That Kanaris could carry out the venture with a volunteer party not belonging to a regularly disciplined service, not only proved him to be a clever partisan fighter, but showed that he was a leader of men. She must have been well disciplined for her orderliness. All Rights Reserved. His Klingon blood and traditions often conflict with human ways, but his disciplined ways help keep his behavior in check most of the time. But, regardless of the need for specialty shoes, hip hop dancing is still a disciplined art. (poor) " Student discipline has improved. The Turkish fleet, "adrift in the Archipelago" - as the British seamen put it - though greatly superior in tonnage and weight of metal, could never be a match for the Greek brigs, manned as these were by trained, if not disciplined, crews. The disciplined Egyptian army, supported by a well organized fleet, rapidly accomplished what the Turks had failed to do; and by 1826 the Greeks were practically subdued on land, and Ibrahim was preparing to turn his attention to the islands. (military, school, social, work, parental) Growing at a measured pace also typically will help you stay lean, focused and disciplined. 31. You need a lot of self-discipline when you're doing research work on your own. For those who are disciplined, choosing and sticking to a diet plan can achieve great results. The effectiveness of the new force was first tried in the suppression of a revolt of the Albanians in Cairo (1823) by six disciplined Sudanese regiments; after which Mehemet Ali was no more troubled with military emeutes. If children do not learn self discipline then merely following rules will not result in a disciplined life. The large disciplined army formed by Radama I. Is it truly a good option for people who are disciplined in their spending? Listen to all | All sentences (with pause) Used with adjectives: " The teacher uses effective discipline. In consequence Boigne was allowed to raise two further brigades of disciplined infantry, and made commander-in-chief of Sindhia's army. 48. disciplined environment through work or other capacity. In all its varieties Burke's style is noble, earnest, deep-flowing, because his sentiment was lofty and fervid, and went with sincerity and ardent disciplined travail of judgment. It takes a lot of self-dis However, some schools have a zero tolerance for violence so if two students are discovered in a fight, both are disciplined, often by suspension, even though one may be the bully and the other the victim. So he put civil servants, professors and students into uniform, and for little offences had them marched to the guard-house; thought was disciplined by the censorship, the army by an unceasing round of parades and inspections. 220. Living a disciplined life himself, he found it difficult to tolerate indiscipline in others. The arrival of Johnston on the previous evening and his lieutenant Kirby Smith at the crisis of the battle (for Patterson's part in the plan had completely failed), turned the scale, and the Federals, not yet disciplined to bear the strain of a great battle, broke and fled in wild rout. , Soldiers learn discipline through a daily routine of exercise, arms training, and obeying their superiors. The overall aim of the project is to encourage critical engagement with the process of being disciplined into anthropology. His mind, excitable by nature, very imperfectly disciplined by education, and exposed to the enthusiasm which was then epidemic in England, began to be fearfully disordered. Even disciplined lovers that are trying to cover their tracks will find it difficult to refrain from calling occasionally. They also love having an orderly and disciplined life, but not one without balance. What would you do if your sister disciplined your child outside of the care situation? Nothing in the adventurous 16th century surpasses their splendid, The train of servants was maintained, to be, His troops became, as if by a word, the best, The Republicans (for once) were marvellously, The parents must be the first objects of the child's, Disciplined in a sentence | Short example sentence for disciplined, Damp in a sentence | Short example sentence for damp, Joy Of in a sentence | Short example sentence for joy of, Deafness in a sentence | Short example sentence for deafness, Three Weeks in a sentence | Short example sentence for three weeks, Correspondingly in a sentence | Short example sentence for correspondingly, Beckon in a sentence | Short example sentence for beckon, Became Aware in a sentence | Short example sentence for became aware, Secretively in a sentence | Short example sentence for secretively, Imposingly in a sentence | Short example sentence for imposingly. How To Use Disciplined In A Sentence? The accompanying police breathed audible sighs of relief at the disciplined behavior. disciplined manner is vital to our success. 4. Someone who is highly disciplined, quick, maybe a little hyperactive. He established, for the first time in the history of the Afghan kingdom, a powerfully centralized administration strong enough to maintain order and to enforce obedience over all the country which he had united under his dominion, supported by a force sufficiently armed and disciplined to put down attempts at resistance or revolt. disciplined. About 2000 disciplined Irish soldiers had crossed the sea to assist him. She took care never to have to deal with a disciplined opponent, except the Swedes, who beat her, but who were very few. Good woman, disciplined and smart.
His naval superiority wrested from the Greeks the command of the sea, on which the fate of the insurrection ultimately depended, while on land the Greek irregular bands were everywhere routed by Ibrahims disciplined troops.
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