's for full time employment. The Black Forest Fire Rescue Protection District (BFFRPD) is made up of areas that were originally comprised entirely of unincorporated areas of El Paso County, Colorado. As more and more people are fleeing their homes because of wildfires, other people are offering to help. Photo of a grass fire in the Black Forest area on 10/14/20 (EPC Wildland Fire) By Tony Keith Published: Oct. 14, 2020 at 5:00 PM MDT | Updated: Oct. 14, 2020 at 6:30 PM MDT According to fire crews on the scene, the blaze scorched about 2-3 acres. Although there’s no official word on the East Troublesome Fire being deadly in Colorado, a man tells 11 News he’s certain his grandparents perished together as a result of the massive blaze. Liebe Festivalbesucher, Liebe Black Forest on Fire Family: Es fällt uns außerordentlich schwer, Euch Heute mitteilen zu müssen dass wir unser diesjähriges Festival, situationsbedingt leider auf kommendes Jahr verschieben werden!Unser ganzes Herzblut steckt jährlich in der Planung und Ausführung des BFOF-Festivals. Authorities in Teller County believe a person or people are behind horrible injuries to a small dog. Das "Black Forest on Fire 2019" war ein voller Erfolg. The cause of that fire is also under investigation. Der Veranstalter sind 3 Reggae-Freaks und eine riesige Helferschar die Freedom, Music und Good Vibes versprühen. pic.twitter.com/816Fk0qrVE. The cause of the fire remains under investigation. § 24-33.5-…, DENVER, March 21, 2020: The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) asks the public to preserve critical health care resources, especially emergency medical services and personal…. It was reported just before 5 p.m. and contained about 20 minutes later. Black Forest On Fire GmbH & Co KG // Bergwerkstraße 6 // 77791 Berghaupten, Startseite // Anfahrt // Impressum // Datenschutz // KontaktAGB Onlineshop // Widerrufsbelehrung, SinusQuadrat – der Internetagentur und Software-Entwicklung aus Offenburg, Aktuelle Infos findet ihr auf unserer Facebook Seite >. Crews quickly contain brush fire in the Black Forest area Wednesday night, National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day on Saturday, WANTED: Archer who poached a deer in Palmer Lake, the animal had to be euthanized, Family among hundreds forced to evacuate for a wildfire in Colorado, Man believes his grandparents perished in a Colorado wildfire, 3 Colorado Springs residents killed in a crash on I-25, including a teenager, Calhan woman offers up property for wildfire evacuees, People in Colorado should expect a message on their phone this Sunday from the state about COVID-19 contact tracing, Authorities in Colorado need help locating the person or people responsible for injuring a small dog. This includes the burning of clean…, The numbers below are for the community to call if you have questions about status of event or need information. The cause of that fire is also under investigation. This November 3rd the voters will have the opportunity to vote to stabilze the public safety in our state. So schaut es leider aus, traurig,..gar nicht schön so etwas zu entscheiden und Euch mitzuteilen. Wir lieben diese Aufgabe und sind sehr glücklich was wir in den letzten Jahren gemeinsam erreicht haben! Fire officials on scene later clarified there was only one fire that had spread in two different areas. Although there is no official word on the East Troublesome Fire being deadly, a man tells 11 News he believes his grandparents perished in the blaze. The grass fire was burning in a neighborhood near Swan Road and Herring Road close to Pinery Circle. However, the images of the mountains on fire and a line of cars trying to get out of town are all too familiar for many living in Olympic City, USA. another small fire Monday night in the Black Forest area. Responding mutual aid with Black Forrest Fire Department on a grass fire in the 7600 block of Pinery Circle. Das Reggae-Festival in Berghaupten ist ein familienfreundliches Festival in idyllischer Umgebung mit internationalen Reggae-Künstlern, Camping und internationaler, vegetarischer und veganer Küche. Aber die Gesundheit ALLER ist unser höchstes Gut. Southern areas of the District were annexed by the City of Colorado Springs, creating both a dual response area and a dual taxation area…, Black Forest takes delivery of two new 4x4 ambulances, BLACK FOREST FIRE/RESCUE PROTECTION DISTRICT, A Message for Residents in Dual-Response Areas, Black Forest Fire Rescue Fire Chief Named, Black Forest Fire Rescue takes delivery of their new ambulances, Vegetation Management and Burning Information. Please call either, 211 or 575-2888, WHEREAS, the Black Forest Fire/Rescue Protection District ("District") is a quasi-municipal corporation and political subdivision of the state of Colorado and; WHEREAS, pursuant to C.R.S. Please call either. Liebe Festivalbesucher, Liebe Black Forest on Fire Family: Es fällt uns außerordentlich schwer, Euch Heute mitteilen zu müssen dass wir unser diesjähriges Festival, situationsbedingt leider auf kommendes Jahr verschieben werden!
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