23 October 2020,

“You shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free.” (John 8:32), Your email address will not be published. Why is it that we are so willing to allow Satan to deceive us into believing we are less than what we have been created to be? They asked a Rabbi what they should do when their ship was breaking up. The Devil didn’t have to whisper in their ear, “You aren’t strong enough to withstand the storm,” because they were acutely aware of that fact. Dishonesty Friends Best Friends Breakups backstabbing Conflict Friendship Kjv Family Conflict gossiping Being A Friend Friendship Good Friends True Friends. This lie reveals itself in a variety of ways, but often it occurs when we mess up or when God doesn’t answer our prayers in the way we desire. Keep reading until this compassion is overtaken by a sense of hopelessness. Read Later Add to Favourites Add to Collection Report Ruin the enemies plan by speaking the truth.

Also steer clear of people who tell you how God restored their lives, or how He provided everything they needed. A powerful temptation. Not just externally but internally. We are not young. Thank the Lord for you Jeremy!!

God created us in His own image! i am really happy that i read this article. Here are 5 common lies Satan whispers in our ear and God’s truth that dispels them.

The reality of our existence is far more compelling than some silly quote. Click here to subscribe to the Charisma News newsletter. Also no biblical record of an angel being able to possess anyone.I do not claim to understand what demons or unclean spirits actually are, I do understand what they are not. Outloud. ", For maximum effect, replace any sermons about faith with endless news cycles, and replace time in the Word with time in the newspaper. ← Back to Personal Growth ← Back to All Quotes. Fall Subscription Offer: Subscribe to Charisma for Only $18 and get Steve Strang's newest book as a free gift, God, Trump, and COVID-19. ", Screwtape explains, "It is funny how mortals always picture us as putting things into their minds: in reality, our best work is done by keeping things out." Our Defense Against Demons The devil is not merely interested in tempting us to various sins, but rather is our “accuser” (Revelation 12:10). Like what you see here?

And honestly, there hasn’t been a follower of Jesus in history that could withstand the storm. Thank you, Pastor. I love Jesus he my father and this article taught me so much, This demons look like malnurished kids but yes they might be demons. The same is true for you and me.

The devil will whisper in your ear that hell isn’t real. If he has access to our minds and hearts that means there has to be a door for him to access. Nope. And there is nothing else. The Devil didn’t have to whisper in their ear, “You aren’t strong enough to withstand the storm,” because they were acutely aware of that fact.

Jesus, half-asleep, scolds them by asking them why they had no faith…, I’d bet that at least one of these fellas was thinking, “What? What about the times when the storm rages against you and you fling your fists in the air and make no headway?

I have accidentally and foolishly opened many doors in my life. The Bible infers that everything attributed to ‘the devil’ or ‘Satan’ comes from our own thoughts. Those are the thoughts that we need to keep in check and destroy before they destroy our joy. Especially with the common facination with vampires/magic these days.

Whether it's an imperfectly loaded dishwasher or a stray sock, any tiny annoyance can escalate to a great conflict if you add enough frustration and anxiety to the mix. Today, I whispered in the devil’s ear, ‘I am the storm’.” Ugh… The first thing that seems wrong with this quote is, why are you talking to the devil? Email.

27 And the men marveled, saying, “What sort of man is this, that even winds and sea obey him?”

Those are the thoughts that our very real enemy whispers in our ear to keep us from experiencing God’s love and sharing it with others. Thank you Pastor for squeezing the banana!

God is the only person whose character is unchanging. You obviously don't want the result of this quarantine to be a deeper connection with your family, an improved marriage and countless precious memories with your children.

Because they have no faith in the One who conquers all who oppose Him. Very helpful. -Unknown. Move or marry.

Hopefully you can still be contacted through this address. It’s also apparent that they tried and failed to the point that they could no longer try any more.

However, if you are one of those stubborn "enemy followers," you might refuse to listen to Screwtape's advice.

You are not under bondage.

In marriage you might hear, “Boy, you really screwed that up, don’t be surprised when he/she leaves.” If you lose your job, you might hear, “Wow, you can’t even keep a job” -or- “You are a worthless provider for your family.” But these messages are a lie! I was recently reminded how our thoughts can make or break us, and how important it is to check our thoughts at the door of our heart on a daily basis. “..It is against the rulers, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” (Ephesians 6:12). Demons in the Bible are simply Pagan gods.

These are just a few of the lies that the enemy tries to sew into our hearts, but there are so many more. The invitation to demons is huge where porn and/or homosexuality is involved.

Just take Jesus for an example. Donate to Around the Word. They asked this carpenter’s son what to do on the open sea. I have also blessed, by the name of Jesus, those involved. He alone, can tell you what to do. Please write me back. For he alone is omniscient. (Genesis 1:27). Sin removes us from God's protection. If God has called you to something, He will equip you to complete what He has called you to do. Remark frequently to yourself that you would never do such things and speculate on their possible motivations," writes Selby. Lewis, where senior devil Screwtape advises a junior devil how to best tempt a human and steer him away from "the enemy," which is what he calls God, we dive into the dark side of life's current narrative to shed light on the enemy's tactics. Please open it and confirm your subscription. I asked her to pray with me as she once professed Jesus as her God so we prayed. This is a wonderful post with great Bible references. They just have to dig into themselves and recognize how powerful they really are as individuals. A pastor once stated that immoral sex allows the demons in the one or both to access them both. Done! He was listening to the lies of Satan, not the truth of God. The latest breaking Christian news you need to know about as soon as it happens. Or, if you're living with someone out of wedlock, either separate or get married. They asked because they had run out of fight. (1 Thessalonians 5:24) “Nothing will be impossible with God” (Luke 1:37) “…I say to you, if you have faith like a grain of mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, move from here to there, and it will move and nothing will be impossible for you.” (Matthew 17:20). That alone should tell you that you are enough!

How do we close and lock the door and i mean literally. There is power in words, if spoken by a born again christian. I no longer have doubt! Yes, my parents and I definitely had a dialogue between us, about the spiritual world. But our struggle isn’t against flesh and blood.

According to Selby's explanation of The Screwtape Letters, "If time passes and you didn't even notice, you're doing it right.". It’s apparent that many assume that to be able to conquer the enemy, Christians have to be stronger than the enemy, but that’s not the case. That doesn't mean we should fear it. The truth will set you free!

Such as extra marital affairs... and stop immediately.

One such event occurred while on a boat with his disciples. Hello, "Don't, under any circumstances, think about the fears and insecurities that might have brought the other person to this moment in time.". 2) Do his demons have the same access? Share on Email. Cheryl G.: 23 And when he got into the boat, his disciples followed him. 4) Where are all the other angels from heaven?

I think the reason we make claims like this and attribute them to our faith is because we have a fundamental misunderstanding of what it means to be strong in the Lord. Some of the thoughts we have are thoughts that motivate us to get through the day, complete work assignments, or reminders that help us push through the evening routine as busy parents. Never miss a big news story again.

I will never let anything lead me astray from Jesus. I realized that for many Christians, the idea of being a champion or victor over the evil one is appealing, but they really don’t know what that means. It’s not the bullies or the people in our family or those who employee us. What about the times when you are so beaten down and broken by fate that not even your Instagram account can fake it anymore? The enemy will toss thoughts in our head when we least expect it. I am in need of Christian support and would appreciate feedback from other Christians regarding a severe problem that I only learned about last year. Unbelievers often watch Christians and see us make statements of strength, but live lives that are just as shattered as theirs. He will always keep His promises, so when he says He loves you, that’s exactly what it means. It’s apparent that Jesus’ disciples could not withstand the storm that night. Gods truth says: “I can do all things THROUGH CHRIST who gives me strength. We as Christians certainly have hard times also but we have a Lord Jesus Christ that holds us up and helps us go on!! [God] wants men to be concerned with what they do; our business is to keep them thinking about what will happen to them. This, as you can imagine, offers convenient cover for the spiritual beings that the Bible considers our greatest enemies – the demons. Her primary companion on a daily basis lives nearby... a lesbian dyke... who just recently told me to stay away from her house "and area" .... (I've found notes to my wife from her and a sex toy as an "early birthday present").
Matthew 8:23-27.
#3 FREE eCourses by CHARISMA: Click Here to view all the free courses. Just saying. However, he is happy to have possession whenever he can. Scare you, fear is one of his tools, and if you have opened doorways, call on the lord Jesus Christ. Sexual sin is the hardest, I think, to overcome as its a temptation throughout life.

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