Aug 19, 2015 @ 2:34am Windows 10 running well the game!!! Could you maybe direct link it? Extract to the installation folder and overwrite. © Valve Corporation. Uncheck "Disable Alt-Enter to toggle screen state". 60fps i think, because it's 100% smoth all the time. Open a text editor and add the following. This is a very easy trick you can do with your CD-Retail Blood 2 Version to run it on any Windows 64bit, this was tested with Win 7 and is probably going to work also with Windows 8/8.1, Just make sure to install the latest Direct X Before beginning . Make sure that "Always specify these command-line parameters" is checked and click "OK". Create a folder wherever you want your game to be . All rights reserved. At over 60 fps, mouse is jerky and cutscenes are too fast cutting off characters' voice lines. How can i get it this game, anyone pls help me? Thanks. The old games are! Unzip to the installation folder and overwrite. If the Custom folder doesn't exist, create it manually first. Make sure that "Always load these rez files" is checked and click "OK". Unzip the files to the installation folder. I tried different options and fixes, but nothing works. Game runs 100% perfect here!!! UHD resolution kills it though :), in shogo try using DGVOODOO with compatibility mode with windows 98! I got it to work on Win10, But I did not try out the widescreen patch. Run Blood II launcher, click on "Customize", select either "WidescreenPatch.rez" for Blood II or "WidescreenPatchNm.rez" for the Nightmare Levels and click on "Add". Blood II: The Chosen + Expansion > General Discussions > Topic Details. Español - Latinoamérica (Spanish - Latin America),, Whenever you enable and disable the Nightmare Levels you have to add the right patch and remove the other one. Does anyone have something similar for Shogo? I cant get Blood II Steam version to work on Windows 10. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. I'll follow this guide and hopefully it'll fix my performance issue. Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. PLUS: Do not use msi afterburner in the game, it make the game work at 2fps! Go to the MS folder and copy. Adjust the values according to the resolution and horizontal FOV you want to play with (FOV parameter is optional). Thanks a bunch! But ive tried a lot of fixes or things. Blood II: The Chosen begins in the year 2028, 100 years after the original events in Blood. and blood II is not diff from other old GAMES. ↑ Not Loading in Windows 10; this will break thousands of - Microsoft Community - last accessed on 2017-01-16 ↑ Microsoft - MS15-097: Description of the security update for the graphics component in Windows: September 8, 2015 - last accessed on 2018-02-16 ↑ 3.0 3.1 3.2 VOGONS • View topic - Blood 2: The Chosen On Windows 8, 8.1 Español - Latinoamérica (Spanish - Latin America),, Blood 2 client.exe launch error (0xc0000022) The Application was unable to start correctly Click Ok to close the application, Ultimate Fix Blood 2 - additionnal steps for Logitech hardware users. Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. Instead of the Build engine used in Blood , Blood 2 designers opted this time to use the enhanced version of Monolith's in-house LithTech engine. I get MFC Error Extract the ".REZ" files to a "Custom" folder in the installation folder. Start the game by double-clicking the .bat file you created. Blood 2 the chosen on windows 10,64bit Hello i just wanna to know how do i make to run blood 2 the chosen on windows 10,64 bit i have brought the gog.version but even when i install the two patches and the dgvoodo 2 the game doesn't work properly can someone helpe me Click Apply. Widescreen patch only supports up to 1440p. Well people i have solved my problem already but thanks for send me this tutorial golden warrior. Game logic is tied to frame rate. elishacloud/dxwrapper Wiki, Ultimate Fix Blood 2 :: Blood II: The Chosen + Expansion General Discussions, Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial Share Alike. On win 10 I can go with win 7 compatibility. hahaha Just desactive the afterburner using its pre configured key. Hello i just wanna to know how do i make to run blood 2 the chosen on windows 10,64 bit i have brought the gog.version but even when i install the two patches and the dgvoodo 2 the game doesn't work properly can someone helpe me. If I've got to adjust and mess with a bunch of crap just to get it to run... then I really don't care. GL. All rights reserved. The version has trouble detecting any joysticks. hahaha, here are 100%, for me who are disguss with the actual games (bf4 bf3, cod's etc...) *they are just beautifull'', they don't deserve the name ''game'' because they are not ''cool or fun to play''. Caleb, Blood’s undead anti-hero, has walked the earth this entire time, mostly minding his own business, trying to get through day-to-day life, and going on the occasional mindless rampage when the mood strikes him. I Was testing here, and using this guide: Link doesnt work! Save as a new file with the .bat file extension. ShiNOOBi. Open your "Blood 2" CD . At extremely high frame rates, game runs inhumanly fast. Set "Antialiasing (MSAA)" to the desired samples. © Valve Corporation. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. Includes "The Nightmare Levels" expansion. Description of Blood II: The Chosen Windows Blood 2 is a fun sequel to Blood , a cult classic FPS from Monolith.
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