, OpenFlow’s Awkward Teen Years | The Data Center Overlords, OpenFlow: Enterprise Use Cases | David's CCIE Blog, Replace traditional Layer 2 MAC learning and propagation mechanisms, Make policy-based routing (routing based on TCP/UDP port) something useful instead of a one-off, pain in the ass, ok just-this-one time creature it is now, No loop avoidance. BROADCAST IT OUT ALL PORTS BUT THE RECEIVING PORT. There’s no denying that this approach, or something similar, is a much better way to handle traffic engineering in the future than our current approach. For instance, there’s not mechanism to do “oh, hey, for right now why don’t we just move all these packets from this source to that source” in an efficient way. The sudden growth in crayfish consumption in China back in the 90s must have sparked something within the crayfish that led to this uprising. C do a demonstration. I They could punch up any source and destination address (IP or MAC) and there would be a graphical representation of the flow (and which devices they went through) on the screen. WATCH LIVE: Trump holds two MAGA rallies in Florida starting at 4:30 — Also check out this Golf Cart Caravan for Trump! N Cool stuff. I ask you, what greater endeavor exists than that of collaboration? I for one welcome our new Ape overlords. With their insane numbers and the global lack of food, it comes to no surprise that there’s been cases reported where the crayfish will swarm communities and consume everything, including the people living inside. r/pics: A place for pictures and photographs. ARP would still be there at the edge, so a server would still think it was communicating with a regular switch network. At the Springfield Nuclear Power Plant, Homer Simpson believes he will win the Worker of the Week award; it is a union requirement that every employee gets the prize and Homer is the only plant employee who has never won. The top 10 'Simpsons' episodes ever", "The Simpsons 20 best guest voices of all time", "We Asked Experts for 10 of Their Most Memorable Simpsons Episodes of All Time", "I, For One, Welcome Our New Robot Overlords", "The British government welcomes our new insect overlords", "Watson wins 'Jeopardy!' It took 1,900 iterations, which is slower than defeating antivirus but still considered fast if compared to the update frequency. In the wise words of H. G. Wells, and popularized by The Simpsons, I, for one, welcome our new insect overlords. [25] In his 2004 book Planet Simpson, Chris Turner cited the episode as one of his five favorites. How This Museum Keeps the Oldest Functioning Computer Running, 5 Easy Steps to Clean Your Virtual Desktop, Women in AI: Reinforcing Sexism and Stereotypes with Tech, Who Owns the Data in a Blockchain Application - and Why It Matters, Viable Uses for Nanotechnology: The Future Has Arrived, How Blockchain Could Change the Recruiting Game, The Top 5 AI and Machine Learning Trends to Watch Out For in 2021, Business Intelligence: How BI Can Improve Your Company's Processes, Why, As a Woman, I Almost Wrote Off a Tech Career. Joseph Zadeh of Splunk presented at Black Hat about his vision for the future of security operations. For a threat detection system to be useful to security operations teams, the false positive rate needs to be very low, since a higher false positive rate times the volume of legitimate opportunities to falsely label as malicious equals an overwhelming number of false positives for security teams to sort through. [10][11] The staff were concerned Aldrin would consider his line "second comes right after first" an insult, and offered the alternative line, "first to take a soil sample", as a backup. Then, in 2024, the marbled crayfish evolved again. This page was last edited on 27 September 2020, at 16:57. The episode parodies the 1968 film 2001: A Space Odyssey. Everything works great in a PowerPoint presentation. Although the use of the term “overlords” has been around for a while, many attribute the birth of the somewhat satirical phrase to an episode of The Simpsons in the 1990s. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Server admin complain about slowness? For instance, TRILL and SPB take a good wack at the Layer 2 bullshit. [13], "Deep Space Homer" has multiple references to the 1968 film 2001: A Space Odyssey. Privacy Policy Their ROC curve shows that their neural network can detect 95% of zero-days with a 0.1% false-positive rate, which is quite impressive and possibly the best results that have been published. He based the episode on NASA's cancellation of the Teacher in Space Project, which sent civilians to space to increase public interest in the Space Shuttle program. In the episode, NASA attempts to use social class as a means of increasing ratings by sending an "average schmo" such as Homer or Barney to space. Perhaps the most common variation of the phrase would be “I for one welcome our robot overlords.” This is often said in a satirical way, but there is an element of actual concern for many people that in fact, computers and robots could become in some ways dominant over humans in the future. Suddenly, a CAM table size of 8,000 MAC addresses doesn’t seem quite enough. It appears it’s fondness for inhabiting power plant cooling canals, which was first observed in Estonia, went nuclear. You’ll never know how many crayfish are teeming beneath the surface, ready to drag in whatever stops for a drink. Because of the weightlessness in space, the chips disperse and clog the instruments. The family runs to the couch, only to find an obese man sitting on it. NASA subsequently decides to send an average Joe to space to improve their Nielsen ratings and they choose Homer. ( Log Out / Team Biden already trying to UNDO Biden’s worst moment last night…, Here are the DUMBEST tweets about last night’s debate. Saxe’s slides go into much more detail and also have pretty pictures. “I, for one, welcome our new insect overlords,” Brockman said. [35] In 2007, New Scientist used the phrase when reporting the British government's research into aliens,[36] and in 2011, Ken Jennings, a long-standing contestant of the game show Jeopardy!, used it in reference to the computer Watson. E Homer thinks no one respects him, and watches television to lighten his mood. We want to bring these issues to both the security community that was in Vegas at the cons and those who kept an eye on the action from the outside. Now here we are, in 2027, barely scrapping by on whatever food hasn’t already been consumed by the crayfish. 5 Common Myths About Virtual Reality, Busted! Homer is selected as Barney's replacement, but he grows nervous and runs away during the preparations for takeoff. ( Log Out / Two weeks ago, we tasked Kyle from our Research and Development team with covering some common themes discussed at Black Hat and DEF CON. 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