|---------------|---------------|-6---------|-----------| |-3--3---3-3--x-|-3--3---3-3--x-|-----------|-----------|| Last updated on 03.31.2015 W - whole; H - half; Q - quarter; E - 8th; S - 16th; T - 32nd; X - 64th; a - acciaccatura Wait a second, we are searching and sorting best tabs for you. Important: The song above is NOT stored on the Chordie server.The original song is hosted at www.guitaretab.com.Chordie works as a search engine and provides on-the-fly formatting. 5 contributors total, last edit on Feb 01, 2019. |-7----5----|-3----7----|-7--7-7-(7)--7----|-7----7-(7)--7----|| Gmadd9 Abmaj7 Gmadd9 |---------------|---------------|---------------| - natural harmonic |-----------|-----------|-----------|------3----|| To Coda Gmadd9 Q=100 Al Green - Lets Stay Together [Intro] BbMaj7 Am7 Gm7 Am7 BbMaj7 Am7 Gm7 C7 [Verse 1] F Am/D I, I'm so in love with you Bb Whatever you want to do Bbm9 Is all right with me Am7 Gm7 Fmaj7 … Gm7 BbmajAm7 Dm7 C7 Image uploaded!Thank you for uploading background image!Our moderators will review it and add to the page. ||o---3-----------3---|---3-----------3-x-|---5-------------|---5-----------5--| Find the best version for your choice. |-5----3----|-2----5----|-5--5-5-(5)--5----|-5----5-(5)--5----|| duration for. |---------------|---------------|---------------| ~ - vibrato |---------------|---------------|---------------|---------------*| 1. x - on rhythm slash represents muted slash |---------------|---------------|---------------|---------------| LETS STAY TOGETHER |-5--5---5-5--x-|-5--5---5-5--x-|-7----5----|-5----3----|| |---------------|---------------|---------------|---------------| |-----------------||---------------|---------------|---------------| ||--1-----------------|-1-----------------|-----------------|------------------| |-5----5-(5)--5---||-3--3---3-3--x-| |-----------|-----------|------------------|------------------|| As recorded by Al Green I found a few chords [Interlude] Dm9 D# , Dm7 D# [Bridge 2] F Em7 Am7 G Whether times are good or bad, happy or sad. 4. bass tabs ver. 5. |-5--5---5-5--x-|-5--5---5-5--x-|-3--3---3-3--x-|-5--5---5-5--x-| |-6--6---6-6--x-|-6--6---6-6--x-|-7----7----|-7----5----|| al Coda E E E E Q E E E E E E Q E E E E E E S E. E E E E E E S E. E E Last updated on 03.31.2015 ||o-------------------|-------------------|---------5-------|---------5--------| Chords Texts AL GREEN Lets Stay Together. ----------- |-----------|-----------|-5----5-(5)--5---|-5----5-5-7-8---| |-7----5----|-3----2----|-7----7-(7)--7---|-7----7-------5-| Much thanks to Andrew Rogers from whom I got my start for this song. |-5--5--7--7--|-5--5--5--5--|-5--5---5-5--x-|-5--5---5-5--x-| |-3--3---3-3--x-|-5--5---5-5--x-|-5--5---5-5--x-| Chordsound chords lyrics and tabs. S - shift slide |-5----5-(5)--5---||-3--3---3-3--x-|-3--3---3-3--x-|-5--5---5-5--x-| \n/ - tremolo bar dip; n = amount to dip |-3----8----|-6----8----|-3----8----|-6----5----|| Bb Bbm/Db Q E E E Q E Q E E E Q E Q E E E Q E Q E E E Q E Q. E +Q E E Q E E E Q E 4. chords ver. |-5--5---5-5--x-|-5--5---5-5--x-|-3--3---3-3--x-|-3--3---3-3--x-*| |---------------|---------------|---------------| |-8--8---8-8--x-|-8--8---8-8--x-|-6--6---6-6--x-|-6--6---6-6--x-*| Free printable and easy chords for song by Al Green - Lets Stay Together. = - hold bend; also acts as connecting device for hammers/pulls Gmadd9Am7 Gm7 C7 Gmadd9 |---8------------|---8------------|------------------|------------------| |-----------|-----------|-----------------|----------------| Just be on page with bad ads and submit it to us via form below. |-5----5-(5)--5---||---------------|---------------|---------------| PM - palm muting |---------6------|---------6------|-------6----------|-------6----------| tr - trill 1st - 3rd Verses |-5---------|-----------|-5---------|-----------|| |-3--3---3-3--x-|-3--3---3-3--x-|-7----5----|-5----3----| |-5----5-(5)--5---||-3--3---3-3--x-|-3--3---3-3--x-|-8--8---8-8--x-| Gtr I F D9 Duration letters will always appear directly above the note/fret number it represents the TP - trem. picking D.S. |-3--3---3-3--x-|-8--8---8-8--x-|-8--8---8-8--x-| It's alright with me Am7 Gm7 F7M Em Dm7 'Cause you make me feel so brand new Am7 Gm7 F7M Em Dm7 And I want to spend … |---------------|---------------|-----------|-5----3----|| ||------3-------3-----|-----3-------3-----|-----7-------7---|-----7-------7----| --------------- Am7 Gm7 ||--------2-(2)-------|-------2-(2)-------|-------5---5-----|-------5---5------| Tablature Legend |-5----5-(5)--5---||-5--5---5-5--x-|-5--5---5-5--x-|---------------| Q E E E Q E Q E E E Q E H H H H T - tap |-5--5---5-5--x-|-7--7---7-7--x-|-7--7---7-7--x-| /\ - slide into or out of (from/to "nowhere") We'll get snapshot of this page, ads identifiers and will analyze it. Gm7 1. |-5----5-(5)--5---||-5--5---5-5--x-| 55. chords ver. TAB4U is strict about accuracy of the chords in the song. Am Gm F Em D9 View official tab. 20. chords ver. |-7--7---7-7--x-|-5--5---5-5--x-|-5--5---5-5--x-| |---------------|---------------|-6---------|-----------|| Words and Music by Al Green, Willie Mitchell & Al Jackson Jr. ||--------------------|-------------------|-----------------|------------------| Abmaj7 BbmajAm7 Dm7 C7 |---------------|---------------|---------------| |-----8--------8-|-----8--------8-|---8------------8-|---8------------8-| |-3----5----|-3----5----|-3----5----|-3----3----|| (From the 1972 Album LET'S STAY TOGETHER) |-8--8---8-8--x-|-6--6---6-6--x-|-6--6---6-6--x-| Intro *| - double bar (ending) |-3--3--8--8--|-6--6--5--5--|-3--3---3-3--x-|-3--3---3-3--x-| Tuning: E A D G B E. Key: Bb. 21. chords ver. Q E E E Q E Q E E E Q E Q E E E Q E Q E E E Q E | - bar |-5----5-(5)--5---||---------------| I found a few chords didnt quite jam for me (probly because Im a mediocre player) but regardless, this way is easy and sounds GREAT! || - double bar |-----------|-----------|-5--5-5-(5)--5----|-5----5-(5)--5---o|| \n - tremolo bar down Chords ratings, diagrams and lyrics. pb - pre-bend Am7 3. Let's Stay Together chords and lyrics by Al Green at TAB4U.COM edited by professional musicians only. Chorus bar rests are notated in the form Wxn, where n is the number of bars to rest for. |-5--5---5-5--x-|-5--5---5-5--x-|-7----7----|-7----5----| |-5--5---5-5--x-|---------------|---------------| Q E E E Q E Q E E E Q E H H H H Transcribed by Slowhand Uncapitalized letters represent notes that are staccato (1/2 duration) |-5--5---5-5--x-|-5--5---5-5--x-|-6--6---6-6--x-|-5--5---5-5--x-| |-4--4---4-4--x-|-4--4---4-4--x-|-6----8----|-6----5----|| D9 Gmadd9 Am7 2. Duration Legend Q E E E Q E Q E E E Q E Q E E E Q E n/ - tremolo bar up + - note tied to previous; . Misc Legend Chords for Al Green - Lets stay together. |---------------|---------------|---------------|---------------*| |-5--5---5-5--x-|-3--3---3-3--x-|-3--3---3-3--x-| |-----------|-----------|-----------|-----------|| www.azchords.com/g/greenal-tabs-5156/letsstaytogether-tabs-140438.html, tabs.ultimate-guitar.com/a/al_green/lets_stay_together_ver2_crd.htm, tabs.ultimate-guitar.com/a/al_green/lets_stay_together_crd.htm, www.guitartabs.cc/tabs/g/green_al/lets_stay_together_crd.html, www.guitaretab.com/a/al-green/125219.html, www.guitartabs.cc/tabs/a/al_green/lets_stay_together_crd_ver_2.html, www.guitartabs.cc/tabs/a/al_green/lets_stay_together_crd.html, tabs.ultimate-guitar.com/a/al_green/lets_stay_together_ver3_crd.htm, www.guitartabs.cc/tabs/a/al_green/lets_stay_together_crd_ver_3.html, www.guitaretab.com/a/al-green/327414.html, tabs.ultimate-guitar.com/a/al_green/lets_stay_together_ver4_crd.htm, tabs.ultimate-guitar.com/a/al_green/lets_stay_together_tab.htm, www.jellynote.com/chords-lyrics/al-green/lets-stay-together/514346f51483c5012ebd8911, www.tabs-database.com/green-al/Lets-Stay-Together-tabs.html, www.azchords.com/g/greenal-tabs-5156/letsstaytogether-tabs-180318.html, www.tabcrawler.com/archive.php?action=view&file_id=17838&artist=green al&song=lets stay together, www.tabcrawler.com/archive.php?action=view&file_id=94967&artist=green al&song=lets stay together, www.tabondant.com/eng/tabs/al-green/lets-stay-together#62322, www.tabondant.com/eng/tabs/al-green/lets-stay-together#62323, www.christianguitar.org/csong1713/Al-Green-Let's-Stay-Together. H H H H Q. E +Q E E Q. e E E E E restricted area. Chords for Lets Stay Together by Al Green. Oops... Something gone wrong.Make sure that your image is .jpg, .png, .gif and is less than 30 MB.Best pictures will appear on our main page. s - legato slide |-------------|-------------|---------------|---------------| E E E E +E E E E E E E E +E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E ||o - repeat start |---------------|---------------|---------------|---------------*| h - hammer-on Much thanks to Andrew Rogers from whom I got my start for this song. Terceiro Verso: Why, why some people break up Then turn around and make up I just can't see You'd never do that to me (would you, baby) Staying around you is all I see (Here's what I want us to do) Coda (repeat to fade): A7M Abm7 Let's, we oughta stay together A7M Abm7 Loving you whether, whether A7M Abm7 C#m7 B Times are good or bad, happy or sad r - bend release (if no number after the r, then release immediately) |-3--3--5--5--|-3--3--3--3--|-3--3---3-3--x-|-3--3---3-3--x-| |-5----3----|-2----0----|-5----5-(5)--5---|-5----5---------| Let´s Stay Together chords by Al Green with chords drawings, easy version, 12 key variations and much more. & |-5----3----|-----------|-5----5-(5)--5---|-5----5---------| [n] - artificial harmonic 4/4 Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q E E E Q E Q E E E Q E chords ver. Chordsound to play your music, study scales, positions for guitar, search, manage, request and send chords, lyrics and sheet music. |-7--7---7-7--x-|-7--7---7-7--x-|-5--5---5-5--x-|-5--5---5-5--x-*| |-3--3---3-3--x-|-3--3---3-3--x-|-4--4---4-4--x-|-3--3---3-3--x-| $ - Segno o - on rhythm slash represents single note slash <> - volume swell (louder/softer) Let´s Stay Together chords. |----------------|----------------|---------8p6------|---------8p6------| |-7----7-(7)--7---||-5--5---5-5--x-| Chords and tablature aggregator - Tabstabs.com. 786,527 views, added to favorites 9,471 times. |-7----7-(7)--7---||-5--5---5-5--x-|-5--5---5-5--x-|-7--7---7-7--x-|
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