We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. (Find the first post in this series here for a review.). Agreed, but in addition it's interesting to note that if someone asks you "How are you? Want more ideas for asking better questions? Sure — some people don’t like the use of “like” like that, but it’s used a lot, including by myself (an English teacher from England — not America). I can't create even a guitar lick when playing over a backing track. 5 suggestions from @ValuesDriven. got a makeover. I hope you are still keeping well in these difficult times. That was, like, our first ever English lesson, right? it helps me a lot. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. How to Answer “How Are You?” + 9 Interesting Ways to Ask It. We break the rules all the time, so why shouldn’t they? If we are in a shaby condition and some one ask how are you? Alternatives to “I’m fine” I’m good. There are a lot of different ways of asking “How are you?”. indicates that the respondent is fine in terms of fine health. In the context of a greeting such as "How are you? If they don’t want to give it to you, then there’s not much you can do, right? And yes, I always will! Is that because it sort of doesn’t make sense? The only reason most of us ask this question is because it would appear impolite not to ask. When you want to ask someone to give you something and you feel you need to be polite, it’s always a good idea to “soften” the sentence — I like the phrase: “Would it be OK if I got your number?” 3. What was the best part about your day? alternative definition: 1. A: not bad, ( which means he is fine only and the +1 is missing at this very moment which could have made him answer i am good.). Pretty good — This was actually the catchphrase of a popular American comedian. Am I bringing my character back to life too much? As a leader, you can welcome the half-baked ideas and emerging thoughts that are beginning to tickle your team members’ minds. I also love that you let non-native speakers know it’s ok to say things that are not exactly grammatically correct: “I’m good.” Since that’s what native speakers do! Last week, we introduced a new series of posts that will offer ideas for how to build energy, shape the future, and create high-performing teams. Why is the airflow in airline cabins downwards? Yikes. Beyond that, this question, often reveals the small ideas and accomplishments that might not make it into a bi-weekly check-in, but that are worth celebrating. This latter meaning is being used more and more to mean "I am well". Gabriel Clark is an English teacher with 14 years’ experience and an MA in TESOL and Applied Linguistics from Portsmouth University. To play this quiz, please finish editing it. Better yet, greet them in a way that shows genuine care AND leads to new information that can inspire positive action. Okay. That’s why this question, “How are you?,” is in need of a makeover. Our insights come from hard-earned experience: Jim Ludema, Ph.D., is the Center’s director, a professor of global leadership, and a consultant to companies around the world. Don’t worry, you can unsubscribe at any time. I think the expression started in the United States and arrived in Britain via TV, media etc. ", "Are you sick? Although it’s used a lot in modern English, some people still consider this phrase (as an answer to “How are you?”) grammatically incorrect. In the workplace, asking question 2 can yield invaluable information about the work activities that give your team members energy. Do vector spaces without choice satisfy Cantor-Schroeder-Bernstein? “Thank you for your kind wishes. You look pale, and weak. Our standard responses? To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. It only takes a minute to sign up. "I'm fine" means the same as "I'm well". Your webside is very good, OK — one by one: 1. But you can reframe it to, “What are you most looking forward to about your day?” to spark some positive energy in the morning. Fine is just saying you're not having an amazing day, and you're not having a horrible day. By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our Cookie Policy, Privacy Policy, and our Terms of Service. It looks like "I'm fine" means "I'm OK" but not quite good as "I'm good". #5: What is one thing we could do right now to make this (day, project, event) even better? What I meant to say was that “You all right?” to mean “How’s it going?” is rather British and I haven’t seen it used like that elsewhere. Stack Exchange network consists of 176 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. Greeting our colleagues with "How are you?" You are on my bookmark now. (higher score means happier). I'm fine tends to be a more neutral way of saying how you are, like you're not good and you're not bad. Or well, or good. it’s really good for me. Today I’m going to show you some more creative ways to ask and answer “How are you?” in English. What benefit would a deity gain from spreading out a conflict over a long period of time? Although the OP specifically mentions the US, it's worth mentioning that this also has a bit of US/British variation. "I'm fine", "I'm good", "Fine, thanks", "Fine", "Good", "Good, thanks", etc etc. Basically, "I'm fine" means "I'm OK", "I'm getting by with no problems", and so on, while "I'm good" suggests "I'm happy", "I am currently aware of how well I am, and how well my life is going", "I'm satisfied, content, and am quite enjoying myself", etc. And someo say no im not giving you then what we say ?? We offer five alternative questions below. Can a judge suggest to the jury that a witness is lying. Sorry if I confused you more. I.e. So we’re going to look at two situations: informal and formal. I cannot comment on American English - I had never heard of "I'm good" being used as an alternative to "I'm fine" until I came across this forum. Thanks a lot for this article! Selected radio button shows user more content. He can be found giving talks at conferences, cycling around post-Soviet neighbourhoods or performing music in empty bars. Thanks. is really an enquiry about your health, which is why some people make the distinction between "fine" and "good" as an appropriate answer, but in practice - as has been pointed out - it's usually a ritual greeting said with no real interest in the answer. Opinions expressed by Forbes Contributors are their own. I’d say “Never better!” is a positive, upbeat way of saying “Really well.” Probably stronger than just “I’m fine.”. Good. (Find the first post in this series here for a review. I'm pretty sure your coworker did not decide that you were better than any other day, and instead said something positive as a response. Kernel Panic on Debian Buster with 128 MB of memory. Here are my five favorite alternatives to the ubiquitous greeting. I think it's related to the increasing use of "good" instead of "well" in some informal contexts e.g. Sometimes you want to say that things are just … OK. There’s also a classic response in this situation: “So-so.”. Can lightning occur in stars like the Sun? "How did you get on at the interview? In common usage, "I'm fine" is a generally positive way of saying "There's nothing particularly wrong"; yet it also means that there isn't anything superlatively right, well, or good. As some of the other answers mention, the usage does vary across the pond, and maybe within the US as well. He’s the “Clark” in Clark and Miller, a website that focuses on giving learners a deeper understanding of how English works through online courses and a blog that often features giraffes. "I'm good", however, is a positive assertion that your personal situation and the events surrounding it are supererogatory compared to your usual state of being. i have learnt so many different ways to say” how are you”. 1 Nothing at all. Over here "I'm good" still means "I'm the opposite of evil" as opposed to "I. Some of these phrases don’t work if you’re in a formal situation, like talking to your boss or the Queen of Sweden. #4: Tell me one thing you’ve learned recently that inspired you. All five are positive – focused either on highlighting the best of the past or inviting the responder to identify a positive future. Listen closely and the question can help you identify your colleague’s strengths and passions; align those two things with your work, and you can expect an increase in productivity and engagement. © 2020 Forbes Media LLC. Or lazy. If a PC becomes stunned on their turn, do they lose the rest of their actions without losing any stunned value? Yes, and last. Sad but true :)), A new way of saying “how are you” inn America. While the question, “What could make this day better?” will occasionally earn responses such as, “Donuts!,” it will also earn responses that can point toward small changes that are quick wins. Then what we say, The other thing is i want someone number so in polite what we say? : ). If you ask someone that here its because you think they’re struggling with something, it implies that they might not be alright. Changing the way you greet someone can change your relationship. (as a rejection), The difference between “quite” and “enough”. Though similar to question 2, the third question differs in that it targets opportunities for innovation. How about a reply like vertical and breathing? #3: What new ideas are giving you energy lately? I remember going to Australia and having to force myself not to say “All right?” when passing people by. 30 Natural English Phrases That You Totally Need. We know creating a strong, values-driven culture is complex work. English Language & Usage Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for linguists, etymologists, and serious English language enthusiasts. That’s another awesome on I’d forgotten about. your website is amazing. Spark moments of reflection & learning at work by asking better questions. Brilliant! We work at the Center for Values-Driven Leadership, at Benedictine University, where we study and consult with performance-focused, values-driven companies to understand their pain points and help them thrive. “That was, like, our first ever English lesson, right?”. In our column, we tackle the obstacles and opportunities business leaders find as they try to do business the right way – by caring for people while winning in the marketplace. These greeting type situations are very formulaic and you can confuse people if you take the words on face value instead of as a greeting. EY & Citi On The Importance Of Resilience And Innovation, Impact 50: Investors Seeking Profit — And Pushing For Change. I have been learning English for many year. ", which is typically asked in a ritual manner and the asker is not usually interested in the answer, any positive response is equivalent. As parents, we find question 1 yields significantly more information than the grunts our children offered in response to, “How are you?” The way we’ve framed it here, it’s most useful for an end-of-day greeting. Yes, definitely. When your coworker then said "I'm glad to hear that" it probably also carried no significant meaning. Thanks for the positive feedback Piyush. Thanks a lot. and by the way. Also, I've noticed that if a person is upset but they don't want to say it, they'll say "I'm fine" instead of "I'm good" to cover it up, especially if they normally say something other than "I'm fine". #2: What work is most exciting you this week? @Jeremy: Do you mean, if answer is just "fine" or "good", it's exactly same but if it's "I'm fine" or "I'm good" they have a different as in this answer? We usually ask it as a greeting rather than with the intent of actually acquiring information about the other person. Join us May 31 for a one-day workshop. And you are a language teacher!
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