His sister is just like him, and after the two unite, Eliza robs him blind and escapes on her fighter jet. One of his skills is "Rolling Thunder", which was the name of the legendary grenade mod he dropped as a boss. she uses a Cryo revolver to fight the Vault Hunters. Felcitiy puts it best when she goes on the attack after being plugged in. just to put a bullet in Roland, Lilith and Moxxi's faces, destroys the Claptrap product line and guns down Claptrap himself. ultimately does what he does for Claptrap's sake, and keeping the H-source out of Jack's hands. Introduced the invasive species known as the Threshers to Pandora, tentacled burrowing creature who were apparently tiny on Elpis before being allowed to grow much larger when brought to another environment. They intend on using the moon base's. Jack had him poisoned prior to his boss battle. In the Pre-Sequel, he can essentially mimic Zer0's Decepti0n as one of his VaultHunter.exe abilities. What ultimately causes Jack to forcibly turn her into the combat AI without making a backup of her. The last one, as it turns out, thinks this makes her even more attractive. His abilities have elements of this: Going into Fight For Your Life makes him more dangerous, not less. Funnily enough, this actually helps him survive easier, since enemies like to keep their distance during FFYL mode so you can't get your Second Wind. This is where knowing each of the four character classes proves useful. The only Vault Hunters who are close to this are Athena and Timothy. An optional ECHO has her mentioning she had "years of experience" and it wasn't empty boasting. The charm automatically homes in on nearby targets and attaches to them, dealing Cryo damage in an area around them. After an accident, the puppy went berserk and attacked her, tearing at her throat, while her mother laughed. A group of murderous Dahl soldiers who have taken over Hyperion's moon base. In the end scene she acts downright flirty with Timothy, going to far as to imply that he might actually have a shot at taking her on a second date for who he is rather than taking Jack's place, and possibly something more lasting. As EOS, he'll occasionally say that Jack would do worse things with the H-Source than he would, but considering his own abilities, it's not hard to assume he could outdo Jack. With Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel available for Xbox 360, PS3 and PC, players venture onto the moon with one of four classes, each of whom work for series villain Handsome Jack. Her disregard for the poor isn't just talk, she doesn't give two shits about her COV reinforcements and will gladly kill them with her attacks while fighting you. ", she joins in for the final battle against the Traveler, Fiona insists that Athena was following and attacking her, Athena. Shortly thereafter said friends laugh and high-five when Jack shoots him and leaves him for dead. 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This mod contains Borderlands: The Pre Sequel saved games that include all the gear in the game at level 70. The Voice: In Borderlands 2, he was simply a voice in the Jack ECHO Logs. Shadowtrap, on his last form, uses it. The intro isn't any easier on him. She gets along well enough with all the Vault Hunters though she clearly likes Athena the most, and turns icily polite when Doppleganger Jack tries to flirt with her. Let's not kid ourselves, but you. Above all else, they helped bring Handsome Jack into power, if just by escorting him to the Vault like they were hired to. They were only deployed when Zarpedon was dead and Elpis was saved to clean up the remaining Lost Legion still fighting back on the Vault, meaning that wiping her personality could very well have been a, Of the Constructors, her model in particular is built more like a mech than a hovering robot, has much stronger shields, and an overall more deadly and intense amount of firepower in her missile barrages and laser beams. Papa Crust and the People's Liberation Army, A group of teenagers fighting for the environment against corporations, tyrany, and mostly the People's Liberation Army. Due to Jack's DNA being injected into him, Timothy is prone to making Jack-esque outbursts and insults at inopportune times. A former Hyperion office drone under Jack who rules Concordia under Hyperion authority. Episode 5 of Tales seems to imply that she knows a thing or two about fighting games considering that she can perform Chun-Li's Lightning Kick while piloting Gortys. When she dies after her boss fight in Borderlands 3, she turns to ice and shatters. Cybil claims to fight for the environment, but she only wants to save creatures she considers "cute" and is otherwise a bloodthirsty psychopath. The irony behind this is that the Claptrap in question was created to kill the Vault Hunters, who in turn might be the only people on Pandora willing to repair and treat Claptraps well. This comes back to bite him when the Vault Hunters inform CU5TM of this affair, turning the sole member of the station's police force against him. help kill a few innocent people and nearly got murdered by the girl of my dreams, Towards the end of the game, when Jack is well into the process of turning into a supervillain and starts making enemies left and right, Tim realizes that as Jack's body double, there's going to be a, it's not only revealed that Timothy got to take Moxxi on a date once as a stand-in for Jack (Timothy: "It was the best night of my life. All. He then tries to shoot Jack before leaving Elpis. In the Pre-Sequel, all the player characters hate Claptrap, treating him and his action skill as a potential burden. He likes jump pads. The Borderlands Pre-Sequel features four brand new character Classes with all new skill trees. The Borderlands Pre-Sequel features four brand new character Classes with all new skill trees. They may have inadvertently helped spread Space Hurps, a disease that causes severe weight loss and a craving for flesh. (Though several other Claptraps encountered in the game still have it. skill tree, which focuses on making him a great support character with team buffs and healing in a desperate attempt at making his teammates like him. Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel launches players to Pandora’s moon to experience wild, gravity-bending gunfights using an array of all-new weaponry. She gets off at the idea of people being killed and demands non-cute animals be destroyed. (After already stating she knew who he was during the first date and still went: "Because I was hungry."). In the span of about two hours, During the quest to reclaim his ship, a group of pirates proceed to beat Claptrap, while he suggests that they instead talk it out.
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