fuel. It implies that it is climate change, not lack of forest management…, a change to summer drought, then rain concentrated in a winter period producing a lot of grass to dry out and catch fire in an earlier starting and longer lasting fire season…. Will anything the USA and Europe does have any impact at all when China and India promised to continue increasing emissions for at least another decade? Banner image: Michael Schroeder, WDFW, stands on Mary Jane Hill not far from Bridgeport, WA in the burn zone of the Pearl Hill fire. – Fred Pearce The Climate Files: “You have to have an incredible wind to be able to burn ground that doesn’t have anything growing on it,” he says. grassoline)–check the map below to see this. Well, they succeeded at KNKX but at least I have this blog and the support of many of you. There are a variety of factors that contribute to the loss of sage grouse in the West. BRIDGEPORT, Washington — There are fewer than 1,000 sage grouse left in Washington state, and Michael Schroeder has been studying them for more than 30 years. A lot of people are in that situation. Then the strong north-east winds kicked up, which pushed the fire downhill quickly causing evacuations and has now burned over 300,000 acres. A good way to do that is with pro-active burning= as generally recommended around here. Michael Schroeder and his decades of dedication to the sage grouse are featured in a new eight-part podcast series called “Grouse,” hosted by Ashley Ahearn. It is a winter annual, that sets ABUNDANT seeds, it is a very successful weed in Eastern Washington. hbspt.cta.load(5981609, 'ffe07749-0055-4a95-85b3-bce123fc330c', {}); Mongabay is a reader-supported conservation and environmental science news service. Also, the Great Plains east of the Rocky Mtns was a grassland covered by as many as 60 million buffalo well before humans significantly affected the landscape. A: Reduce CO2 by 10x and the entire planet biosphere dies. Homes in the middle of grassland/brush could be built or remodeled to lesson their tendency to burn. Beyond that, I see griff is still ignoring the problem of invasive grasses. Mongabay is a U.S.-based non-profit conservation and environmental science news platform. Fire breeds pine beetles that migrate downwind to the neighboring forest killing the weaker trees and causing a surplus fuel load. Schroeder stands on the hill, surrounded by blackened earth, and gestures in every compass direction. It’s undeniable that the earth HAS BEEN warming. Wet winters and dry summers are what is called normal, for that area. Now, it’s just scorched earth for miles in every direction. Podcast: Can the planet support a clean energy transition? There are “Firewise” for homes and Firewise community programs. And grass/brush/flammables could be cleared away around buildings to create a safe space. Wildfires in Washington state have burned hundreds of thousands of acres, including an important mating habitat for sage grouse. It has for millions of years. State of Washington - Fire news from the Washington State Department of Natural Resources ; Large Fire Map. Poorly managed cutting moves infected wood to new areas. Hope you’re doing well. Why? Firefighting resources throughout the state have been spread thin due to commitments to pre-existing and projected fire activity, and this current emergency is compounded by extreme high temperatures and dry weather, as well as the increase of visitors to Washington wilderness areas. Not really. It is totally frustrating that certain politicians, some local newspapers, and some environmental activist groups are pushing an inaccurate claim, not supported by any scientific evidence, that the eastern Washington wildfire siege of September 7-8 was the result of global warming. Those acres of our ranch where cattle graze keep the growth to a few inches and a fire last year literally stopped when it reached the grazed areas. It looks the same.” His shoulders slump and his voice breaks and trails off. It was produced in partnership with BirdNote and distributed by Boise State Public Radio. We train with them prior to wildfire season and know the skill and abilities they bring to the wildfire emergency facing so many communities right now.". Schroeder and his wife lost power and water at their Bridgeport home when the fires swept through the area over Labor Day Weekend, razing a combined area of more than 167,000 hectares (413,000 acres). This year there are huge piles waiting because spring burning was curtailed to ‘improve air quality’ because WuFlu. In 1910, one of the worst fires ever occurred in Montana and Idaho. Simple, But when The (Rain) Forest goes, so does the rain and in comes The Fire. The temperature and precipitation today are sufficient for fires.The key issue in this event was the strong winds, which were accompanied by COLDER THAN NORMAL temperatures. We’re seeing an unprecedented number of debris piles, and we’re seeing an unprecedented number of people that are lighting those piles on fire”In contrast, to grass fires, global warming may well increase the risk for forest fires in some areas over the course of the century. Q: So is CO2 a pollution? How silly! Wrong again, griff. Or is something else going on? Schroeder says he worries that even if some grouse survived the flames, they will have nowhere to go to seek refuge until their habitat rebounds. Once a wildfire starts, unless there is a way to control the spread (which was not available in Montana in 1910, or at Peshtigo, WI), it becomes out of control and consumes everything that may be ignitable. makes its own climate If you are camped out and lightening hits upwind from you, pack up and run. You obviously didn’t even try to read or COMPREHEND any of the evidence put forward, did you griffool. I live about 70 miles north of Seattle, and we get about 26″ annual rainfall. And you look at it now and you think, well, this is only a fire.” It may be a long road to recovery — if that’s even possible, for these birds in this part of the world — but Schroeder says he isn’t ready to quit. Is it cheaper to adapt instead of force habit changes across the planet? “If it was just this, but it isn’t just this. criminal activity). In this casehere, No = Nothing, the negative case. We cut and burned the trees, encouraged the herbivores, who as any livestock keeper will assert, hate trees. Some politicians and media outlets are claiming that global warming was the explanation, but as we shall see, something else was going on: COVID-inspired trash burning and the extraordinary dominance of grass fires over forest fires. I have been trumpeting the fact that grasses are the big factor that are easily ignited and cause rapid wide spread fire, yet the media and alarmists scientists ignore the facts. The series explores the story of sage grouse across the U.S. West, from their cultural significance to Native American tribes in the region, to the modern-day threats the birds face. And even if it were WET, a few hours of strong winds would have ensured it was dry enough to burn. Some of their neighbors lost everything. They actively seek out sapling trees and eat them. It is an attractive plant in the grass stage (winter/spring) , especially with additional moisture in the spring, then goes bone dry by early summer. As I noted in earlier blogs, 2020 was not a particularly favorable year for higher-elevation wildfires, with normal April 1 snowpack and temperature/precipitation conditions that were not particularly unusual. We can compare the fires this year, with the fires of the past 20 years (see below), many of which have been on the eastern Cascade slopes and the slopes of the Okanagan and Blue Mountains. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! Global warming? “Well, that’s why I’m not going to retire, because I can’t give up on a low note.”. Not putting firewood under a deck is a common-sense idea that doesn’t cost. (~36″). The region NORMALLY get dry wind in August/September as the summer season is winding down towards fall, but usually in the 20-30 mph range, thus happens every year, this year is was extreme weather event that made the fire season a lot worse than usual. Wildfires were previously not a significant factor in sage grouse declines in Washington state, until now. Schroeder and other scientists recently published a report that brings together data from nine Western states that monitor sage grouse populations. Instead of some bad air in the winter we now breath it all summer. The ‘Northern Complex’ fire near Quincy was started by lightning and burned slowly in steep canyons for 2 weeks and had burned about 20,000 acres. They then set seed and die off long before the season rains stop in April. In what ways has the global climate changed in the last 50 years , that can be SCIENTIFICALLY proven to be of human causation? Australia and is well advanced up/down the West Coast. “Fire is the norm, and the grasses and forests evolved over exceedingly long time frames to be a firescape evolved ecology.”. The grasses here in the CA foothills will germinate once we get about 3 inches of rainfall, usually in Oct. to Nov. Many folks like the seclusion of being surrounded by vegetation. This is a good report as it is clearly a Reality Check, especially as regards not everything due to “climate change”. Beetle spraying has caused a hybrid beetle that hits the treetops where spraying doesn’t reach. You can see the agricultural areas (light green) and forested areas (darker green). As I mentioned above, Washington State had more fires than normal. From the stone age , copper , bronze , steel and finally the tech age we find ourselves in today that has removed us from the environment. I don’t want to see that happening anywhere near me, EVER. All of us geologists watch for these fires and do not get caught downwind in a dead-end canyon. Add in some high winds, which seems to be normal for the Inland Northwest whenever we get a change in fronts after a hot August…. Can man reverse it? Washingon Gov. DONATE HERE. In what might argued to be an “Ideal World”, the default vegetation growing on said world would be forest. Off you go….. One hour fuels – grass, needles, leaves carry fire from one place to the next. The crazy powerful winds were forced by a cold, high pressure areas to the east and such cold highs should become LESS frequent under global warming.And there is something else. Reposted from the Cliff Mass Weather Blog. But not this year. “There’s no way.”, Schroeder takes some solace by looking back on the geological time frame. Hence grasses appear, to fill in the gaps where trees once stood and to give new trees a bit of cover/shelter while they re-establish. “It’s not a sea of sage brush anymore. Jay Inslee issued a statewide emergency proclamation today to ensure immediate response to multiple wildfires in Central and Eastern Washington, as well as the Olympic Peninsula. Read about the 1910 fires which were pushed and aided by gale force winds from a front change……. If you wanted a clearer view of this situation, here is a recent MODIS satellite image centered on the Columbia Basin in which the burned areas are indicated by red. Infallible logic – if there’s nothing to burn, nothing *will* burn. Schroeder is a biologist with the state’s fish and wildlife agency. It’s thought that the desertification of Arizona was hastened by buffalo hunting. They don’t like trees or forests. So, variation in rainfall and summer temps seem to have little affect on the growth of the seasonal grasses. Speaking of Washington State, the reason that the Olympic Peninsula is a rain forest, Western Washington is wet, and Eastern Washington (where the fires were) is arid is the Cascade Mtns.
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