The consequences of security breaches can be disastrous in terms of the public profile and the operation of your business. In the summer of 1876 he was appointed commander-in-chief of the Servian army, but on entering Turkey was driven back by Osman Pasha, who followed him into Servia, defeating him at Zayechar and Yavor in July, and the campaign in Servia proved disastrous. His Historia de la guerra del Pacifico is the Peruvian version of that disastrous war. Frequent disastrous incursions of the sea in the 18th century reduced Aldeburgh to a mere fishing village. After the disastrous defeat of Leipzig (r 7th-19th Dctober 1813), when French domination in Germany and Italy -vanished like an exhalation, the allies gave Napoleon another opportunity to come to terms. Additional stamp duties and taxes were imposed in 1909 to meet the expenditure necessitated by the disastrous earthquake at the end of 1908. in length; and above this bridge lies the Biesbosch (" reed forest "), a group of marshy islands formed by a disastrous inundation in 1421, when seventy-two villages and upwards of 100,000 lives were destroyed. This connexion with the declining fortunes of Spain was disastrous to the well-being of the Belgian people, for during many years a close alliance bound together France and the United Provinces, and the Southern Netherlands were exposed to attack from both sides, and constantly suffered from the ravages of hostile armies. Irresponsible and biased attitude can prove to be disastrous for the society. disastrous battle of Tsushima the Russian fleets were almost completely annihilated. Baring, the chancellor of the exchequer, endeavoured to terminate this deficiency by a general increase of taxation, but this device proved a disastrous fai]ure. The campaign that ended in the disastrous battle of Jena (October I~,, 8o6) followed; and the prestige of the Prussian arms, created by Frederick the Great, perished at a blow. Reid tried to improve her already lovely figure and suffered disastrous results. The devastating effects of these civil wars were most disastrous to the trade and the prosperity of Kwei-chow. The English expeditions of 1544 and 1545 were exceptionally disastrous, since they involved the destruction of the four Scottish border abbeys, the sack of many towns, and the obliteration of Roxburgh. But it has been demonstrated again and again that, directly the company's interests begin to clash with those of foreign powers, the home government must assume a protectorate over its territories in order to simplify the situation and save perhaps disastrous collisions. He shared in the disastrous day of Neerwinden (March 18,1793); was an accomplice of Dumouriez in the plot to march on Paris and overthrow the republic, and on the 5th of April escaped with him from the enraged soldiers into the Austrian lines. Equally disastrous to the state was the identification of the king's administration with one party in the church, and that with the party in an immense minority not only in the nation but even among the clergy themselves. finds its explanation in an interview with the dead Samuel (xxviii. Formal and technical tests of membership, such as the reception of sacraments from a duly authorized clergy, came to replace Christ's own test of character. disastrous in a sentence. He took a share in the unsuccessful attempts to raise the siege of Athens in 1827, and made an effort to prevent the disastrous massacre of the Turkish garrison of fort S Spiridion. Learn more. Tony ca n't resist the chance to have a peep in Deborah 's underwear drawer, with disastrous consequences. There are two pretty public parks, one in the Hufen, with a zoological garden attached, another the Luisenwahl which commemorates the sojourn of Queen Louisa of Prussia in the town in the disastrous year 1806. These results showed clearly that liquefied acetylene was far too dangerous for general introduction for domestic purposes, since, although the occasions would be rare in which the requisite temperature to bring about detonation would be reached, still, if this point were attained, the results would be of a most disastrous character. No permanent success was attained till about 1876, when the disastrous effects of the coffee-leaf disease forced planters to give serious attention to tea. Nothing could have been more disastrous to the cause of the Roman Catholics than their crime. Opting for desserts after dinner every night can be disastrous for your body by adding calories to your body. per ton, was only to be driven out by a heat of 300° C. Steam coals being softer and more porous give off enormous volumes of gas from the working face in most of the deep pits, many of which have been the scene of disastrous explosions. Only " the most disastrous prime minister of the post-war era "? 10. disastrous definition: The definition of disastrous is something that is very harmful or damaging. According to the custom that had so often proved disastrous, a young son of Barkuk, Faraj, then aged thirteen, was appointed sultan under the guardianship of two amirs. Such co-operation will help to avoid sudden gluts of fish coming onto the international market at any given time causing disastrous price fluctuations. His military and naval enterprises were for the most part disastrous failures, and in England he was exceedingly unpopular. Example sentences for: disastrous How can you use “disastrous” in a sentence? disastrous for farmers and consumer choice. During the 1960s, government embarked on the disastrous policy of demolishing communities and rehousing them in soulless high rise blocks. It is not the telling of one simple disastrous accident. The new kings first enter- of Lothair prise was a disastrous campaign in Bohemia, but tt~e before this occurrence he had aroused the enmity of Saxon. In spite, however, of his desire for peace he let his country drift into the disastrous war with Japan; and notwithstanding his sincere attachment to the principles of bureaucratic autocracy, it was he who granted the constitutional reforms which altered the whole political outlook in Russia (see Russia). is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words. functionary familiar with the ritual, who would avoid disastrous. The Baaken's River, usually a small stream, but subject (as in 1908) to disastrous floods, runs through the town, which consists of four divisions; the harbour and business quarter at the foot of the cliffs, the upper part, a flat table-land known as "The Hill"; "The Valley" formed by the Baaken's River; and "South Hill," east of the river. His financial administration was disastrous, and led simply to bankruptcy. Teman, who had been so strong on other tasks, used colored tape on the walls to disastrous effect.
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