More and more characters have transitioned from using "old model" clothes (i.e. Cue a barrage of. Each of the girls get a new wardrobe, getting rid of the skirts-and-big-boots that all of the main characters except Twilight and Sunset have worn since the first film in favor of more unique and character-fitting outfits. The series also sees the introduction of more different facial expressions and body shapes for various characters. CYOE15a.png, File:Applejack "at least we have each other" CYOE15c.png, File:Applejack "best view of any concert ever!" Please review the types of cookies we use below. These cookies allow us to monitor OverDrive's performance and reliability. In Applejack's version, Sunset passes the test by knowing how to change a tire after her test car's front wheel goes flat. For example, they let us know which features and sections are most popular. Various background and secondary students can be seen indulging in clubs that do not seem to fit them at first glance: a fairly large, burly football player background student is part of the chess club; a "techie" girl who wears really big and implicitly thick glasses is part of the cheerleading squad; and besides the chemistry club, Flash is part of the baking club (and is apparently decent at it). Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Sunset says her upcoming retest for her driver's license is her last chance to pass the test. Watch the series every Friday on Hasbro's YouTube channel here. She likes to draw superhero comics in her spare time featuring herself and her friends, and also does graffiti art under the alias "Flanksy." In "Overpowered", Twilight's telekinesis makes her ride her bike up (with Spike in her basket) in front of the sun in a reference to, In "A Little Birdie Told Me", Fluttershy says the quote, "Go on. "Queen of Clubs" shows Twilight, at one point, wearing the blond wig Rarity had used to disguise her pony counterpart back in the first film. She's also shown to enjoy videogames — she's on the line. CYOE2b.png, File:Applejack "construction's the quick part" CYOE8.png, File:Applejack "cut down a new tree" EGDS29.png, File:Applejack "did y'all find a way to sleep" CYOE11.png, File:Applejack "does a robot count as a pet?" as called when adapted into a chapter for the,'s initial announcement of the series, to help with her driver's test in a regular car, My Little Pony: Equestria Girls Sunset's Backstage Pass, My Little Pony: Equestria Girls Forgotten Friendship, learn to see the magic in the simple things, description for "Sunset Shimmer's Fine Line", Make Your Own Magic The Starswirl Do-Over, WesternAnimation/My Little Pony: Equestria Girls, My Little Pony: Equestria Girls Summertime Shorts, The series is part of a larger case of this for the. big, square boots or shoes; huge skirts) to newer, more natural and realistic models. app and Discovery GO! Make my day." OverDrive uses cookies and similar technologies to improve your experience, monitor our performance, and understand overall usage trends for OverDrive services (including OverDrive websites and apps). If Fluttershy is chosen, the animals run wild in the shop and touch a majority of the toppings and yogurt, forcing it to close due to the animals being a health violation. The second season's trailer is available here. Following the announcement that the My Little Pony franchise was to be rebooted, the second season will be the show's last. CYOE15a.png, File:Applejack "between the two of us" EGDS4.png, File:Applejack "Big Mac always says" CYOE11a.png, File:Applejack "breakin' off a stick" EGDS43.png, File:Applejack "buildin' the mine shaft set" CYOE6c.png, File:Applejack "but she looks so happy" CYOE13a.png, File:Applejack "but the play's this Friday!" Justified, as it's Sunset drawing a comic book. In "Queen of Clubs," Twilight brings the robotic puppy she built in "Mad Twience" to a school club photo shoot. "X Marks the Spot" shifts to a simplistic video game style as Twilight, Pinkie, Sunset head for the treasure chest at the beach, mirroring the one Sunset was playing on her phone. "Queen of Clubs" gives a few for various characters: Rainbow Dash is shown being really good at knitting when she briefly joins the knitting club, and is among the extremely few club activities she's explicitly successful in. in a reference to, "Super Squad Goals" involves the girls — in their "Crystal" forms from, "Cheer You On" has the girls ponying up to fight a real threat, not only using a. Applejack's outfit is actually fairly close in overall "look and feel" to her original clothes, but uses the newer, more natural boot and skirt designs. EGDS37.png, File:Applejack "feel like an in-house" EGDS43.png, File:Applejack "Fluttershy needs our help!" This information helps us design a better experience for all users. We use this information to create a better experience for all users. Images from the My Little Pony Equestria Girls: Digital Series. CYOE9a.png, File:Applejack "I think you captured" EGDS23.png, File:Applejack "I think you drummed up" CYOE8b.png, File:Applejack "I was supposed to be" EGDS37.png, File:Applejack "I'd never wear a dodecahedron" EGDS44.png, File:Applejack "I'll be your best friend" CYOE15c.png, File:Applejack "I'm askin' nice" CYOE10a.png, CYOE19c.png, File:Applejack "all it does is" EGDS44.png, File:Applejack "and I mean everyone" CYOE2b.png, File:Applejack "Apple family's got a sayin'" CYOE13a.png, File:Applejack "are you kiddin'?!" In "Tip Toppings", Fluttershy tells Pinkie Pie not to pick her because her animals aren't allowed in the frozen yogurt shop. TVTropes is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. A Friendship to Remember My Little Pony: Equestria Girls (Series) Book 9 Perdita Finn Author (2017) These cookies help us understand user behavior within our services. This tips off Twilight that their geodes are in sync, so when one girl — Rainbow Dash, in this case — overuses her powers, the others get a power boost in turn. Sunset Shimmer shows her proficiency for graphic art — first seen in the Summertime short "The Art of Friendship" — in "Display of Affection" and "Super Squad Goals". EGDS36.png, File:Applejack "doesn't look like the blueprints" CYOE8a.png, File:Applejack "doin' 'Dazzled' this year" CYOE2.png, File:Applejack "don't fret your fritters" CYOE5.png, File:Applejack "don't worry, Sunset" CYOE8.png, File:Applejack "don't you need to practice" CYOE8b.png, File:Applejack "don't you worry about that" CYOE19.png, File:Applejack "eat bananas for potassium" CYOE10a.png, File:Applejack "every single club at CHS" EGDS4.png, File:Applejack "everyone does it" CYOE2b.png, File:Applejack "everything's not in order!" A YouTube original web series based on the My Little Pony: Equestria Girls franchise, the series centers around the Mane Seven (Sunset Shimmer, Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, and Applejack) and their magical adventures while dealing with their daily school lives. CYOE13.png, File:Applejack "I got here first" EGDS20.png, File:Applejack "I guess I could use a hand" CYOE8.png, File:Applejack "I know it is" CYOE18a.png, File:Applejack "I lost count!" A second season was announced on January 10, 2019. My Little Pony Equestria Girls: Digital Series, File:8-bit Daydream Shimmer blasts at enemies CYOE12a.png, File:8-bit Daydream Shimmer clears the stage CYOE12a.png, File:8-bit Sunset collecting more pickups CYOE12a.png, File:8-bit Sunset collecting star pickups CYOE12a.png, File:8-bit Sunset defeating more enemies CYOE12a.png, File:8-bit Sunset defeats even more enemies CYOE12a.png, File:8-bit Sunset in a platforming game CYOE12a.png, File:8-bit Sunset jumping on more enemies CYOE12a.png, File:8-bit Sunset jumps on cloud enemy CYOE12a.png, File:8-bit Sunset loses one heart of health CYOE12a.png, File:8-bit Sunset loses two hearts of health CYOE12a.png, File:8-bit Sunset racking up a high score CYOE12a.png, File:8-bit Sunset riding a rocket ship CYOE12a.png, File:8-bit Sunset starts her second life CYOE12a.png, File:8-bit Sunset turns into Daydream Shimmer CYOE12a.png, File:A Little Birdie Told Me title card EGDS10.png, File:Abandoned sand castle guarded by a crab EGDS14.png, File:Accountibilibuddies title card CYOE15.png, File:Adagio appearing to have three arms EGDS48.png, File:Adagio Dazzle "gotta find the passion" EGDS48.png, File:Adagio Dazzle "round and round" EGDS48.png, File:Adagio Dazzle appears through the fog EGDS48.png, File:Adagio Dazzle giving the crowd life EGDS48.png, File:Adagio Dazzle in jewel-lit darkness EGDS48.png, File:Adagio Dazzle singing "so ordinary" EGDS48.png, File:Adagio Dazzle singing "stuck on repeat" EGDS48.png, File:Adagio Dazzle sitting on stage EGDS48.png, File:Adagio Dazzle smiling at her jewel EGDS48.png, File:Adagio Dazzle wanders the neon garden EGDS48.png, File:Adagio enjoying green tea's scent EGDS48.png, File:Adagio holding cracked jewel close EGDS48.png, File:Adagio holding jewel close as she sings EGDS48.png, File:Adagio holding up her fractured jewel EGDS48.png, File:Adagio lands on ground after jumping off-stage EGDS48.png, File:Adagio smiling at her cracked jewel EGDS48.png, File:Adagio wide-eyed with jewel in hand EGDS48.png, File:Adagio's footsteps make colorful ripples EGDS48.png, File:Adagio's reflection in cracked jewel EGDS48.png, File:AJ "a good friend always has your back" CYOE19c.png, File:AJ "give each square foot of the surface" EGDS29.png, File:AJ "Mauve Fringe isn't goin' on 'til 5" CYOE13.png, File:AJ "what happened to bringin' only" EGDS43.png, File:AJ "which means we're already behind" CYOE11a.png, File:AJ and CMC outside Mr. Doodle's classroom CYOE10a.png, File:AJ and Fluttershy look at Micro and his "pet" EGDS36.png, File:AJ and Fluttershy spruce up for the camera EGDS36.png, File:AJ and Fluttershy try to warn Rainbow EGDS33.png, File:AJ and Rainbow Dash look at Fluttershy EGDS35.png, File:AJ and Rainbow look confused at Rarity's yearbook EGDS4.png, File:AJ and Rainbow pass each other in the hall EGDS4.png, File:AJ and Rainbow sit exhausted at the lunch table EGDS4.png, File:AJ and Rainbow watch Sunset and Pinkie nap CYOE11c.png, File:AJ and Rarity dancing back-to-back EGDS41.png, File:AJ and Rarity proud of the Crusaders CYOE10.png, File:AJ and Rarity shield themselves from flying junk EGDS15.png, File:AJ and Sunset get the same notification CYOE19.png, File:AJ and Timber pull Bulk in opposite directions EGDS20.png, File:AJ and Twilight enter yogurt shop CYOE18.png, File:AJ and Twilight look down at Pinkie CYOE18.png, File:AJ and Twilight looking at each other CYOE18.png, File:AJ blushes and rubs ointment on her neck CYOE15a.png, File:AJ gestures to the participation winners EGDS36.png, File:AJ invites Rarity to go worm hunting CYOE13a.png, File:AJ looks at Mr. Doodle through door window CYOE10a.png, File:AJ looks at Sunset while holding the truck up CYOE5b.png, File:AJ rubbing mud on her hands CYOE13a.png, File:AJ rubbing mud on her neck CYOE13a.png, File:AJ tosses Pearly Stitch and bench at the thief EGDS11.png, File:AJ watches Dash speed around the set CYOE8a.png, File:AJ's video continues playing at step eight EGDS29.png, File:AJ, Bulk, and Timber hear someone else in trouble EGDS20.png, File:AJ, Dash, and CMC laughing together CYOE10a.png, File:AJ, Dash, and CMC look at each other CYOE10a.png, File:AJ, Dash, and CMC look at Mr. Doodle CYOE10a.png, File:AJ, Fluttershy, and Rarity laugh together CYOE19c.png, File:AJ, Fluttershy, and RD strike a pose EGDS33.png, File:AJ, Pinkie, and Rainbow look at Sunset CYOE11.png, File:AJ, Pinkie, and RD watch Sunset sleep CYOE11.png, File:AJ, Rarity, and Twilight finish cleaning up EGDS12c.png, File:AJ, RD, and Fluttershy sing behind Spike EGDS41.png, File:AJ, RD, and Twi using "Normal Hair" filter EGDS44.png, File:AJ, RD, and Twilight with matching hair EGDS44.png, File:AJ, Snips, and Snails see ropes get loose CYOE9.png, File:AJ, Twi, and Rarity look at the clouds CYOE13.png, File:AJ, Twi, and Rarity notice it get darker CYOE13.png, File:AJ, Twilight, and Rarity in the rain CYOE13.png, File:Algebraic equation on Twilight's chalkboard EGDS6.png, File:Alizarin Bubblegum as the other team's goalie CYOE2a.png, File:Alizarin Bubblegum blinded by light glare CYOE17a.png, File:Alizarin Bubblegum blocking a goal shot CYOE2a.png, File:Alizarin Bubblegum faints from the smell CYOE17c.png, File:Alizarin Bubblegum guarding the goal CYOE17a.png, File:Alizarin Bubblegum plugging her nose CYOE17c.png, File:Alizarin Bubblegum sees ball flying at her CYOE17b.png, File:Alizarin Bubblegum with lopsided glasses CYOE17b.png, File:Alizarin Bubblegum's frozen yogurt is spilled CYOE18c.png, File:All the World's Off Stage title card CYOE7.png, File:Angel Bunny bounces around the Equestria Girls EGDS6.png, File:Angel Bunny bouncing off the stack of books EGDS6.png, File:Angel Bunny giving Fluttershy moral support EGDS6.png, File:Angel Bunny hopping across shop table CYOE18c.png, File:Angel Bunny in a sad commercial EGDS23.png, File:Angel Bunny with huge, adorable eyes CYOE4a.png, File:Angel hopping around Fluttershy's feet EGDS26.png, File:Angry-looking crabs and towers of rocks EGDS14.png, File:Animals jumping on the toppings display CYOE18c.png, File:Animals looking up at Fluttershy EGDS23.png, File:Animals on an amplitude wave EGDS26.png, File:Animals playing together in the shelter EGDS23.png, File:Animals stampede into yogurt shop CYOE18c.png, File:Another close-up on Pinkie Pie's grin EGDS47.png, File:Apple Bloom "good old-fashioned stubborn-off!"
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