23 October 2020,

They burned the entire block after setting fire to Theordore Sturges' store at the corner of Front and Lee (26th Avenue) Streets. Such a method assured that most fires of any magnitude resulted in total and complete losses. Firemen slept on the second floor, boots beside their beds. It, too, was lost to fire in the spring of 1882. Even though the Meridian Fire Department could boast of being totally mechanized by the early 1920s, the early trucks provided few of the comforts found in today's "red limousines." Even though he later returned to duty, Zehler never fully recovered, dying a year after the accident. He was joined in 1969 by Captain G. B. Shaw, who became Fire Prevention Supervisor upon Walker's retirement. City of Meridian Fire Department is located in Meridian, MS. View a fire dept photo, logo, contact info, map, volunteer info, mission statement, fire equipment, firefighters and statistics. The old Elmire Hotel at 19th Avenue was a complete loss; 17 people were killed in its dining room. The cisterns located throughout the community were the primary sources of water. Records indicate that in 1882 the city fire protection consisted of Mechanics Steam Fire Company Number One. Studies have revealed that most of today's major fires are caused by arson. Thank you again for the honor to serve you. The equipment consisted of three horse-drawn steam fire engines, five hose reels, and one hook-and-ladder truck. On one such evening in 1927 the sky lighted with flames on Fifth Street between 21st and 22nd Avenues. During the days of the fire wagons, the horses were stalled near the entrance of the station. If fires weren't enough to discourage its growth, then pestilence in the form of yellow fever added to its miseries. In 1882 the city central district was protected by the Mechanics Steam Fire Company Number One. Father Louis Vally of St. Patrick's Catholic Church earned the undying love of the city for his labors among the ill. Meridian began to develop as a leading cotton processing and shipping point in the 1870s. Before long, Meridian had lost its Princess. Men with families rarely had a chance to be with them; their little ones so seldom saw their father that they were almost like strangers to them. Whether it is a City Council meeting, a Mayor's Youth Council meeting, a pastor's luncheon, or any number of other forums, City Hall is where citizens and government join together, work together, and build together. They were equipped with three horse-drawn engines and five hoses and reels in addition to the hook and ladder. C. C. Massey succeeded Zehler in 1903. This, the city's most imposing structure of its time, was a large, three-story, brick, metal-roofed building. Meridian's first "skyscraper" was the six-story Miazza Woods building. In addition, there were four volunteer companies. Vimville Volunteer Fire Department is located in Meridian, MS. View a fire dept photo, logo, contact info, map, volunteer info, mission statement, fire equipment, firefighters and statistics. Former Fire Captain Jason Collier held the position of Fire Marshal thru Nov 2018, then was promoted to Deputy chief. They already had their bridles on, the harnesses were dropped, the lines hooked, collars snapped, and they were ready to go. It spent its remaining years of service slowly traversing the streets of Meridian, pulling a wagon filled with the community's garbage. The city fathers boasted that "all parts of the city are well protected at a cost of $2,344 annually.". March 1872 saw the establishment of a fire district. Also reclaimed from that body of water was a 150-pound drill press which came from a building 200 feet from the lake. Even the railroads in and out of the town were running again in only 26 working days. Those dangers had to be faced without the gas masks in use today. This is the block occupied by the present-day City Hall. On the night of February 1, 1876, it was destroyed by fire. The building that was the former Fire Department Number One was itself a victim of fire in February 1947. The city had in place 138 fireplugs, claiming an ample water supply from its waterworks with pressure available to any part of the city, even without the use of engines. It also went to Station Number One, the older truck going to Station Number Three at 39th Avenue and Eighth Street. Wrote W. G. Croom in 1882 in his history of Meridian: "The more it was burned down, the faster it would grow. The great fire of 1867 swept away the block, including the principal houses along Lee Street (26th Avenue south of Seventh Street). The Meridian, MS fire department directory includes 12 fire departments and/or fire stations ( MAP ). Meridian Fire Department, Meridian, Mississippi. The Jones House had also survived the fire of Sherman's raid 19 years before. Sherman could not have been more wrong. —Information provided by Meridian: The Queen with a Past, Volume 2, by Jack Shank. It is the "People's Place," open to everyone. It began where Hale Street (22nd Avenue) joined the railroad tracks, thence along the tracks to Washington (27th Avenue) Street, up Washington to High (Sixth Street), up High to Johnson (25th Avenue), down Johnson to Sidney (Fifth) Street, up Sidney to Lauderdale (20th Avenue), and down Lauderdale to the railroad tracks to the point of beginning. For example, they were never bothered with flat tires. For the first quarter of the 20th century the wailing scream of the "Bear Cat" told Meridianites that another fire was in progress somewhere in the city. The Strand building was also for many years the home of WCOC, when it was the city's only radio station. Then there were the Gem Steam Fire Company Number Five serving East End, the Excelsior Number Four Hose Truck Company, and the Phoenix Hose Truck and Hand Engine Company. Bring your pills, patches, and vaping devices to your local law enforcement for destruction and receive a personal prescription lockbox, sweet treats, educational pamphlets, and other items provided by our sponsors-Total Pain Care, Weems Community Mental Health, and partners from our local prevention and treatment organizations. The lateness of the hour meant that Front Street was empty of most of its population. The Cumberland Telephone Company installed a direct line to permit the Department to receive fire calls. J. J. Powell followed Massey but resigned after two years. Every town in the state near the size of Meridian has one, and why should not we. Latest information on the City of Meridian and the Coronavirus (COVID-19). Under the old conditions of a system that must undoubtedly have survived the middle ages, firemen were on duty twenty-four hours, with three hours for meals, one hour each for breakfast, dinner and supper, with a day off occasionally. Beginning with three paid companies, he added two more before his death in 1908. An amusing story surrounds the second one. Although effective, this liquid gave off deadly fumes. For the first 22 years of its history, Meridian had no organized firefighting equipment. From September 4, the date of the first case of the fever, to November 7, the date of the last, there was panic throughout the community. W. F. C. Partin then became chief, holding the position for 36 years, the longest tenure to date. Before the days of air-conditioning the Princess Theater was a favorite with Meridianites during the hot summertime. Along that route it also skipped over the new Union Depot. Welcome to Meridian City Hall's home on the Internet. Six buildings were unroofed as the twister continued to the northeast, hitting the Meridian Planing Mill, then the Meridian Light and Railway Plant at 27th Avenue, cutting off the city's electric power supply. Webb held the position until his retirement in 1987; he was replaced by Fire Captain Joe Taylor in 1987, and Chief Taylor held the position until his retirement in 1995. 3 529 51st Avenue 601.485.1873 Number 4 Station No. Before that time, old-timers used to say that the first firemen were permitted to go home only now and then to see if their families were still there. Even so, the total loss was estimated at only $50,000.

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