23 October 2020,
I had to make some subtle changes to the files when seperating them into different sub folders. I'm using Flask framework on PythonAnywhere. Before we delve into the client-side, let's get the little bit of server work that is necessary to support these user popups out of the way. In Chapter 11 I introduced you to the Bootstrap framework as a convenient way to create great looking web pages. This chapter is going to be dedicated to building that feature for Microblog, of which you can see a preview below: The GitHub links for this chapter are: Browse, Zip, Diff. [Ask Flask]Flask not working in conjuction with JQuery Hi, so I've been banging my head against the wall for the last 4 hours with this problem. It works by appending "_={timestamp}" to the GET parameters. In response the server will return the HTML content for the popup, which the client then display. This route is going to be attached to the /user//popupURL, and will simply l… Before we delve into the client-side, let's get the little bit of server work that is necessary to support these user popups out of the way. © 2012-document.write(new Date().getFullYear()); by Miguel Grinberg. In this project I am experimenting with sending data between Javascript and Python using the web framework Flask. The HTML portion to do a popover is really simple, you just need to define the element that is going to trigger the popover to appear. Here I define the different routes for the website and specify the settings. This route is going to be attached to the /user//popup URL, and will simply load the requested user and then render a template with it. I'm trying to use this one: Do you have some advice about how I can achieve this easily with the structure you have guide us through? So my mouse out event handler checks if there is an active timer object, and if there is one, it cancels it. It works, although it looks ugly and hackish and I'm not sure if it's a good idea in general :), #7 Miguel Grinberg said Cheers. The code for the index.html and results.html can be kept to a minimum this way. And also moved all the stylesheet files to a new folder called static! Then, I have a function that retrieves the whole DB and exports it to a JSON file - basically, the idea is to have a DataTable to show a specific table of my database. https://datatables.net/reference/option/ajax#Examples. Not really sure how else to lay it out): inside flask folder: app, Flask, tmp, Run.py. 2018-11-03T22:20:31Z, Since your tutorials are the best in the whole internet, I wonder when will you have angular part. Flask is a python microframework that has the principle of having as little tech as possible to get a website up and running. If not, is something like nginx serving it? Question . I need to have a way to find all these links from JavaScript after the page is rendered, so that I can then initialize them as popovers. Use request.args['yourname'] instead of request.form['yourname'], Your index.html form is calling /firstname url with get method and name argument as query string, so you need to access query parameters with request.args['yourname'] & not with request.form['yourname']. Here is the view function: app/main/routes.py: User popup view function. How do I override a JQuery (Datatable RowGroup) library function? The file location link needs an escape to go up a few levels before going down. This variable is going to hold the asynchronous request object, which I initialize from a call to $.ajax(). But even if a use **kwargs as a parameter in my function I still get the 404. The event argument is the event object, which contains useful information. inside app folder: views.py, init.py, templates folder, Static Folder, pycache Folder. 2018-04-30T08:49:57Z. cache (default: true, false for dataType 'script' and 'jsonp') In your previous sections, whenever you have used url_for() in the HTML sections, you used the route name directly like for ex - url_for('index') or url_for('dashboard'). These tags break the code for me, everything works fine if I get rid of them. The postmethod route is defined to handle the data coming from Javascript into Python via a POST call. My code is below. #16 Yasmin said Oh, right, sorry. Hi Miguel, is there a proper way to pass javascript parameters when redirecting to a new URL using url_for? If none of those conditions apply, then that means that the popover is currently displayed and the user is leaving the target area, so in that case, a popover('destroy') call to the target element does the proper removal and cleanup. The popover component does require JavaScript support. Great tutorial, do you have any on using D3 to create graphs? By using "type" : "POST" the time stamp disapears. #9 John said The template is a shorter version of the one used for the user profile page: app/templates/user_popup.html: User popup template. I just started learning Flask, and as a practice project I wanted to build a simple site that asks the user for their name, and greets them by their name on a new page. What's the point of 'set user_link' and 'endset' in the _post.html ? I cleared the cache on my browser but I can see that 404 errors in the inspect mode. I'm storing the timer object in a timer variable that I have defined outside of the hover() call, to make the timer object accessible also to the "mouse out" handler. So finally I can create my popover component, using the data argument that was passed to me in the Ajax callback function: app/templates/base.html: Display popover. #8 Vlad said If this function is called on a collection of elements, jQuery conveniently attaches the event to all of them. #14 Yasmin Amran said #18 John said Return the unique id that was used for writing to the file. Can you provide a link to your page for troubleshooting? In Chapter 14 you saw me add a simple JavaScript enabled link in a Flask template to provide real-time language translations of blog posts. @Fabrizio: not as part of this tutorial. 2018-09-05T01:44:01Z, #12 Jose Luis said #24 Alex said Retrieve the canvas_data from the POST request and write the content to a file. def process_xy( x="0",y="00): To extract the username, I can navigate the DOM starting from the first and only item in elem, moving to the first child, which is the element, and then extracting the text from it, which is the username that I need to use in my URL. The core of the web application is inside this file. This handler already has the logic to abort the popover operation if it is interrupted by the user moving the mouse out of the target element. I wanted to stay out of the JS framework wars, can't do React and leave the Angular, Vue, etc. Maybe a misplaced comma? For example, I could mark all the user links with a class="user_popup", and then I could get the list of links from JavaScript with $('.user_popup') (in CSS selectors, the # prefix searches by ID, while the . On Unix-like operating systems the current directory is represented by a single dot and its parent directory (i.e., the directory that contains it) is represented by two consecutive dots. Brief Flask Intro. For now I'm going to concentrate in finding the links. By default, a Flask route only answers to GET requests. Do you have flask serving the static asset? One of these components is the Popover, which is described in the documentation as a "small overlay of content, for housing secondary information". Possible to be missing any script to load? Flask app not executing javascript when it's in an external file. SpryMedia Ltd is registered in Scotland, company no. I don't know for a fact but I suspect that Flask won't process AJAX requests and simply return static files. Most bootstrap components are defined through HTML markup that references the Bootstrap CSS definitions that add the nice styling. So I had to add a second popover('show') call to make the popup appear on the page. Which I confess I don't know what it is and didn't find anything googling yet. The two arguments are two functions, which are invoked when the user moves the mouse pointer into and out of the target element respectively.
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