The Palestinians are perhaps the world’s best-known stateless nation, owed to their long struggle with Israeli Jews – some of whom, until 1948, belonged to the previously best-known nation without a state. The term state refers to the government; for example, the United States has a State Department with a Secretary of State. ), The Secret Science of Solving Crossword Puzzles, Racist Phrases to Remove From Your Mental Lexicon. �.��p�p���:��YM^���:͖zF>�����h��գ�"ߤu^l^�&7�zzy1���h �t~y�H F�TTE$�� &���E@�����7��+���[��y�ڿ^��ޢL��|��/�w0�A�0�RC��@[.��O�mo|�-�m�K��CO0 ��4`���U@�D)2�>{� �K�Ĩ�/0=�L�N��Q^�3��rt��Ղ���ֿ��.�#o�����>��裟���E�\��%��3=���2 �uQ���Ɨ�aD24}@��7�[�'��V�@�0$Q�i�"���� �&�~��{��a|sG�������Կ You will also be taking map quizzes on these regions. Create. Politically, Spykman called for the consolidation of the Rimland countries to ensure their survival during World War II. The central government in a federal system focuses on things like national defense, managing interstate transportation, and regulating a common currency. A location claimed by a sovereign state is called a territory. Says that the state resembles a biological organism and the space or territory is that state's essential life. Find study materials for any course. Test. 9`�0. The first known states were created in Ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia, India, China, the Americas (e.g., Aztec civilization, Inca civilization). This means that there are groups of people who share a collective identity and history, but who have no parcel of land that they fully control. Often, these civilizations relied on complex irrigation systems that had to be centrally managed. With the defeat of Germany and the emergence of the USSR, Spykman’s views were embraced during the formulation of the Cold War American policy containing communist influence. Another example is the Yoruba people, who live in areas of Nigeria, Benin and Togo, a region which is sometimes referred to as Yorubaland. Imagine, for example, if Canada announced a claim to Washington State, and maps published outside North America began showing that state as a disputed territory. Write. Spell. European countries have progressed to the point where the concept of forming or remaining a nation-state is a driving force in many political sectors. stream United States of America China Yugoslavia Switzerland Stateless Nation; Nation without an officially recognized territory or sovereignty. PLAY. Thus, states, as an institution, were a social invention. State. At each location, somebody or some group seeks to establish the rules governing what happens in that space, h… Maps outside the disputant countries commonly show both boundaries, noting their disputed status. Stateless Nations •A nation that does not have a state. Earlier, quite large land areas had been either unclaimed or uninhabited, or inhabited by nomadic peoples who were not organized as states. x��Yێ�6}_`���Хś.E��{i�"�M�.�6ȃ"ӶZ�r%9���;CI^�k1 To sign up you must be 13 or older. Start studying AP Human Geography- Political Geography. Scholars have developed many theories of how political power has been expressed geographically as leaders and nations vie to control people, land, and resources. A part of a country that is separated from the main country by the territory of another country or a body of water. Fights over local control are minimal, and the power of local (provincial) governments is relatively weak. The Constitution that the U.S. Government, operates under today was adopted to help create a balance of powers between the central government headquartered in Washington DC, and the multiple state governments. This theory was articulated by German American historian Karl August Wittfogel in his book 1957 Oriental Despotism. Boundaries play a critical role in how people interpret the world around them and can often be sources of conflict at all scales, from two neighbors arguing over where a fence should be placed to nation-states laying claim to parts of (or sometimes all) other sovereign nations. 1. Territory now defined society, not the other way around. Flashcards. endobj The term Balkanization refers to an area that was known as the Ottoman Empire, and it occupied the area where we have current countries like Bulgaria, Albania, and Serbia. What Is an Example of a Multistate Nation. January 19, 2019 / in AP Human Geography / by emmacalderwood Key Takeaways: Political Organization of Space A nation is a group of people with common cultural characteristics, whereas a state is an area with defined boundaries that has sovereignty within its borders.
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