S1: Which one do you think is the money card? 13 years ago The illusion exists on at least five different levels. “My dad is going to kill me.”. Copyright © 2020 Altucher Confidential - All Rights Reserved. You are either an actor in the theater (and in almost every case, you are “the mark” 99% of the time) or you are in the audience. As far as I know, NOBODY running the con has ever lost money. They could be playing the game with the cards face up, and making everyone a winner, and it would still be illegal in this regard. The psychology that turns three cards on a cardboard box into MAGIC. So I say the queen, one of the red cards, I'm going to flick it again down here. Laugh in delight at the way everyone disappears when imaginary police are spotted. And always it ends with the victim alone, minus his money, and about to be punished in some way, either by his own regrets, or the fist of a father. Next one: The cards flipping back and forth. Force them to turn over the other two, showing losers. And you just have to keep track of one card. But I’ve learned a lot along the way. I’ve been there. Learn how to do the basic 3-card monte trick in this dinner table magic tricks video from Howcast. It's your job to keep track of which one's which. 3 card monte has been around since the 1500’s. So from here to here. You can watch the illusion unfold in everything around you. I’ve achieved the rank of chess master. I would not have told the whole story. Then throw the last looser down on the table also face down. “Just show the $20,” I said to Robert, “it’s definitely that card to the right.”, “Ok,” the guy said, “your watch will get you $80. It's your job to keep track of which one's which. And this is actually out of Diver and his Three Card Monte routine, which was published. Because of illusion. Ever since then, the guy behind the card table has been using sleight of hand, shills who would pretend to play, a crowd egging on the victim, and every other classic technique in the book to make money. So now 1 card is on the table, people think it is a looser but it really the winner drop the rest of the cards normally this should be done quickly and effortlessly so the audience support nothing, Master the whole trick and fool people over and over again, If you ever see somebody doing this trick but getting people to put money on what card they think is the winner stay well back. Then, as an observer, you can marvel at the beauty of the sleight of hand. But you don’t have to put up your money. Star Trek was about to come on. I couldn’t believe I was about to make 50 dollars. Your card must be the winner. The whole point's to win money. S1: Then I show the next card to you. Robert said, “I knew it.” I said, “I’m sorry”. Robert slouched down and when he straightened up his dad hit him again, “You are one dumb f***!” Robert was crying. I like to use the joker because it has... S1: Yeah, a little dollar sign. The word monte comes from a legit card game played in Mexico in the 1800’s and when the scam made it’s way into the US via Louisiana in the 1830s it took that name to give it a veneer of legitimacy. 11 years ago The guy who picked the right card the first time pointed again. I was sure he had $20. If it's illegal, why should we need to know it? But the illusion created by the crowd, the excitement that builds up until the only way it can relieve some of the pressure is if YOU pick the card, the climax of the illusion, when everything is downhill after that. I was following every movement of that card. Spell Checker!! So there are three different cards, that's why it's the Three Card Monte. The more illusions you train yourself to observe, the more fun you will have. “$20 will get you $50!” The guy said. He got his $30. Then we ran into this table. Then I wanted to make money. I give it a little flick and here's the secret move. Robert and I were standing on the corner of 45th and Broadway, right near Times Square. Just like in 3 card monte, the key is to just stand back and observe the illusion. “Damn!” she said. I just know it was a nice watch. I’m an entrepreneur and angel investor. I pointed to what I was sure was the right card. “That guy said it was a scam.”, “20 will get you $80! I’ve started 20 companies, 17 of which have failed. Because I get it. You can capture their attention, capitalize on your own showmanship, and still leave them astounded. His dad was a stockbroker. Check out my Instructable, [simple money getting trick] *note* this is not illegal, this is just a trick to some money at school. “You stupid shit!”. Especially when it's something as classy as Three-Card Monte. Heck, maybe I’d even take a limo. And then the last card, which you can't show, but by process of elimination people assume it's the other queen. Reply Upvote. The crowd that surrounds you so you can no longer back out and you are slowly pushed closer and closer to the table is all an illusion. Not just the sleight of hand, the illusion of quickly replacing one card with another without anyone noticing, or the legitimacy of the name, or the fact that’s it’s just cards. You can’t stop the illusion. Being in the audience is fun. !Diagrams would help where the descriptions falter.The game is called "Three Card Monte". Don't go thinking you that you can go out and play on the streets now, because this is just one of them. We will not share your email address and you can unsubscribe at any time. S2: Okay. Yeah, yeah even if you win, you might not win if you know what I mean. Robert and I were visiting his dad’s office a few blocks away when we decided to take a walk past the arcades in Broadway.
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