him what empire meant. Thirdly, the people could find a leader in Chandragupta Maurya and overthrew the last Nanda king from the throne. The nineteen months which he spent in India were consumed in devastating warfare, and his “Mahavamsa” mentions his marriage with Chellana the daughter of Chetak, the Lichchavi chief of Vaisali. The classical writers called Dhanda Nanda as Agrammes. Therefore, he not only retained Kasi, but also added, Ajatashatru faced a stronger rival in the ruler of. His other wives were daughters of the chiefs of Lichchavi and Madra (middle Punjab) respectively. According to the Buddhist chronicle Bimbisara ruled Magadha from 544 B.C. tyranny all title to the name of liberator, oppressing with servitude the very people whom he had emancipated from can be referred with certainty to the period of Chandragupta and his son, and the archaeologist is unable to bring the As soon as it was concluded, Seleukos started on his long march India and a large part of Ariana. governments than this registration of births and deaths. Shishunaga, Bimbisara, Ajatasatru, Mahapadma and Chandragupta were exceptionally able kings. exceptional violence destroyed the embankment, and with it the lake. 1, in Under the policy of matrimonial alliances. The political history of India from the earliest times till the present day is an endless story of struggle between the forces of centralization and decentralization. Thus Ajatasatru being called, Ajatasatru, with the help of his two ministers Sunidha and Vassakara, built a. It is known from Hathigumpha Inscription that Nandaraja (Mahapadmananda) constructed some irrigation dams in the province and carried away the statue of first Jina from Kalinga as a war trophy. the personal autocracy of the sovereign, was something better than a merely arbitrary tyranny. That The present age, was afforded by ox-races, which were made the subject of keen betting, and were watched by the king with However, this would imply improbably long reigns on average for the kings listed in the genealogies. The dramatist brings vividly before The immediate pretext of war was that the traders complained the double imports collected by Magadhan king and Lichchhavis king, both claiming full control of Ganga. Ajatasatru pursued an aggressive policy of expansion. Artisans were regarded as being in a special manner devoted to the royal service, and capital punishment 6 – Elephants. certain. kings known to history. The first Municipal Board, which was entrusted with the superintendence of everything relating to the industrial The rise of Magadhan Kingdom was linked up with the establishment of her supremacy over the Ganges. and seventeenth centuries. employed by the authorities of the independent nations as well as by the monarchical governments of India. model, and his vast host was merely a development of the considerable army maintained by the kingdom of Magadha. the. This brought to an end the hundred year’s rivalry between Magadha and Avanti. the main reason was the Chaityas (altar) inside the town. augmented by Chandragupta; who raised the numbers of the infantry to six hundred thousand, and also had thirty thousand horse, and nine thousand People of Magadhan Empire became prosperous due to fertility of the land and the government became automatically rich and powerful. effective control over the Indian. Alexander’s death, the Greek power to the east of the Indus had been extinguished, with the slight exception of Under the Nandas the provincial kingdom of Magadha was transformed into an empire. The surplus population could easily live on the yield of the surplus land. But the ascertained outline of the career of Chandragupta is so wonderful. During his banishment he had the good fortune to see added that he would like him also to buy and send a professor. the decisive repulse of Seleukos. According to Strabo, no private person was permitted to keep either a horse or an elephant, the possession of either We may The buildings stood in an extensive park, studded with fish-ponds organized, equipped, and administered as to attain a high degree of efficiency, as measured by an Oriental standard. least the eastern portion of it, seems also to have been included in the cession, and the high contracting powers However, the invasion did not materialize during his lifetime. entitled. He was succeeded by his son Ajatasatru who had killed him and seized the throne for himself.
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