All of our work helps young people to unlock Shakespeare using techniques developed in the RSC rehearsal room. About RSC Education Independent Learning with the RSC Independent Learning with the RSC As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and school closures, many young people have been working from home for the first time. Including maps, risk assessments, ticket discounts and our school information pack. We have a wide range of online resources, to help young people to unlock Shakespeare's language and learn more about his plays. Explore FAQs and useful links to further information about RSC Education. © Many of them can be adapted or resources used outside of school. Read more about our work with other organisations, including our collaboration with the University of Birmingham. RSC Live lessons on Macbeth and Romeo and Juliet are available for you to watch and take part in at any time. By using this site you agree that we may store and access cookies on your device. Information about your use of this site is shared with Google. Explore our #TimeToListen research, read classroom case studies and more. There are lots of ways for young people and teachers to work with us, from events and workshops for students, to professional development for teachers, free Schools' Broadcasts and partnerships. Resources are adaptable to the broad nature of the primary science curriculum. The activity toolkits contain a number of short 15-minute activities on each play. An opportunity to ask our actors your questions online through #RSCHomeworkHelp. 2020 Royal Shakespeare Company, Unfortunately we cannot guarantee support for browsers with Javascript disabled, you may experience some difficulties using this website. Read our policy. Education in Chemistry (EiC) is an online and print magazine that features ideas, teaching guides and resources, providing valuable support to … If you can, please consider supporting us by making a donation and Keep Your RSC. Cover topics like filtration, distillation and temperature as your pupils purify water from a muddy pond to survive. A catalogue of games, images, videos and galleries arranged by play title where you can find out more about a play or revise one you know well. Videos exploring key moments, relationships and speeches from Macbeth, Romeo and Juliet and A Midsummer Night’s Dream. Teach primary science with ease, using experiments, cartoons, videos and more. 2020 Let's get people talking about chemistry that's relevant and fun, and help to inspire them. We're looking for people to join our Board of Trustees. Discover the elements through videos, podcasts, data trends and uses, The physics of restoration and conservation, Changes to Education in Chemistry subscriptions. Stream King Lear and watch Tim Crouch’s I, Cinna on our online performances page. Including information on work experience, teacher resources and help with school projects and surveys. But this doesn’t mean learning, or creativity, need to stop. Our EAPs are a team of educationalists, actors and directors who facilitate and deliver our education programme in Stratford-upon-Avon, nationally and internationally. Regional schools commissioners (RSCs) act on behalf of the Secretary of State for Education and are accountable to the National Schools Commissioner.Each RSC is supported by a headteacher board. Whether you're a parent looking for inspiration or a student wanting to get creative, we've got lots of resources and ideas you can use. By using this site, you agree to its use of cookies. We will receive a grant from the Clore Duffield Foundation to help us continue our education work during the pandemic,. Chrome 86.0, so you may experience some difficulties using this website.
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