He smacked the floor and forced everyone up into the air in a powerful shock-wave of force that wiped the entire office floor, causing glass to fall out over New York City. Noticing all the bullet holes which had covered the shirt, Rand had then worriedly asked if her friend was okay, Temple smiled and replied that he was probably better than Rand.[9]. After Shang-Chi emerges victorious, Rand-K'ai pledges himself to the new emperor. Fan Fei was approached by Mephisto, who wanted her to use her powers to conquer Earth, but she declined. To calm himself and give him courage, Rand recalled and emulated the time when he asked Thunderer about the Legend of a child who fell from the sky who was destined to be their greatest warrior. Lei Kung states that her sentencing was wrong, as they learned Shou-Lou was immortal, and wanted to bring her home. Enraged, Rand had charged at Davos as the two former friends furiously began to fight each other. As he had meditated, Rand remembered Lei Kung's teaching as his master had told him that due to who he was, there would be forces who rise up against him. Rand and Jeri Hogarth put their case forward. He reminisced how the Order of the Crane Mother did not believe Rand could attain that position, calling him "xiaoguliao" or outsider. Rand had insisted that he was not there to cause trouble as the receptionist then signaled the kitchen staff to retreat from the restaurant. While moving into their new home, Rand asks Misty to marry him. Rand asking Colleen Wing to give him a job, Intrigued, Rand then took notice of Wing's surname and spoke with her in Mandarin for a moment, which had impressed Wing until she stopped him as she then noted she had not spoken that language since she was a child. Colleen Wing appeared with Ward and warned Rand, so he had turned around and then deflected the bullet with the Iron Fist. Gao berated that she offered Rand freedom and leniency to live his life: however, he chooses and instead, he pursued her to China where he had kidnapped her and then ran directly into slavery, calling Rand an idiot, as Rand stated that she was baiting him with insults. Iron Fist and Bakuto entered into their fierce struggle as Bakuto prepared and more aggressive this time, keeping the Iron Fist on the edge. Rand once again fought the Veznikov twins, however, his danger at being mocked caused him to lose his focus as the twins gained an advantage, as Rand barely avoided by slashed with their blades or falling out of the blood circulation which would have caused him to lose the challenge. As Rand sat on the car next to her, Wing shared a bit about her past with Rand by telling him that she had watched her own mother die in front of her as well when she had died of an illness while Wing was still young and confused, noting how her own father had never really spoken about what was happening and just sent her to Japan to live with her grandfather. While Rand was moved, he was led into a room where Dink was waiting for him alongside Leo, and Tony, as they all had immediately started brutally beating him down with sticks, as Ward Meachum had just arranged for them to do so in order to finally get Rand out of the picture once and for all. Rand and Bakuto discuss Iron Fist's power. When Rand returned back into the Chikara Dojo, he found Joy being taught how to punch by Colleen Wing. Donning the Iron Fist masks, Rand and Davos were told that if they were only allowed to leave until the opponent yields or dies. Black Panther is able to free Iron Fist from the creature's control, and the two work together to defeat the Black Dragon in Wakanda.[19]. 15 yıl önce öldüğü sanılan Danny Rand, aile şirketini Ward ve Joy Meachum'dan almak için New York'a döner. Cage walked away and expressed that he did not had any time to spar with him. While Rand continued with his task, Joe returned and informed Rand that he had a visitor. Later during that day, Rand had prepared himself for the upcoming challenge as he meditated and practiced within the dojo. Joy went on to say that his return had made her look on what she had become more deeply and she didn't like it and gave her a desire to do the right thing for a change. As they walked, Gao asked if Iron Fist was hurt but he insisted that he was not as Gao tried to persuade Iron Fist to withdrawn and Iron Fist made it clear that he would still not be leaving without Sabina Bernivig. In his journey across Asia, Rand managed to regain the power of the Iron Fist, and was able to manifest them in both hands simultaneously. As Joy considered calling the New York City Police Department, Ward suggested they not and instead personally threatened Rand to stay away, before Rand was taken out of the building, which he reluctantly did.[1]. He starred in his own solo series in the 1970s, and shared the title Power Ma… The doctor explained that he was John Anderson of Toronto from Canada, although Rand denied any knowledge about the passport, though he was actually lying and had stolen the passport from Morocco to get back into the United States of America.
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