Hinzufügen war nicht erfolgreich. As Ben's beloved Bosox launch one of the most incredible seasons in baseball history, Ben and Lindsey must decide if they, as a couple, will strike out or fight to keep love alive through extra innings.
[Laughs]. One album sticks up from the collection in his hands, cut back and it is replaced or gone. And then Lisa [Bonet] was there for a couple of weeks, and she’s so magnificent in it. One of the greatest films since the turn of the Millenium. Rob, a record store owner and compulsive list maker, recounts his top five breakups, including the one in progress. Keine Dumm-Furzorgien oder Monster-Pizza-Rest versperren den Weg auf die Sicht. April 2015. Nutzungsbedingungen | Aber: Der Film ist trotzdem hervorragend geworden. Rentals are not eligible. Anyone is still gonna have the same relationship to pop culture, to music and movies and literature, and they’re still gonna have the same inner monologues. | HJEJLE: Some of the more obscure bands I would have to look into or just ask about.
Datenschutzerklärung I found the film very watchable from start to finish. Heiner Lauterbach, Jürgen Vogel, Hilmi Sözer, Mit He had made a movie with Tim Robbins and there was sort of this actors' gang, a crew that Jack was hanging out with, and he was also doing Tenacious D late-night shows and stuff, so I knew the secret that he was a great musician and a great comedian and just hadn’t gotten a role like High Fidelity yet.
Rob Gordon, Vinyl-Junkie mit enzyklopädischem Wissen über Pop-Musik und Besitzer eines fast kundenfreien Plattenladens, frönt mit seinen Angestellten einer großen Leidenschaft: Als Statistik-Freaks erstellen sie Hitlisten zu allen nur erdenklichen Themen. And this forces him to examine his past failed attempts at romance the only way he knows how! And Tim was the one who came up with his teeth flying out. I am on the verge of cancelling my Amazon Prime account. CUSACK: I knew that Jack [Black] would be my secret weapon. But the rest of it was all us. I’m really happy that it didn’t get cut.
I’d worked with Lili [Taylor] a bunch and we knew each other for ages growing up in Chicago, we’d worked together on Say Anything, so that was no problem. series, but I think the gender change is actually very cool. I suppose with streaming ,DVDs are on the way out but as with High Fidelty the desire to collect things never ends , at least for me. Just to know that people still watch it and still love it makes me feel great. Bonus-Disc) [4 DVDs]. CUSACK: Stephen called me up in the middle of the night and said, “I found Laura and she’s in Denmark!” I said, “What?" LOUISO: Do I still get recognized for Dick? © Copyright 2020 Meredith Corporation. I will grab a bottle of wine and watch the film which is practically autobiographical in my case " highly recommended ". [But] I am proud of it. I bought this DVD in used condition and was not expecting too much however I was pleasantly surprised.
To keep the junket from falling apart when the print of their film doesn't show up, the film's publicist (Crystal) tries to divert attention by concocting the story of the couple's reunion, that everything's still hunky-dory between them... when in fact, the actor is actually in love with his wife's formerly fat sister (Roberts), and the actress has found a new beau named Hector (Azaria). Build up your Halloween Watchlist with our list of the most popular horror titles on Netflix in October. Stars John Cusack, Iben Hjejle, and Todd Louiso revisit 2000's definitive tale of sex, regrets, and record stores — and solve a few lingering mysteries. Rob Gordon, Vinyl-Junkie mit enzyklopädischem Wissen über Pop-Musik und Besitzer eines fast kundenfreien Plattenladens, wird von seiner langjährigen Freundin verlassen. They said, "You know, we own this property, High Fidelity," and Kathy said, “Why don’t you get Johnny to write it?”. Ich empfehle es auch unbedingt, sich diesen Film nach einer Trennung anzusehen. Bitte versuchen Sie es erneut. In several scenes, Rob is wearing a Wax Trax! Oder säuerlich den Mund verziehen, wenn jemand "Mariah Carey" erwähnt. By using our services, you agree to our use of cookies. Comedy, Drama, Music. 4 Personen fanden diese Informationen hilfreich, Rezension aus Deutschland vom 2. Vorherige Seite verwandter Gesponserter Produkte, Nächste Seite verwandter Gesponserter Produkte, Rezension aus Deutschland vom 17. Er will sie zurüc... Wieder einmal eine Literaturverfilmung bei der ich die Vorlage nicht gelesen habe – aber macht das was? This is a review of the 2012 All Region Blu-ray from Touchstone Home Entertainment, an American import. And my generation, we loved all that music too, but we were very obsessed with like, the British punk new wave sounds, right? [Laughs] You gotta get it right. To do that he explores his top five splits with women.
Man fühlt sich merkwürdig Wohl danach und es steiger sich gar nach dem zweiten Mal. Rob folgt einfach dem Rat seines Idols Bruce Springsteen und ruft alle seine Ex-Freundinnen nochmal an, was sich aber als sehr gewagtes Unterlangen erweist.Bonusmaterial:entfallene Szenen Interviews.
CUSACK: The one thing we couldn’t get...when Rob finally proposes to Laura, I wanted “I’m So Tired” by John Lennon. Um die Gesamtbewertung der Sterne und die prozentuale Aufschlüsselung nach Sternen zu berechnen, verwenden wir keinen einfachen Durchschnitt. Über uns | Auf diese äußerst amüsante Tour nimmt Regisseur Stephen Frears uns mit. TVLine Items: Christmas Chronicles 2 Trailer, Days Resumes Filming and More. Scott Rosenberg (screenplay). He would say little dry things now and then, but he wasn’t that talkative. Rob: We Got This Covered (VA). Rob - für mich perfekt besetzt mit John Cusack - sitzt in seinem Sessel, die Kopfhörer auf den Ohren, plötzlich reißt er sie runter, läuft zum Fenster und schreit Laura ... Bei der Produktion eines Films wird meist deutlich mehr Material gedreht, als im Endeffekt genutzt wird. Basierend auf dem wundervollen Roman von Nick Hornby, der auch beim Film mitgewirkt hat, brillieren ein John Cusack ein Jack Black und eine wundervolle Iben Hjejle. A lot of journalists were saying to me, “Of course you’re going to move to Los Angeles now and do lots of movies in America,” but I never had that ambition so it was quite confusing to me, the assumption. John Cusack, Hauptdarsteller, Produzent und auch am Drehbuch beteiligt, inszeniert sich selber in einer grandiosen Komödie um Musik und Beziehungen die mit einer unermesslichen Vielzahl an genialen Dialogen, Klugscheißereien und Musik punktet (wobei ein Musikbanause wie ich nur die wenigsten Gruppen kennt). Als Rob dessen Passion es ist, alles in Top-Five-Ranglisten einzuteilen, das Single-Dasein leid ist, stellt er die ultimative Liste seiner fünf schmerzreichsten Trennungen auf. (Originaltitel - High Fidelity) 2000 TOUCHSTONE. LOUISO: It was hard not to laugh whenever Jack would yell [during scenes] because you knew it was just all hot air. Rentals are not eligible. I’ve gotten so many letters and emails from both men and women saying, “Oh, this is our first date film, we loved it so much!" Es passiert einfach zu wenig. But anyway, she’s very into music and the whole clubbing scene — she’s sort of that cool ‘90s chick, but she has a grown-up life as well, or what would be characterized at that time as a grown-up life. He has his final temptation, you know, like the grass is gonna be greener, with him doing the same behaviors again. John Cusack (screenplay), With John Cusack, Iben Hjejle, Todd Louiso, Jack Black. Witzig-intelligente Komödie nach dem gleichnamigen Erfolgsroman von Nick Hornby. Not wearing her hair pink to work anymore, you know. TODD LOUISO (who played the famously beta record-store clerk Dick, foil to Jack Black's Barry): When I read the script I was just like, “Oh my God, this part’s totally for me." Rezension aus Deutschland vom 19. D.V. Denmark is a country of what, 6 million people? Das witzig-intelligente Erwachsenenmärchen mit Herz für Romantik ist seines Spezialistentums wegen vor allem für ein an der Popkultur geschultes Publikum ein Hochgenuss. Nick Hornby’s book was set in London, which explains its very ‘Blighty’ feel. Robs Ausweg aus der Krise: Er stellt die Top Five seiner fehlgeschlagenen Beziehungen auf. LOUISO: We didn’t really do any rehearsals, so I just met Jack when we got to Chicago and it was great. Steve Pink (screenplay), Iben Hjejle, Actress: High Fidelity. Momentanes Problem beim Laden dieses Menüs. | In August 2020, the series was canceled after one season. 3 Personen fanden diese Informationen hilfreich, Rezension aus Deutschland vom 28. Man kennt das Klischee ja: Frauen schauen einen Liebesfilm und können dabei genüsslich Tränen vergießen. Here's the killer comedy hit that's loaded with outrageous fun! In Denmark, she is perhaps best known for appearing in the Danish television sitcom Langt fra Las Vegas (Far from Las Vegas) and playing the girlfriend of Danish comedian Casper Christensen, her former real life partner.
CUSACK: In the end yeah, I think Rob ends up with Laura. It's a love triangle -- but with a twist. Ein überaus schmerzlicher, seelischer Reifeprozess nimmt seinen Lauf. Eine Person fand diese Informationen hilfreich, Rezension aus Deutschland vom 30. When he meets Lindsey Meeks (Drew Barrymore), an ambitious business consultant whose spirit is as luminous as her beauty, their attraction is immediate. He's charming, funny and great with kids. Basierend auf dem wundervollen Roman von Nick Hornby, der auch beim Film mitgewirkt hat, brillieren ein John Cusack ein Jack Black und eine wundervolle Iben Hjejle. Die Chance für Rob, sein Leben, seine Plattensammlung und seine Liebschaften neu zu sortieren. [Laughs], CUSACK: We’d gotten Bob Dylan to give us “Most of the Time,” which I think we used really beautifully. CUSACK: That scene with Liz in the record store?
Es geht einem danach besser. LOUISO: That part [where the guys beat up Rob’s ponytailed love rival, played by Robbins] we almost didn’t shoot, because we were running out of time for the day. So I read the book and I immediately thought, “Yeah, I could set it in Chicago.” I knew the record stores and I knew the exact scene from growing up — except in the book the Brits were more interested in R&B and soul music like James Carr, Wilson Pickett, the Muscle Shoals sound. TVLine.com Wählen Sie die Kategorie aus, in der Sie suchen möchten. For a rocking fun time, give High Fidelity a spin. Records store. November 2009. Darf er anstatt in Pubs in London zu sitzen, in Bars in Chicago sein Bier trinken? CUSACK: The ending is Barry singing “Let’s Get It On” — or it might have been different in the book, it might have been “Sexual Healing”? R Und eben zeitlos, die Geschichte funktioniert auch heute noch, 2 Personen fanden diese Informationen hilfreich. But Rob's biggest problem is his failing relationship with Laura (Iben Hjejle), a lawyer who needs more out of the relationship than Rob is capable of giving. Knall auf Fall lässt ihn seine Freundin Laura (Shooting-Star Iben Hjejle) sitzen. CUSACK: Working Title came up with the idea for casting Catherine Zeta-Jones [as one of the top-five exes] — I want to give them credit for that. It may have been only a modest box office hit, but High Fidelity, with its wry humor and endless top 5 lists, keenly captured the zeitgeist of an era — turning Nick Hornby's 1995 novel about a lovelorn London record store owner into a quintessentially American film starring John Cusack, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Tim Robbins, Lisa Bonet, and a then little-known musician and actor named Jack Black, among others. Go to hell, Amazon, you're really beginning to piss me me off royally. For hilarious comedy entertainment that's packed with action, GROSSE POINTE BLANK is a surefire knockout! Annie (the long-suffering girlfriend of Duncan) develops an unlikely transatlantic romance with the once admired, now washed up, singer-songwriter, Tucker Crowe, who also happens to be the subject of Duncan’s musical obsession. Lies die 4 371 Kritiken, User folgen
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