After the disintegration of the Ottoman Empire after its defeat in World War I, the Republic of Turkey replaced it. Saint Peter established one of the first Christian Churches and Saint John is said to have taken Virgin Mary to Ephesus, which is two miles southwest of present-day Selçuk in İzmir Province in western Turkey. The US has stated that they are ready to remove Sudan from the State Sponsors of Terrorism list. Download country dossier with in-depth research, A ‘living death’: How Christian women experience persecution, Every day, 8 Christians killed for their decision to follow Jesus. These included Saint Paul, Saint Peter and Saint John. International Christian Concern is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit charity. He went on to say the incident was perpetrated to deeply wound the religious sentiments of the local Christian community. In 1942, the Turkish state taxed the non-Muslim minorities with high rates. Also, send me the Best of Patheos Newsletter and special offers. In late 2019, a 16-year-old Muslim boy stabbed a Korean Christian evangelist in the heart several times; the 41-year-old husband and father died shortly thereafter. Later in 1971, it closed down the Theological School of Halki, an important school of Greek Orthodox Christians in the island of Heybeliada in the Sea of Marmara. The Turkish government has not generally targeted Christians in particular, but the strong religious nationalism in Turkey leaves almost no space for Christians to proclaim an alternative message. 5 Ways Religion Can Influence Political... Whatever happened to U.S. "Mainline" Protestantism? A local resident ... More, Religious scholars and imams were some of the first to be detained [by the government]. TURKEY'S Islamist government has stepped up its war on Christianity by seizing all the churches in one city and declaring them state property. Their exclusionary policies went so far that they caused massacre of Armenian Christians during World War I. Ibrahim’s writings have appeared in the New York Times, CNN, LA Times, Fox News, Financial Times, Jerusalem Post, New York Times, United Press International, USA Today, Washington Post, Washington Times and others. Read More, In-depth research for Open Doors' 2020 World Watch List shows that at least eight Christians, largely in Sub-Saharan Africa, die at the hands of persecutors (extremists, family members and state authorities) each day. Exclusive interview with Paul Craig Roberts: Totalitarian Democracy. In 1942, the Turkish state taxed the non-Muslim minorities with high rates. Before Christmas 2015, ISIS issued death threats to at least 20 Protestant churches, and warned that “Koranic commandments… urge us to slay the apostate like you.”, In 2017, as widely reported, a gunman dressed as Santa Claus entered a nightclub in Istanbul during New Year celebrations, and murdered 39 people. Express. … See MoreSee Less, Millions in West Africa Face Starvation at Hands of Extremists | Persecution, 10/19/2020 Africa (International Christian Concern) – The United Nations will meet tomorrow, seeking to raise $1 billion in aid for Burkina Faso, Mali, and Niger, three countries “at the c…, Christian Woman in Pakistan Beaten in Public for Arguing with Muslim, Christian Graveyard Desecrated in Southern India, 13-Year-Old Christian Girl Reported as Latest Victim of Forced Conversion in Pakistan, Faithful Witness unto Death: Pastor Munsi’s Story. Turkish authorities have the power simply to confiscate or close churches. The conditions that produced the reformist moment in the 2000s radically changed in the 2010s. Tweet. Bishop Savarimuthu labeled the incident a meticulously planned and calculated act of desecration and vandalism. Some of these villages are close together, others are several miles apart. Islam is the largest religion in the world with 80% of Muslims being Sunnis. A BIBLE, dating back more than 1,000 years, was discovered in Turkey, and reports claimed it showed an image of Jesus Christ, alongside its numerous pages of ancient text. Led by Scandinavian bestselling author, Hanne Nabintu Herland, The Herland Report news and opinion website provides independent analysis from leading Western intellectuals, ground breaking YouTube interviews and Podcasts, cutting through the mainstream media rhetoric. Islam is the largest religion in Turkey according to the state, with 99.8% of the population being automatically registered by the state as Muslim, for anyone whose parents are not of any other officially recognised religion and the remaining 0.2% are Christians or adherents of other officially recognised religions. ], Ramazan Kılınç, Associate Professor of Political Science, University of Nebraska Omaha. Abu Bakr was the father in law of Muhammad. The state returned their properties confiscated after the 1960s, the construction of churches in Turkey became relatively easier and the right to publish and broadcast in the mother tongue was expanded to include all minorities. Not all views represent that of The Herland Report editorial policy. With the weakening of the Ottoman Empire beginning in the 18th century, European powers gradually used coercion to secure rights for Christian minorities and used it as an excuse to intervene in domestic politics of the Ottoman Empire. More, Bishop Savarimuthu labeled the incident a meticulously planned and calculated act of desecration and vandalism. Andrew Brunson, a U.S. priest who lived in Turkey for more than two decades, was arrested for being a traitor in October 2016 and released only after the U.S. intervened in October 2018. The state returned their properties confiscated after the 1960s, the construction of churches in Turkey became relatively easier and the right to publish and broadcast in the mother tongue was expanded to include all minorities. [ Expertise in your inbox. The authorities say that an official investigation will begin once all fire remnants are under control. On October 13, Arzoo Masih was abducted by Ali Azhar, a local Muslim man, while ... More, 10/22/2020 Nigeria (International Christian Concern) – On October 14, a young Christian named Justine Patrick and two of his friends were traveling home from the farms where they worked. Constantinople, modern-day Istanbul, and Antioch, modern-day Antakya, in Turkey were two of the five centers of Christianity along with Rome, Alexandria and Jerusalem. Today, conspiracy theories about non-Muslim minorities dominate the public sphere. Theologians hoped the BIble would offer valuable insights into the way Christianity has developed in the past century, but there has been no new research shared since the find. Islamic terror attacks that target Christians in Turkey have been noticeably on the rise, writes Islamic scholar, Raymond Ibrahim, a regular at The Herland Report. Atheists are a small minority in the ocean of believers in God. What is behind all these attacks on anything and everything Christian — people, buildings, even graves? Most of the fires have since been controlled. This was a departure from the sultan’s predecessors’ principle of equality between Muslims and non-Muslims. With this statement, Erdoğan might have hoped to send signals addressing western concerns about the vulnerabilities of Christians in his own country, too. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, established one of the first Christian Churches, Compared to religious minorities in Europe, conspiracy theories about non-Muslim minorities, converting the Hagia Sophia into a mosque. While Muslims were in power, judicial autonomy was granted to recognized religious minorities, including Christians. The country is a unitary state.It is the only Muslim country without the state religion. It is not known where the Bible originates from, and its cover was damaged, but, inside, were pictures made of gold leaves said to show Jesus Christ, Mary and a cross, as well as text written in the old Assyrian language. While COVID-19 changed the typical format of in-person meetings and events, ICC was still able to raise awareness through virtual events, publications, and virtual outreach to key figures on Capitol Hill. Yet, the current international and domestic context makes their future uncertain. Sign up for The Conversation’s newsletter and get a digest of academic takes on today’s news, every day. The European Union reforms undertaken in this era also improved the religious rights of Christians. Some of the Christian apostles traveled and even settled in regions in Turkey. Brutal killings and ethnic cleansing in South Africa? A Turkish journalist explains it this way: “this hateful environment did not emerge out of nowhere. 07/29/2019 Turkey (International Christian Concern) – Successive fires over the weekend burned in southern Turkey, specifically threatening six Syriac Christian villages.
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