They were not enemies, they were not criminals, they were nothing earthly now – nothing but black shadows of disease and starvation, lying confusedly in the greenish gloom.” Likewise, the pilgrims claim that their purpose is to instill religion and morals in the natives, but at the same time, they carry staves with which to beat the African laborers. But this statement is applicable to all Europeans involved in imperialistic empire-building: While labeling Kurtz a morally "sick" man might seem comforting, he is actually an exaggeration of the impulses harbored in the hearts of men everywhere. Although these are barbarous and morally reprehensible acts, they nevertheless demonstrate Kurtz’s enormous capacity for practical action towards the fulfillment of concrete ends. SparkNotes is brought to you by Barnes & Noble. “Heart of Darkness” is about a man’s journey into a darkness both physical and metaphorical: he travels to both the inner depths of the Belgian Congo and to the deepest regions of the human heart. This affirms Kurtz’s sanity: he does what he does with reason and with purpose.Kurtz further proves his sanity in his acceptance of reality, something other agents and pilgrims foolishly, and ludicrously, ignore. © 2020 Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. from your Reading List will also remove any Once he tasted the power that could be his in the jungle, however, Kurtz abandoned his philanthropic ideals and set himself up as a god to the natives at the Inner Station. Societies are formed by a mixture of several cultures and people from different countries, as well as cultural backgrounds. malice of his actions. as a series of images constructed by others for their own use. politician and leader of men; to his fiancée, a great humanitarian Did he live his life again in every detail of desire, temptation, and surrender during that supreme moment of complete knowledge? Don’t tell me. Heathcliff. be projected. Kurtz and Anybody. Nothing could happen. He acknowledges the truth about himself and the world; in their insanity, those around him do not. All rights reserved. There was a touch of insanity in the proceeding, a sense of lugubrious drollery in the sight.” The “pop” made by the guns is symbolic of a crazed, incomprehensible, and ultimately futile attempt to subdue the continent. “Heart of Darkness” is about a man’s journey into a darkness both physical and metaphorical: he travels to both the inner depths of the Belgian Congo and to the deepest regions of the human heart. This website uses cookies so that we can provide you with the best user experience possible. His subsequent actions are deemed immoral and insane by “civilized” people, but they are only the result of Kurtz’s struggle to maintain his sanity, his battle to escape the moral shackles of a world that has ceased to make sense.Whatever his faults, Kurtz remains sane to the end. style and eloquence and for his grandiose, almost megalomaniacal and genius. legend. Everyone has their own opinion and rarely is it as simple as biology. Orwell made this trope explicit in […], Journalists, and authors of investigative literature, often struggle to keep their writing 100 percent truthful when researching cases with few leads and vague details. A French man-of-war is seen firing into the African bush, seemingly at nothing: “Pop, would go one of the six-inch guns…and nothing happened. However, it also points to Kurtz’s ability to The sheer insanity of these actions only shows the lack of progress by the Company in the Congo, as well as the Company’s inability to affect the country.These moments of madness contrast sharply with Kurtz’s sanity: his resolution of purpose and his ability to reach his goals is astounding. Kurtz isolates himself from this absurd environment to protect his sanity: unable to be part of the cruel hypocrisy of the Company any longer, he frees himself from the restraints of civilized society. Save me!” Eventually, Kurtz can no longer tolerate the Company’s “methods” of plunder and pretense, and to preserve his sanity, he goes to extremes. Indeed, Kurtz is not so much a fully realized individual In a world of mundanely malicious men and “flabby devils,” Cookie information is stored in your browser and performs functions such as recognising you when you return to our website and helping our team to understand which sections of the website you find most interesting and useful. In this […], One of the contradictions of radical movements is the way in which the movements both extol and denigrate the virtues of the working class. emptiness, he becomes a cipher, a site upon which other things can substance, providing a justification for amorality and evil. Yet Kurtz, something. He frees himself from the imposing absurdity of European civilization, discovers his own truth, and follows his own creed. Shakespeare’s presentation of Benvolio and Mercutio and the contrasting effects they have on Romeo. Kurtz resembles the archetypal “evil genius”: the highly gifted but ultimately degenerate individual whose fall is … It seems as if the only God they worship is wealth, and the only religion they follow is one of imbecile rapacity, for “the word ‘ivory’ rang in the air, was whispered, was sighed. and he is left doubting the validity of his memories. The horror!” His sanity asserts itself at last, and he is able to confront the ultimate truth about himself and human nature. Kurtz can be criticized in the same terms that Heart “He had kicked himself loose of the earth. Redefining the Relationship Between Colonial Margin and Metropolitan Center in ‘The Buddha of Suburbia’, Lonesome Landscapes; Environment and Alienation in Cormac McCarthy’s ‘The Road’ and Elizabeth Bowen’s ‘Mysterious Kor’. function as a “choice of nightmares” for Marlow: in his essential This website uses cookies to provide you with the best browsing experience. In fact, it can be argued that style does not just override Writers tend to teetertotter on the […], Although optimism does not lie on the surface of Rawi Hage’s Cockroach and Margaret Atwood’s Oryx and Crake, the texts are existential discussions of the validity associated with the ‘hope […], It seems fitting that Yossarian’s nickname in Catch-22 is “Yo-Yo.” A yo-yo is a perfect metaphor for the recurring images of circularity and linearity that characterizes the chaotic world of […], What does it mean to be a human being? These actions of sanity allow Kurtz to save his soul and remain faithful to who he is. Removing #book# Part of the reason Heart of Darkness is so widely studied is that it sets up a lot … Like these characters, he is significant both for his These contradictory elements combine to make Kurtz so fascinating to Marlow — and so threatening to the Company. He returns more ivory than all the other stations put together, and does so through the use of absolute force. Visit to buy new and used textbooks, and check out our award-winning NOOK tablets and eReaders. and with the reader. Hypocrisy, the denial of reality, is one of the leading traits of the Company’s workers – the agents claim they are concerned with improving the natives’ lives, but a glimpse of the effects of this “improvement” is enough to destroy the credibility of their so-called concerns: “They were dying slowly – it was very clear. The word itself implies heartbreak; a soldier lost at war or a ship wrecked at sea would be described […], Spenser’s The Faerie Queene was written mainly to fulfil an allegorical purpose and to “fashion a gentleman or noble person in virtuous and gentle discipline.” However, the moralistic tone is […], “Heart of Darkness” is about a man’s journey into a darkness both physical and metaphorical: he travels to both the inner depths of the Belgian Congo and to the deepest […]. of paradoxes that Marlow can use to evaluate himself and the Company’s men. Confound the man! This frightens men like the Manager, who complains of Kurtz's "unsound method" — although Kurtz is only doing what the Company as a whole is doing without hiding his actions behind a façade of good intentions. He extorts ivory from the natives with no hypocrisy, thereby accepting the brutal reality of his malicious actions instead of hiding inside a sanctimonious cloak of treachery as the Company does.Although Kurtz’s extremity might appear to be lunacy, it is only a natural response to a world of madness that threatens to overwhelm and consume him. but ultimately degenerate individual whose fall is the stuff of scheming. of Darkness is sometimes criticized: style entirely overrules Kurtz succumbs to this evil, though he is enlightened and comes to understand the darkness in his heart. You would think they were praying to it.” This hypocrisy enrages Kurtz: he is disgusted by the lies that surround him. The horror!”Kurtz faces who he is at the end, when he sums up mankind in two fateful words: “The horror! CliffsNotes study guides are written by real teachers and professors, so no matter what you're studying, CliffsNotes can ease your homework headaches and help you score high on exams. When the Manager arrives to “rescue” him, Kurtz cries, “Save me! of contemplation. Are you sure you want to remove #bookConfirmation# While Brussels is a "whited sepulcher" of hypocrisy, Kurtz is completely open about his lusts. Spenser’s Transformation of the Traditions of Classic Epic and Medieval Romance, A Story about a Yo-Yo: How Catch-22 comes full circle without being circular, Cockroaches and Snowmen: Liminal Spaces as Liberating Mechanisms in Hage and Atwood, Krakauer’s Successful Tribute to McCandless: Balancing Fiction and Non-Fiction in Literary Journalism, The Role of the Peasant in Ignazio Silone’s Bread and Wine. As described by the accountant, Kurtz “is a very remarkable person…Sends in as much ivory as all the others put together.” With his rational will and deft reasoning skills, Kurtz rises to a position of great power and influence over the natives – one not unlike that of God – and he uses this deified role to prompt the natives to raid villages and pilfer the land for ivory. and any corresponding bookmarks? Kurtz is a dangerous man because he gives the lie to the Company's "humanistic" intentions in the Congo. Having rejected civilized European society, Kurtz is forced to look into his own soul. Kurtz is related to figures like Faustus, Satan in Milton’s Paradise Ultimately, his sanity saves him from the immense heart of darkness that threatens to swallow the rest of the world. He tells the Manager he is "Not so sick as you'd like to believe." This means that every time you visit this website you will need to enable or disable cookies again. Marlow remarks that "All Europe contributed to the making of Kurtz," and Kurtz's very existence proves this to be true: Like the Europeans involved in enterprises such as the Company, he epitomizes the greed and lust running wild that Marlow observes in the Congo. Like Marlow, Kurtz also wished to travel to Africa in search of adventure — specifically, to complete great acts of "humanizing, improving, instructing" (as he explains in his initial report to the Company). attracting enough attention to be worthy of damnation is indeed One of the most enigmatic characters in twentieth-century literature, Kurtz is a petty tyrant, a dying god, an embodiment of Europe, and an assault on European values. Once, in a flash of illumination, Kurtz’s true, black nature reveals itself at the end of his altruistic report on the treatment of natives in a startling postscript: “Exterminate all the brutes!” However, Kurtz’s most profound message of truth is found in his death, as described by his admirer, Marlow:I saw on that ivory face the expression of somber pride, of ruthless power, of craven terror – of an intense and hopeless despair. The term “persona” can be best linked in today’s society as character roles that are played by an actor. While he used to worry about the best ways to bring (as his painting demonstrates) the "light" of civilization to the Congo, he dies as a man believing that the Company should simply "Exterminate all the brutes!". This could be taken negatively, to mean that Kurtz is not worthy Kurtz, like Marlow, can be situated within a larger tradition. However, unlike the Company, Kurtz is not interested in his image or how he is perceived by "noxious fools" such as the Manager.
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