I hope he is listening. Now we can stab him in the heart.” Heartless much, d-bag? Frankie: I don’t throw competitions. I giggled at “artfully mastered.” Sorry, If #BB16 was an acting reel, he’ll NEVER be hired! Gay men have done well on there, but not one that is as silly and useless as Frankie, and they wouldn’t give a flip about who his little sister is. What would you do if Big Brother made you famous: Exactly what I am doing, but hopefully on an even bigger scale with worldwide reach, bigger shows, and bigger tours. Strong comp players are ALWAYS targeted before strong social players, hence why Derrick has literally never been on the block. She can’t..lost cause. It would be according to how good the insurance is. they can’t all be that stupid, can they? Ha !!! Screw the job! Why is it any different in a situation like this? I have enjoyed your interviews. It surprised me that he said he wanted to see Vic instead of Cody in the F2. 25+ year olds buy stuff because they have jobs/money. Looks like the majority want Donny. It’s changed hands several times, but they still own stock in it and have a vested interest in the company. :). His sister is the multi-platinum selling pop singer Ariana Grande. But then after he tucked him in one night, he went to Cody, Derrick and Caleb and said that he “put the baby to sleep. Accountability. I saw and heard these things and wish I had not. So you think its sarcasm is a good enough reason to joke about rape??? Frankie Grande cast interview with Big Brother Network: Tonight On Big Brother 16: Week 12 Live Eviction Show, Big Brother 17 Casting – How To Apply For Next Season, I thought he handled last night well. :-). LOL, If you saw the episodes or live feeds, he 100% knew he was being evicted… There was a DR leak where he said, “Can’t you let me leave this house in peace?” & on the show he even admitted multiple times he knew if he was OTB he’d most definitely be going home…. Nooooo! I’m still confused about the charity aspect though. :-). 14 Romantic & Unique Valentine Vacation Ideas, Inflight WiFi Upgrades: Money-Saving Strategies, How to Avoid Exhaustion at Walt Disney World Resorts, Valentine Day For Kids Sweet Pink Play Dough. In all likelihood he was asked to send that tweet by Braun to support Ariana. They had a conversation where they said they needed to target Derrick/Cody and that Frankie was playing a good game, yada yada and then Donny said he’d campaign for him in jury and Nicole agreed. You can’t be serious! A: Too young to watch the show and/or understand what happened. There is another Andy also, right? Or why he used the worst possible word you could ever call a woman: a c*nt? Please bring back Frankie in a All star Big Brother, along with Rachel!!! actually, I would love for him to be on Dancing With the Stars…Len would crucify him! Using the power of social media, Frankie has raised awareness of buildOn’s mission both in the U.S. and developing countries.”, but, no where on their site did it mention anything about teaching and/or bringing dance to the kids directly and/or indirectly …. Well, Derrick also told everyone to not be/talk to her alone or they would be targeted next, but, then he spent a lot of time with her, in particularly when they were Have Nots for mostly Jury Management strategy .. and, appearance of taking one for the Alliance .. Ha !!! 3) “Jedi” Howie, 4) Matt the roofer from Season 9 because he gave Boston a bad name with how he treated Natalie and his post-Big Brother activities. God knows, I am. Describe yourself in three words? I tried to point out that organization’s “link” (which would have alerted that org to this site) here while he was still in the BB house that he has given to and my reply wasn’t accepted…maybe because they didn’t want that org to know about Frankie’s true colors going on outside of their org??? Did I mention how perfect this interview was? Does this mean you are voting for Donny to be AFP? This season’s been quite tough to swallow, and last night didn’t make it any easier. But I get that you have to give your objective point of view to preserve the network’s and BB’s reputation than just Frankie’s alone deserves! Certainly an interesting divide of behavior to watch this season which I’m sure managed to earn him plenty of fans as he leaves the game and returns to his life as a YouTube personality. Anything that isn’t pro-frankie will receive hate. I’ve never been more excited about anything in my entire life. Two or three more comments were made until he changed the joke to Caleb & Cody double teaming HIM. I guess my point is, I’ve seen my friends fight for rights. 5) Adam (also from Season 9) because he used his winnings to bankroll a drug dealing operation…seriously.
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