It only takes seconds! More girls turn up missing, the Monster kills a couple of police officers while trying to kill a girl for Durea's experiments and Groton takes to the beach with an ax and kills Rico and his gang who were attacking Samantha, then Groton takes her into Durea's laboratory through a trap door with a ladder that leads to the beach below the Creature Emporium. Let a Professional Writer Help You, © New York Essays 2020. Mina can be considered a heroine, being so strong, knowing and helpful in such a situation not meant for female involvement, taking place in the Victorian times. In conclusion Frankenstein is primarily a novel about the supernatural and it does appear a main theme running throughout due to the creation of Frankenstein’s monster and the way in which the monster’s appearance and abilities appear to be supernatural. On the earth. He attempted to explain his story to others and gain support, but they simply rendered him ill for speaking of such a being. He thus devoted his life to the defeat of his enemy, abandoning the few family and … By choosing to call the monster these names the monster is given a horrid appearance and the reader gets the impression that the creature is abnormal and also that the monster is not human nor is it a thing of nature so therefore it must be part of the supernatural. Meanwhile, also in 1971, famed Spanish schlock film director Jesus Franco turned out his Dracula vs. Frankenstein (also released as Dracula, Prisoner of Frankenstein), apparently unaware that Adamson was already using that title. Dracula was also known to be a supernatural creature as he was vampire, but he was also known to have supernatural powers although his were more obvious than Frankenstein’s monster that had his strength. Are there any common themes or connections, if so explain The manner in which these characters participate in and affect the outcome of the story, however, varies greatly. Toronto: Penguin Books Canada Ltd., 1965. The monster was not inherently evil, for it constantly displayed longing to be accepted and to combat loneliness. Van Helsing was the man, a doctor in fact, who recognized Dracula for what he was and led the hunt for him (in one of the most anti-climactic endings ever). Relevance. The ‘noble savage’ is a literary character that is an idealised outsider who has not been corrupted by civilization and symbolizes humanities goodness. Are there any common themes or connections, if so explain. Frankenstein’s creation, referred to as “the monster,” was deserted at the moment life was infused into it. The nurse who cared for him wrote his fiancée Mina saying “He has had some fearful shock – so says our doctor – and in his delirium his ravings have been dreadful; of wolves and poison and blood; of ghosts and demons; and I fear to say of what” (Stoker, p. 109). The three critical thunderstorms in Frankenstein all relate to a significant occurrence that is about to happen. Similarly, at one point in Dracula, Harker is deemed ill for his allegations of Count Dracula being a vampire. Martin and Strange arrive with the police and Martin shoots Groton from the rooftop of the building from which he falls to his death, while Durea falls from his wheelchair into a guillotine display in the Emporium while attempting to escape and is beheaded in it. Had Frankenstein fathered the creature rather than disown it, he may not have endured such hardships. Finally, Elizabeth Lavenza and Mina Murray participate throughout each respective novel in different ways, though both being secondary female characters with alike relations to the protagonists. Victor Frankenstein ‘had selected his features’ so this wasn’t just a dead body that was being infused with life, this was a creation of a number of different bodies sewn together for the specific purpose of creating a beautiful life. The classic novels are parallel due to the fact that each plot revolves around the horror of the villains’ actions and the suspense of what each villain’s destiny holds. Stoker has also used the supernatural theme to capture the nature and weather in Dracula as well as presenting the theme in his creature Dracula who essentially is a monster. The monster vowed revenge upon Frankenstein who had granted it such a miserable life: ‘Cursed, cursed creator! Mina was selfless, intelligent and resourceful, and after being victimized by the count, she used her connection with Dracula to lead the men to his hideout. Retrieved October 9, 2020, from, Save Time On Research and Writing. Again, this was observed by Harker: This was the being I was helping to transfer to London where, perhaps, for centuries to come he might, amongst its teeming millions, satiate his lust for blood, and create a new and ever-widening circle of semi-demons to batten on the helpless (Stoker, p. 60). I know not; despair had not yet taken possession of me; my feelings were those of rage and revenge’ (Shelley, p. 137). New York: Tom Doherty Associates, Inc., 1988. A typical theme of Gothic literature is to use the weather and in both Dracula and Frankenstein the weather plays an important part in symbolizing the obscure supernatural events. The way in which Dracula can manipulate the weather in particular ‘the storm, the fog, the thunder’ helps to illuminate the supernatural occurrences of the weather in Frankenstein. As a cover, the duo work out of a secret laboratory hidden behind the Creature Emporium, a haunted house exhibit and a throwback to the old sideshow days located on the boardwalk amusement park in Venice, California. Judith faints upon seeing Mike's death and slowly awakens to find herself bound with rope again to a chair in an abandoned and desecrated church in a forest area outside of Venice where Dracula's coffin is hidden. Grazbo falls through the laboratory's trap door to the beach (which was accidentally opened) and onto an ax that he had dropped beforehand while holding on to the ladder, which kills him, and Groton goes after Judith. The Count would suck the blood from helpless human beings for his rejuvenation, as Jonathan Harker discovered during his stay at the castle: “There lay the Count, but looking if his youth had been half renewed…his mouth was redder than ever, for on the lips were gouts of fresh blood, which trickled from the corners of the mouth and ran over the chin and neck” (Stoker, p. 60). Dracula meets Judith, hypnotizes her and binds her with rope to a railing. Article last reviewed: 2019 | St. Rosemary Institution © 2010-2020 | Creative Commons 4.0. Once Harker recovers, he gets Mina and his fellow friends involved and together they defeat Dracula. All rights reserved, Frankenstein and Dracula comparison. If you have more information on Dracula and the connections to Whitby then please comment below. However this wasn’t a beautiful life and Victor Frankenstein soon realises that this wasn’t a human he had created but a ‘being’. In contrast, Count Dracula in Dracula had completely different reasons for being villainous. There is another reference to ‘heaven’, which is another supernatural creation as the storm appears in ‘parts of the heavens’, an explanation of this is that God is sending the storm to punish Victor for making his ‘devil’ which is now killing and becoming more destructive and more of a monster, since Victor believes the monster killed William. Meanwhile, also in 1971, famed Spanish schlock film director Jesus Franco turned out his Dracula vs. Frankenstein (also released as Dracula, Prisoner of Frankenstein ), apparently unaware that Adamson was already using that title. Frankenstein’s monster isn’t the only person to have a supernatural appearance, since creating a monstrosity Victor appears to only be able to see himself in the monster but can only see himself in the supernatural demonic way, ‘in the light of my own vampire, my spirit let loose from the grave’. The Dracula character could defy all of nature by controlling the weather and animals and his abilities to transform and vanish make him an obvious supernatural, compared to Frankenstein’s monster who became supernatural because he was created and has incredible strength yet he does not possess any specific supernatural abilities like Dracula. Frankenstein. The young and naïve British solicitor was sent to Transylvania to finalize a real estate transaction with one, Count Dracula. 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Was this a customary incident in the life of a solicitor’s clerk sent out to explain the purchase of a London estate to a foreigner?” (Stoker, pp. Answer Save. Frankenstein, who created the monster in secrecy, could only conquer it in secrecy as well. Throughout Frankenstein Shelley calls the monster by a number of different names including ‘creature’, ‘fiend’, ‘spectre’, ‘the demon’, ‘wretch’, ‘devil’, ‘thing’, ‘being’ and ‘ogre’. Shelley captures the supernatural in Frankenstein in her presentation of nature and for the creation and the life of Frankenstein’s monster. Shelley uses the storms to build the tension and show that an event is about to happen. He thus devoted his life to the defeat of his enemy, abandoning the few family and friends he had left after the past misfortunes: “‘I have but one resource, and I devote myself, either in my life or death, to his destruction'” (Shelley, p. 208). Free proofreading and copy-editing included. Once the creature has been corrupted he is no longer a noble savage as he has lost the pure goodness he has when he was first created. Elizabeth Lavenza and Mina Murray, both secondary characters, had two very different roles in each story, and met two very different fates. He learns through eavesdropping on conversations and through the reactions of those around him to him especially Victor as he is the creator yet cannot stand to look at his creation. Hire a Professional to Get Your 100% Plagiarism Free Paper. 6 Answers . A screeching scream, a dark alley, a thundering storm, lightning developing over imaginative shadows, the beat of a heart, ear shattering … Durea sends Groton and a dwarf named Grazbo (Angelo Rossitto), the ticket taker at the Creature Emporium, after the couple (Durea's original reason for creating the blood serum in the first place was to heal his crippled legs and to transform Groton and Grazbo into normal people). Shelley later builds on these ideas as the monster describes himself as ‘not even the same nature as man.
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