/FunctionType 0 From “On Civil Disobedience,” by Mohandas Gandhi July 27, 1916 There are two ways of countering injustice. One way is to smash the head of the man who perpetrates injustice and to get your own head smashed in the process. Gandhi later used the essay as a foundation for his efforts in India resisting the British government through civil disobedience. endobj 3926 21 0000005035 00000 n Indian National Congress 85 Champāran 86 . �ʚS�[Z{4m'��r@�{]F����9 {��^>P1~a�Ů���M[^���{ti���9s-�>^f���Y�udoi��яW�T�Cx����o�.K~qᣵ��?�u��Ҷ���3��'W�������n��s�͎>��щ�ޙ���Ʀʍ^�;1ܸ�p��'�\3mC_���Ȇ���ux����ȹrGs��J(���dR����F�}�cj�����q���%�نfE�8Kl��`ҕD�T�nK��ա�Yk3��)~:�� �9�ч����%���5ǻ�b���+O�Yw������o�ăvskò��#5��ĐYQ��>��C��w��m��%���dQt�C�2u>���&Ƴ���!��Ԩ:&��������\[X��n$[�uq5o�����\��_`*}%xZ6ɓ\�140����:�.���p�/�4��G��̓ˌ�Mr4z̔KW��P5b�R�c��L���'�� �j���5��R��Ln? 3926 0 obj <> endobj /Filter /FlateDecode during his lifetime, his essay on civil disobedience was later “re-discovered” by Mohandas Gandhi, who came across it while studying law at Oxford as a young man. Governments show thus how successfully men can be imposed on, even impose on themselves, for their own advantage. >> He led the fight against imperialism world-wide and led India to independence in 1948. Civil disobedience is a public, non-violent and conscientious breach of law undertaken with the aim of bringing about a change in laws or government policies. 0000003749 00000 n stream stream To get back to the founding principles, as articulated in the Declaration of Independence, Zinn argues that “we are going to need to go outside the law, to stop obeying the laws that demand killing or that allocate wealth the way it has been done, or /Size [255] Through Gandhi, Thoreau’s work ����] /Decode [0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1] /Domain [0 1 0 1] xref %PDF-1.3 %���� �9QQs���w�. ��w���C�k �l�z:R���CjB�F9�%9�]�D`�EK�V\��`�iY�ɏ /FunctionType 0 Non-co-operation and civil disobedience are but different branches of the same tree called Satyagraha. >> society’s problem today, according to Zinn, is not civil disobedience but civil obedience. /Encode [0 254] ;x2�y��`�ıP�fr��Kob��C%W���k������of�������J��n��U��ǚb�W�I�ω�|��s�{E��]�5�EO�5�ҭ:�^��^Sa�¶�m�g�����.��f����W4c����s����r��a�|�w�eHnxƧ�Dİ�0W(��1�AlY.�>��mY�>i.�d�����È��s�@�|�{��p�U�sϱں�[Cd�n+1ˡOn/Jwh��x���]��VU��m�M+N�[�LJ�w�O���=�1��ŎXXcb6>8�ty��W���ii���N��L'Om:J�mk�_S` �� ȭ�j��pwb�5�f`�m]����P]N��?o��hY�V���0���M��� ���B�) �׳�`��2 �G�`,᪖V�9�^?�!L^��@Y D� J��S�:y'����d�Ssy�d���5�T���L..���fDSv�I�̟�rY���? <<8A390ECA669CAF4280DBA9AC416F8360>]/Prev 921847/XRefStm 3088>> 0000000016 00000 n 0000003463 00000 n 0000010405 00000 n 10 0 obj It does not keep the country free. 0000005658 00000 n h��� �ˮ�����l۶�ɶm۶m۶];�����1��nC�І1��o�1���l����0���m���&�_�3��Ll����0��LmӚ��f0���l�����0���m������[�����,n KZ�Җ���,o+Z��V��լn kZ��ֱ���o���6���ln[��ֶ���lo;���v����n{��������� :��q���G:�юq���':��Nq�Ӝ�g:���q������.q��\� How were the English able to rule over India? 0000003788 00000 n [�%c�L��y�,��z�8�.��Q�JU �m��0=,�b�IMqt��U�;���H�B�����ċ��'���xf.���@�;�t1��.�@1� � �[��(e�zS�Xe5XM�yQ1��Jh�!o ^aC?�v��1o2����Y=�$�ɊL-pj�4��--�`�#�QU~�ș#����n�9��N��2��4��,̖����j�{����c~zl̀���p�Yg��~M�u�L�C3�� &,�J?Hz��Ʋ��:y�iBFU s�L���������YN9N����1̨b ���`]�f����T�y�Ζxs��$|������?zq����>G� /Length 2444 Young India, 26-12-24, p. 429 Every Satyagrahi was bound to resist all those laws which he considered to be unjust and which were not of a criminal character, in order … h���1 ��������b���k�I1G��9��sx��9��sx�9��sx��9 j~2/ 0000000735 00000 n /Domain [0 1] W��ծq��\�7���nq����w����q����z����/z��^�� oz����������>��|�_����|�?���~������� �� �+�`��������/������|!�Ƀ����O��Rw��+j�c���iZ�@�j�3���w� �_�Ǵ-�B)��q��1�����֡7�B�v �,�Y2��J�C�ro��{���$���9B�V�*�§��I�N��}\�k��Ip=��Li=�$� %PDF-1.4 Everywhere wars are fought and millions of people are killed. x��\Ɏ���W��@����($P���� �`����F�ſo.�� �b�%+S��c}�鋻����m��N���|�\�����n���?/?߾ߖps����~y kL���8��{�$_���/e�Fi����z�����O��e�}����2��2����ۯ�x9��,!w�˗������>���۷���mr�W�6�)L�=}��r]ߦ�ߦ-����mz�mG��q]rǯ��@-��5L�n��7����}ڜϏ����4Z�/�8E���H��n�]]�R��n��mM����^�^~>ݟ���{�HkN��3~��.�M��~Yx�5���r����������=ܧ{���[e�˶�O~͕�z���&b�3)kO��L�D�)fb�В�/M{|��a��9Q4�LҒ��_]��ݯ���K�)�t.���������wZV��C��ᣙH/���^�3y 5�4t˯�5�5�ܜ��Y������� P��^K��P�����o�$��G��+�����M�#��9�4��&���6��keZz�՞��k�y?e��]�t _bå|̙3��gj�cu;A(�ef&�Oi?��Q�71f"P!¼s[:�����¤��mu�g\A��s������/�M� S�'-؝�{�3[qW~�C:|`C��Tl:X�H��~03�����~�Uy�Tu$C1�"Mf�8_%���N)*�a��5�vL8��eCG��=��C%�ꓰ�m�1���UӀ /Decode [0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1] In this early speech, Gandhi defends the tactic of non-violent civil disobedience in the confrontation with power. /Range [0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1] 0000005884 00000 n 0000006742 00000 n << On Civil Disobedience by Mohandas K. Gandhi July 27, 1916 1 Th ere are two ways of countering injustice. ���}qh��[{�#]S�\��[�mg��n�����D���LC����� m��tZ(g*�@Qל�0�3 ���v�'�]�k\�S�v��#GT�X��G��QaX���4Z%g���ZO4�:)���|аx��WӴ�����ow 楜E7��Ƥ���D�,����S+��� j���)tkNYXE�4��䌨����\��j���ݏ�4��� Civil disobedience is generally regarded as more morally defensible than both ordinary /Size [45 45] endstream endobj 3945 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/Index[1125 2801]/Length 84/Size 3926/Type/XRef/W[1 2 1]>>stream 0000007467 00000 n 3946 0 obj <>stream It is excellent, we must all allow; yet this government never of itself furthered any enterprise, but by the alacrity with which it got out of its way. /Range [0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1] 0000010624 00000 n Civil Disobedience in India 71 . <> 72 . Kheda Satyāgraha 88 . Everywhere wars are fought and millions of people are killed. 0 0000004384 00000 n 0000007696 00000 n << .�7�����(vE� ]���Jx~)�XKT�U��ծI!Q����#�7�u�jWq�#�����(D�E�+���O�`$! endstream /BitsPerSample 8 Civil disobedience is not new in Malaysia. It has been going on since the days of Tunku Abdul Rahman. 0000006038 00000 n h��X}PT�?�����.�����D04�+t5�y�[��","�@�5DgȄ8OGj *�d0"��f�d2i�1k�Qc��N��[��ď6�L;Iӯ���[̤�ߝ��{���;�s�} �U�'�� (Swarāj) 76 . %PDF-1.4 One way is to smash the head of the man who perpetrates injustice and to get your own head smashed in the process. Evolution of Non-violent Civil Disobedience 68 . 0000003088 00000 n 2 0 obj 4 CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE government which they have. World War I 83 . However, it did not explode until the final phase of the reign of Dr. Mahathir in 1998. %���� Why Independent India? 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