~ Horst Schulz, former president of the Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company, 28. _Thank you for signing up for an [company name] account. A good thank you quote or message will help build that strong customer loyalty that keeps your business afloat. Handwrite your name or business, if possible. _We are very grateful for your continued patronage because we wouldn’t be here without loyal customers like you. ~ Jerry Fritz, Author, 30. You can still include a thank you message note if you send out your product to your customer. We are grateful for the pleasure of serving you and meeting your printing needs. Customers may forget what you said but they’ll never forget how you made them feel. ~ Seth Godin, Author. – Shep Hyken When people talk about successful retailers and those that are not so successful, the customer determines at the end of the day who is successful and for what reason. Please give my best to everyone on your team. ~ Martin Oliver, MD Personal Lines – Arthur J Gallagher, 22. 46. Thank you sooo much for your support! Whether you are big or small, you cannot give good customer service if your employees don’t feel good about coming to work. ~ Shep Hyken, Customer Experience Expert, 21. It starts with respect. May the almighty bring you luck and laughter. I just wanted to let you know that all of your help with getting (your business) off the ground is very much appreciated. Your mobile app isn’t the center of your universe. ~ Jeff Bezos, Founder – Amazon, 42. ~ American Proverb, 10. _Our management is always happy to serve you! We believe that every customer deserves a great experience and that it should be easy for businesses to deliver exceptional customer experience. Every company’s greatest assets are its customers because without customers there is no company. _Thank you for being our valued customer. ~ Doug Warner, Internet enthusiast and former chairman of the board of J.P. Morgan & Co, 9. Hope to work with you again in the future. 1. We’re glad that you found what you were looking for. ~ Stephen Covey, Best-selling Author, 51. ~ Kevin Stirtz, Author, 15. ~ Doug Smith, Author, 37. Here is a simple but powerful rule: always give people more than what they expect to get ~ Nelson Boswell, Best-selling author, 40. 8) Thanks for shopping at [company name]. It makes what is excellent in others belong to us as well.” – Voltaire “Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it.” – William Arthur Ward “I think for any relationship to be successful, there needs to … 18) Thank you for hiring [company name] We appreciate your business, and we’ll do our best to continue to give you the kind of service you deserve. To keep a customer demands as much skill as to win one. _As the year comes to a close, we are glad to inform and share with you that it has been an incredible year of profits and profitable relationships. We are honored to have clients like you. ~ Donald Porter, Managing Director, MSB, 25. ~ Laurie McIntosh, 11. The Right Wording is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon. We wish you a very happy and a prosperous future. You’ll never have a product or price advantage again. See more ideas about Customer service appreciation, Customer service, Customer service quotes. Writing thank you notes can seem like a lot of work. ~ Albert Schindler, Writer, 20. It would be a total love fest! The purpose of a business is to create a customer who creates customers. Do right. The goal as a company is to have customer service that is not just the best, but legendary. Every contact we have with a customer influences whether or not they’ll come back. It is not your customer’s job to remember you, it is your obligation and responsibility to make sure that they don’t have the chance to forget you. We have to be great every time or we’ll lose them. We sincerely appreciate your business and hope you come back soon!
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