Comes in shades of pink, green, gray, yellow, ‣ “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. Rhodochrosite is a stone known to stimulate the passion brings out love as well as giving an individual spiritual and physical energies, it helps encourage positivity and creativity and aids in realizing ones self worth. Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy. Kunzite gemstone is excellent for calming and relaxation. Peridot also aids in reducing resentment, greed, hate or bitterness. It improves total recall of dreams and provides protection, stability and structure of one’s physical, emotional and spiritual facets. Silver It is also used for creative and artistic endeavours. The pink kunzite is a symbol of love, romance and marriage, it is an ideal stone to have in jewellry when giving to a loved one. It is known to stimulate creativity and mental alertness. Benefits the bones and muscle and soft tissue. negativity. Pietersite stone was first found in 1962 by Sid Pieters in Namibia. Topaz is known to bring joy because it helps balance, cleanses the thoughts and therefore releases stress. Diopside aids in clarity of emotions. It is said to help cleanse and balance ones aura and is a stone known to be an aid to self healing. It also aids in forgiveness, resolving issues and the acceptance of opinions and beliefs in the relationship. For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.” ... And God said, “Let the waters under the heavens be gathered together into one place, and let the dry land appear.” And it was so. Moldavite is known to for healing as well as catalyst for ones wholeness. It allows a person to see clearly and stabilises ones insight.Ammonite is also known as a grounding stone. Single Wick Stone Candle average size: 6” to 7” $75.99 ... All of Michael Gienger’s publications—this is his 11th—combine spiritual and scientific knowledge in a well-founded and easy-to-understand way, making his work accessible to everyone interested in this subtle, effective means of healing. Tektite is associated with all the Chakra points as it can balance each area bringing about the best from each energy centre. Bengulat Metaphysically it’s believed to energise and stabilise both body and aura and promotes creativity. Common rock found world-wide. And this increases spiritual awareness and inner peace. It also denotes a connection with the Throat Chakra that helps in communication. It will also help you remain strong when resisting against self-destructive patterns that have before hindered you in the past. If you are not of the opinion that Grandpa Billy’s ethereal body is hovering over his own corpse, than this theory might appeal to you. Shiva Lingham will enhance general health as they contain strong energy that can stimulate the entire body, thus aid in improving health and well-being. Diamond is the master healer as it breaks up blockages in ones personality. And God saw that the light was good. Replacement Wick Pack $26.00 Pietersite helps clear blocked or stagnant pathways though activation of the Chakras and allowing higher energy into the body’s energy field. and clears mind and better thinking also enhances ones patience. Granite is also mildly radioactive. If you have any questions about getting a quote contact me and I will be happy to help. Her writing has also been syndicated to such media outlets as the "Washington Post," the "Seattle-Post Intelligencer," the Associated Press and Reuters. It is said that individuals who wear tiger’s eye are supposed to get lucky as this stone is known to give good luck. When used during meditation it will aid finding hidden potential in oneself and help cleanse one’s mental path thus enabling the start of your life journey.
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