Mohawk, Choctaw). A well balanced Junior free dance contains: This competition consists of two parts as defined by the ISU and announced annually in an ISU Communication: Rhythm Dance and Free Dance. Three-turn, Bracket). A well-balanced Junior Synchro Free Skating Program contains: These are basic requirements. A program of a specified length, skated to music of the skater’s choice. A well-balanced Juvenile Singles Free Skating Program contains: Age: Pre-Novice Singles competitors must not have reached the age of 16 before July 1 preceding the Event, These competitions consist of two parts: Short Program and Free Program. A Free Skating Program to music of three minutes 30 seconds in length (plus or minus 10 seconds). A hand-to-waist lift in which a skater is lifted into the air on the take-off. Age: Must meet ISU Junior age criteria (skaters must have reached the age of 13 but must not have reached the age of 19 before July 1 preceding the competition). The minimum number of revolutions in a position is two without interruption. It is organized by Skate Canada, the nation's figure skating governing body. A Free Skating Program to music three minutes 30 seconds in length (plus or minus 10 seconds). The total score will be multiplied by a factor of 1.0 for the second Segment of the Event. The team must show a reverse of the first direction, before resuming the initial direction. A toe jump with natural rotation that takes off from a backward outside edge; listed in the Scale of Values according to the number of rotations. Patrick Chan of Canada, has won three consecutive world figure skating titles (2011, 2012, 2013) and was the favorite to win gold at the Olympics in Sochi, but ended up winning silver in 2014. A series of prescribed steps, turns and movements in a rhythm dance consisting of a sequence of a pattern dance or a section of a pattern dance or a combination of steps/turns from pattern dances. Examples of categories are STAR 1, STAR 2, Pre-Juvenile, Juvenile, Pre-Novice, etc. The ISU has announced an exception to the upper age limit for the Novice category for the 2020-2021 season. A collection of at least two spirals executed on different feet. The ISU has announced an exception to the upper age limit for the Junior category for the 2020-2021 season. The free leg (including the knee and foot) must be held at hip level or higher. backward outside, backward inside, forward outside, forward inside. Each Section is held to the governance and operating requirements of their respective province and / or territory(ies) and is responsible for skating in their respective jurisdictions. At the top of the lift the lifted partner is released and completes a twist, rotating freely in the air, during which time the lifting partner turns a half turn to catch the lifted partner at the waist for an assisted landing. Reference the Ice Dance Handbooks section of the ISU website for all specific rules and communications for Junior Dance. Age: Women must not have reached the age of 19 and men must not have reached the age of 21 before July 1 preceding the competition. ... CBC P.O. A well-balanced Juvenile free dance contains: Age: Pre-Novice Dance competitors must not have reached the age of 18 before July 1 preceding the Event. Singles and Pairs: Two jumps of any number of revolutions, beginning with a listed jump immediately followed by an axel-type jump with a direct step from the landing curve of the first jump to the take-off curve of the axel jump. A well-balanced Juvenile Synchro program contains: Age: Skaters must have reached the age of 12 but must not have reached the age of 18 before July 1 preceding the competition. U11: must not have reached the age of 11 before July 1 preceding the, U13: must not have reached the age of 13 before July 1 preceding the, must include five different jump types, one of which must be an, a repeated jump must be executed as part of a, U12: must not have reached the age of 12 before July 1 preceding the, U14: must not have reached the age of 14 before July 1 preceding the, must include six different jump types, one of which must be an, two double jumps or one double and one triple jump or two triple jumps, women - choice of layback/sideways leaning, of all triple jumps, only two may be repeated, of all triple and quadruple jumps, only two can be executed twice; of the two, only one can be a quadruple jump, any double jump cannot be included more than twice, of all the triple and quadruple jumps, only two can be executed twice; of the two, only one can be a quadruple jump, of all the triple and quadruple jumps only two can be executed twice; of the two, only one can be a quadruple jump, Maximum of one lift, called to a maximum Level Base, Group 1, Group 2 or any Group Juvenile non-overhead lift, no credit feature - change of rotational direction by the man. Age: Skaters must not have reached the age of 15 and at least 75% of the skaters must not have reached the age of 13 before July 1 preceding the competition. A Free Skating Program to music of four minutes in length (plus or minus 10 seconds). Consists of any kind of movements like steps, turns, spirals, arabesques, spread eagles, Ina Bauers, hydroblading, any jumps with maximum of two revolutions, spins, etc. In synchronized skating, the team shows a movement in a direction opposite to that of the initial direction.
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