All I can say is it was definitely fun to read. Uno de mis favoritos. Report a problem. There are no discussion topics on this book yet. 1 0 obj a��=1r���Y\����>��$��n�e݃$Y�UT��B� |������ڗ%��� /Length 5 0 R Mrs Armitage is waiting for the big wave to come in the Californian sun so she can surf aboard it. To me this book wasn't very interesting but to some students this book may be. What will they do when the Big Wave finally arrives? Time permitting, they can share these with the rest of the class. Categories & Ages. Join our email newsletter to receive free updates! This is a must-own, not just a must-read. Welcome back. Endearing to me because she reminds me of dear Liz. Kenta and the Big Wave by Ruth Ohi. They paddle out and wait and wait and while they are waiting Mrs. Armitage keeps thinking of things they need to make the wait better. Need another excuse to treat yourself to a new book this week? As she waits she collects things to make the wave even more special. Inside you'll find 30 Daily Lessons, 20 Fun Activities, 180 Multiple Choice Questions, 60 Short Essay Questions, 20 Essay Questions, Quizzes/Homework Assignments, Tests, and more. She encounters other surfers, and fish that give her ideas of how toThe story is a great read for younger children who could explore what they might take with them on a trip. Mrs Armitage and the Big Wave is a humorous story involving the main character (Mrs Armitage) and her dog (Breakspear) waiting in the ocean for a big wave to come so they could surf. I recently read this to a crowd of preschoolers and parents at story hour. Mrs. Armitage and her dog, Breakspear, paddle out to surf the Big Wave. Start by marking “Mrs. Followed by Mrs Armitage and the Big Wave and Mrs Armitage: Queen of the Road, this is a great book to get children enthused by a character and wanting to read more.. All about Mrs. Armitage and her faithful dog Breakspear waiting for a BIG WAVE. The storyline reminded us of a funnier version of, I was inspired to read this after reading. There are many elements which make this a great book to share: This book is fantastic. Soon this silly pair is loaded down with flags, a horn, megaphones, and lots of other gear. I then asked the children to give some clues which Mrs Armitage might use to say what she had done - e.g a surf board, a beach. Variation on a theme of adding to modes of transport; this time a surfboard rather than bicycle. The illustrations are lively and full of expression. Be the first to ask a question about Mrs. Armitage and the Big Wave. Then she notices that Breakspear looks a little hot--so she swims off again and brings back an umbrella. 4 0 obj View US version. You can prompt them to draw/write, where they went, who they went with, what they took with them, what they did etc. %���� Web page addresses and e-mail addresses turn into links automatically. Give the children a piece of A4 paper with 4 boxes on it and ask them to write or draw 4 clues about something they have done, for example at the weekend, over the holiday etc. A jolly five-minute read, but I could spend hours looking at Quentin Blake’s marvellous illustrations. Aspects of the narrative provide opportunities to explore character, expression and contrast. /Producer (pdfFactory 2.0 \(Windows XP\)) Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Students will describe, discuss, explain and interpret essay questions in order to show their knowledge of the novel. Teaching your children how to write explanation texts? I didn't particular like the illustrations either. Updated: Oct 31, 2014. ppt, 3 MB. Published Thanks to her many trips back and forth to the beach, Mrs Armitage had the tools required to help a little girl who was in trouble in the ocean and deliver her back to her parents. Mrs Armitage and the Big Wave - book, teaching resources, story, cards, mat, sequencing, primary resources, play, Early Years (EYFS), KS1 & KS2 Primary Teaching Then she notices that Breakspear looks a little hot--so she swims off again and brings back an umbrella. Lines and paragraphs break automatically. Challenge your children to create their own magazine using the ideas and resources in this fantastic pack! Unit 1: Mrs Armitage and the Big Wave based on the book by Quentin Blake, Jonathan Cape, 1997 Introduction: The dance ideas in this unit are inspired by Quentin Blake's book. I'm going to use this as a starter to writing postcards. << The Big Wave lesson plan contains a variety of teaching materials that cater to all learning styles. Explore our library and use wonderful books in your lessons! This resource is designed for UK teachers. Mrs Armitage first rolled onto the page in 1987 but this text feels timeless. Soon the kindly Mrs. Armitage notices that Breakspear’s little legs are getting tired--so she swims off and returns with an inflatable desert island for him to rest on. >> Write and draw these on the board. As they were waiting for such a long time Mrs Armitage kept swimming back to shore to get supplies, such as food and a megaphone. It has all of the elements required to entertain and engage a group of rowdy youngsters and the tag along adults; silliness, a rowdy old lady, a dog, heroism, and repetition which allows the kids to help tell the story. Preview and details Files included (1) ppt, 3 MB. /Creator (pdfFactory About this resource. Thanks to her many trips back and forth to the beach, Mrs Armitage had the tools required to help a little girl who was in trouble in the ocean and deliver her back to her parents. A fun story about Mrs Armitage and her dog Breakspear going surfing. %PDF-1.2 Su historia es sencilla, pero encierra muchos detalles que nos hacen pensar, es casi como un libro caleidoscópico, con pequeñas pistas brillantes. Refresh and try again. I used this idea for a short notice supply teaching activity. The children work in twos and threes to compose sequences in which they lead and follow, dance in unison or use contact.
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