They are places of crime and evil, but they are also places of people with great need. “It is the fashion of one pitying, bewailing, and greatly loving,” Chrys.— ἀποκτείνουσα, λιθοβολοῦσα: present participles, denoting habit and repute, now and always behaving so—killing, stoning.— πρὸς αὐτήν, to her, not to thee, because the participles are in the nominative, while ἱερουσαλήμ is vocative: “exemplum compellationis per vocativum ad quam deinceps non amplius spectatur” (Fritzsche). So we know that Jesus' tears are God's tears for his people, their city, and their future. Fraser, The Metaphors of the Gospels, p. 209; J. Προκνη και Μεδεια, κατ 'αΐδος αιδεσθητε, Anthol. (m) Zohar in Numb. "The 1599 Geneva Study Bible". Which observation alone is sufficient to destroy the argument founded on this passage in favour of free will. 1599-1645. ou (App-105), denying as a matter of fact. Targum in Ruth ii. They made elaborate promises to demonstrate how godly they were, but they were liars and their word could not be trusted. The Scriptures told them of Messiah, and He passed before their very eyes, yet they could not see Him. BibliographyCoffman, James Burton. 1871-8. All other rights reserved. https: What encouragement to the heartbroken at their own long-continued and obstinate rebellion! He refers surely to something beyond the six or seven times that He visited and taught in Jerusalem while on earth. BibliographyPett, Peter. The first sentence is the King’s lament. (1) If ever excess of guilt could have alienated the Saviour, and steeled Him against mercy, it must have been Jerusalem's. The Jewish leaders were concentrated in Jerusalem. "Commentary on Matthew 23:37". How often would I have gathered (ποσακις ητελησα επισυναγειν posakis ēthelēsa episunagein). That Jesus was the Messiah, the Christ, the one prophesied of in the OT; that Jesus died as the substitute for your sins; that He was buried and was resurrected from the dead on the third day, and that He is God in human flesh (1 Cor 15, Rom 10, etc.). She gathers her chickens under her wings for protection against impending danger. ; and that phrase, לחסות תחת כנפי השכינח, "to betake one's self, or to come to trust under the wings of the Shekinah", is often usedF14Tzeror Hammor, fol. They would not see Jesus again until they would say, “Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord.”, They had shouted that very sentence only a few days before when Jesus had entered Jerusalem. We must now observe the vehemence of the discourse. A cry of pity and of sorrow went up from her Saviour, but not even that could spare Jerusalem. And it is to be observed, that the persons whom Christ would have gathered, are not represented as being unwilling to be gathered; but their rulers were not willing that they should, and be made proselytes to him, and come under his wings. 1859. chickens = brood. Morgan's comment on this chapter has this passage: This lament over the doomed city occurred at a most appropriate time: upon the occasion of the Lord's sentencing her to destruction. "Jerusalem" reveals the strong emotion that Jesus felt (cf. However it (personified) had killed the prophets God had sent to His people with His messages. "Commentary on Matthew 23:37". BibliographyMeyer, Heinrich. Note the change to the plural. viii., p. 151. How often I wanted to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, but you were not willing! Learn, 1. Over you he weeps, as he once did over the murderous Jerusalem; and he declares unto you, that “Whosoever cometh to him, he will in no wise cast out.” Remember that, if you perish, it will not be through any want of willingness in Christ to save you: and that that very consideration, which is now so encouraging, will one day fill you with inconceivable anguish; “Christ would, but I would not.” O let not that reflection be suffered to embitter your eternal state; but now let your reluctance be overcome; and obey the voice that warns you only for your good.]. All the perfections of the sovereign Spirit combine to make the living shield which beats back the destroying stroke, and which is broad enough to canopy a fugitive world. So the Holy Dove, the Spirit of Christ, comes down and broods over the waters of baptism, over the souls and bodies of those who are there to be new born, or having been so, comes to them continually in more and more warmth, strength, and life. Of old, as Moses sang before he died, Israel had been carried by Jehovah across pathless sand-drifts, as an eagle's fledglings are borne upon her strong, broad pinions through the desert air—softly carried, safely, grandly, to its rest. But they refused to find their shelter in Him (compare Isaiah 30:15). Men are responsible in the matter of their own salvation. g. BibliographyBengel, Johann Albrecht. (1018)— ἡ ἀποκτένουσα, thou that killest) The participle has the force of a noun. ii., p. 421. Zohar in Exod. (l) Jarchi in Isa. BibliographyJ. Clarke's Matthew 23:37 Bible Commentary O Jerusalem, Jerusalem - 1. Know then, that if your own hearts condemn you, you have an evidence within yourselves that you are yet exposed to the wrath of God. Man's freedom of the will makes it possible for him to reject even his God; but when he does so, he cannot avoid the consequences. The former was a sin without remedy; this a sin against the remedy. It is to inflict deeper disgrace on this wicked nation, which had treated with disdain invitations so gentle, and proceeding from more than maternal kindness. God’s desire was to redeem man from His sin and bring Him back into intimate relationship with Himself. They rejected the offer, they rejected the king, and consequently brought judgement upon themselves. λ.] Give me a heart more like your own for the cities. O Jerusalem, Jerusalem - 1. for νεοσς., see Lobeck, ad Phryn. Habitually does so. They can be trusted. Salvation is a gift of God’s grace and it is free in the sense that you cannot earn it. The storm that Jesus just predicted was to have its climax upon the capital city of Jerusalem. Renewal 1960. Is it not altogether God's gift. But admitting this to be true, if it is evident that it has now, by wicked rebellion, revolted from Christ, and is full of innumerable deeds of sacrilege, what folly is it in them to maintain that the honor of primacy belongs to it? There will be consequences. I will cast you out from my face.' Behold, your house is left to you desolate! ch. And it is to be observed, that the persons whom Christ would have gathered, are not represented as being unwilling to be gathered; but their rulers were not willing that they should, and be made proselytes to him, and come under his wings.
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