How does the musical aspect of the movie fit in with the story? Ulysses story is semi-based on one of those young people. Celebrates being true to who you are. Ulysses is gay and drawn to dressing in women's clothes, though his little brother tattles when Ulysses tries on his mother's red high-heel shoes. Not so fast, my friend. What was the most challenging? An adult serves beer to a teen. The film focuses on Ulysses, a shy and effeminate 14-year-old grappling with his sexual and gender identity and being bullied at school, who retreats into a musical fantasy world as he deals with the death of his father and a strict aunt portrayed by Regina Taylor. Kain won Best Actor at Out on Film and “Saturday Church” captured the festival’s Best First Feature award. A: Exactly! ‘ It’s OK to be who you are’: A Q&A With ‘Saturday Church’ Actor Luka Kain Richard L. Eldredge Art + Entertain 1 The powerful and uplifting “Saturday Church,” which had its Atlanta premiere at last fall’s 30th annual Out on Film festival, will have a free encore screening Wednesday night to close out Black History Month. © Common Sense Media. Suggest an update to this review. Thank you for your support. Aunt threatens to "beat" a teen. Parents and caregivers: Set limits for violence and more with Plus. Richard L. Eldredge Expect to hear discussion of prostitution and see a suggested act of prostitution: A man pays a teen, unzips his own pants, and then touches a teen's chest. Vibrant musical-based movie has sex, drugs, cursing. We know life happens, so if something comes up, you can return or exchange your tickets up until the posted showtime. If you’re scared or you don’t have support at home, there are people out there who love you. The main message of the movie is very important and is a great movie to watch befor... Poignant transsexual musical brims with wit, adult themes. 1. But his journey ends in a good place, with freedom of expression, friends, and love. What you see in the final film was done in one take. So everything had to operate like a machine. (audience laughs) The first take I actually choked and almost vomited because I had popped in a mint to keep fresh and I choked on it! The powerful and uplifting “Saturday Church,” which had its Atlanta premiere at last fall’s 30th annual Out on Film festival, will have a free encore screening Wednesday night to close out Black History Month. The whole sequence was one shot which was very difficult but our Director of Photography Hillary Spera somehow got it all in one take. Kain, as Ulysses, is another reason this works. Art + Entertain Yes, I'm over 17. Your privacy is important to us. A: I was very nervous going into the shoot. Damon’s mother wanted him to volunteer there and when he did, he began hearing these heart-breaking stories. He felt like the world was closing in on him. Luckily, we were able to capture a more romantic vibe afterwards. Also matter-of-factly talks about homelessness and prostitution as all-too-ordinary facts of life for LGBTQ people. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. There was a gym right across the way where they would host dance battles and Vogue contests. Slim and angelic-looking, with expressive eyes, he's perfect for the role, and even if his Ulysses spends perhaps too much time sulking, he nevertheless captures a powerful kind of inner struggle. Q: You commit so many acts of bravery on screen in this film and viewers might get so caught up in your performance they could forget you are the same age as the character you’re playing. The emotional preparation was there. Q: You’ve said that you’re proud of the character of Ulysses that he’s a three-dimensional person and not just a tribute to diversity. Your email address will not be published. In October at the film’s Atlanta premiere at the Plaza Theatre during the 30th annual Out on Film, I had an opportunity to interview Kain, who has also appeared in the Broadway revival of “South Pacific” and been directed in “A Raisin in the Sun” by Phylicia Rashad. Seeing him come into his own confidence was amazing, heartbreaking scenes almost pissed me off but honestly, this is something that happens to a lot of LGBT youth and it’s wonderful to see this kind of representation. In January, the indie film was picked up for national distribution by Samuel Goldwyn Films. This section contains mature content and you need to be at least 17 years old. Did you notice any stereotypes in the movie? And, as is also often the case in community theater, passion and dedication help make up for lack of skill and sparkle. Damon, our writer and director thought it was very important that all of the people in the cast be people of color and all of the trans characters be played by trans actors (audience applauds). It was amazing to shoot but we didn’t realize the real power of it until later. Were the two of you aware when you were filming it how powerful that sequence was going to be? Saturday Church is about a young boy who struggles with his gender identity. A: As soon as I read the script I felt a connection to Ulysses as a person and just as a teenager, who was as confused as any teenager. Screen Reader Users: To optimize your experience with your screen reading software, please use our website, which has the same tickets as our and websites. Brief cigarette smoking. Rack up 500 points and you'll score a $5 reward for more movies. Starring in a feature film at such a young age was "a totally new experience," but one that Kain didn't shy away from. How Technology Is Reshaping Democracy and Our Lives, Participate in DigCit Week with your kid by using curated activities from Wide Open School, Online Playdates, Game Nights, and Other Ways to Socialize at a Distance, Keeping Kids Motivated for Online Learning, Set limits for violence and more with Plus, Saturday Church shows the struggles of lgbt youth, 5 Tips to Make Family Movie Night a Success. It’s where the exteriors were shot. As a reporter for the Atlanta Journal-Constitution and Atlanta magazine, he has covered Atlanta since 1990. His father has just died; his mother, Amara (Margot Bingham), is forced to work double shifts to cover expenses; and mean Aunt Rose (Regina Taylor) has taken over the household.Ulysses is gay and drawn to dressing in women's clothes, though his little brother tattles when Ulysses tries on his mother's red high-heel shoes. There are threats, and the main character briefly fights physically with his aunt, including pushing and slapping. I didn’t know that Regina Taylor was going to be in it or that [author, playwright and performance artist] Kate Bornstein was going to be in it. Several uses of "motherf----r," "f--k," "bitch," "ho," "ass," "d--k," "hell," and "piss," plus "oh my God" (as an exclamation). In the film’s New York Times review, Kain, who in real life is a senior at New York’s LaGuardia High School, is praised as “a real find.”. The following is an edited version of our post-screening conversation. Ulysses must endure bullies and small-minded relatives -- as well as a bout of homelessness and an act of prostitution -- before he discovers himself. A bit more subtle on the storyline that most mainstream movies out there but the cinematography and the emotion behind every scene was done perfectly.
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