SPEAKER PELOSI: People always ask, what impact will this have on the election? https://www.foxnews.com/politics/pelosi-cbs-face-the-nation-trump-coronavirus When-- when I was newly elected to the Senate, I had the-- the privilege of joining John and joining much of the Congressional Black ca-- Caucus in flying to South Africa for-- for Nelson Mandela's funeral. But we'll make sure there's adequate money that meets the needs of this response. So is this. Now, they don’t need to be paid to stay home. And just think that tomorrow John Lewis will lie on the catafalque that was where Lincoln was laid to rest when he came to the capital of the United States and was the-- and John F. Kennedy and the rest. The least we can do is offer him a fair trial. And one of the most, in fact, the most significant foreign policy consequence of this pandemic is people are understanding the threat China poses. HHS weighed in on them. Physical distancing measures could reduce new Covid-19 cases by... Anti-corruption body asks for help to find Madagascar FA... Biden: Panel vetting ‘more than a dozen women’ as... Merkel’s party grapples with German far-right fiasco fallout. And you'll recall, Margaret, I dressed in all black in solidarity with the protesters that were standing up to Beijing and to communist China. Because not everyone is choosing to be out of work. The following is a transcript of an interview with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi that aired Sunday, October 4, 2020, on “Face the Nation.”. SPEAKER PELOSI: And figuring out 70 percent of somebodies wages. President Trump, speaking at the White House coronavirus briefing on Thursday, unloaded on Democrats who have created a new House committee with subpoena authority to investigate the federal response to the coronavirus pandemic. I mean, the civil rights movement is something you heard about the men in the movement, the Martin Luther King's, the Whitney Young's, the Big Six. MARGARET BRENNAN: And probably why he sent that tweet this week. DR. GOTTLIEB: Well, the epicenter of the epidemic right now in the United States has been the Sunbelt, states like California, Texas, Arizona, Florida. Is that something you can accept? Nancy Pelosi was a hardworking lady. That- that trend is most discernible in Arizona and Texas right now, where you see the positivity rate declining. He's seen as a little better on protecting American manufacturing jobs. Unemployment benefits, direct payments, etcetera. We'll talk a lot about white college degree holding women. DS: I don’t really have any thoughts, I’m not into politics. Today's numbers: The U.S. has reported more than 8.1 million cases and almost 220,000 deaths, according to Johns Hopkins data. Rudy Giuliani joins a long list of political figures pranked by Sacha Baron Cohen – The Washington Post, Mike Espy’s Senate race in Mississippi is getting a fresh look from Democrats, including Barack Obama. REPRESENTATIVE NANCY PELOSI: Now they're saying Monday. We’ll have our negotiation, but we- how can- these are the same people who gave a tax- the only thing they have accomplished in the Trump administration, on their own, the only thing they accomplished was a tax cut for the wealthiest people in America. And we said to the- to the- to the pastors in the community, where do you need us? When do you expect to begin negotiating? It was more because more was needed. In Ohio, some good news for the president. Saudi oil company apologizes for dressing migrant worker as... Iranian protesters storm streets for third day. Any resident of the Russian capital who wants to go more than 100 yards from home must give personal details and let authorities track their movements. Ever leave a phone charger or favorite book behind at an airport? You've successfully subscribed to this newsletter! And they're resisting that. Copyright ©2019 Daily Cable. I know the argument being that this is a cliff and that people were paid to stay home. We all know that we have to do more to prevent this, —, SPEAKER PELOSI: –to crush this virus. REPRESENTATIVE NANCY PELOSI: Well, we-- we've been anxious to negotiate for two months and ten days when we put forth our proposal that does three things--honors our-- honors our heroes by supporting state and local government with the health care workers, food suppliers, teachers, teachers, teachers, transportation workers, sanitation workers and the rest. Hopefully, the extent- the tracing, the contact tracing will give us an idea who needs to be treated so that the toll of this terrible virus isn’t even worse than it is. We'll have our negotiation, but we-- how can-- these are the same people who gave a tax-- the only thing they have accomplished in the Trump administration, on their own, the only thing they accomplished was a tax cut for the wealthiest people in America. The following is a transcript of an interview with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi that aired Sunday, October 4, 2020, on “Face the Nation.” MARGARET BRENNAN: We want to go now to Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi. “They don’t think a Black man in…, Welcome to our weekly analysis of the state of the 2020 campaign. And if you are spending trillions of dollars to bolster the stock market, and I’m not complaining about that,–, SPEAKER PELOSI: –that’s important to our economy. SPEAKER PELOSI: It’s so important to the American people. You know, I feel the vulnerability of these communities. Google mobility trends started to decline in the state. I've been talking with some CEOs in the past week, and I think you're going to see more businesses come together to implement mask mandates in venues, especially indoor high risk venues, to try to keep this epidemic under control. A recovery bill--, SENATOR TED CRUZ: --would suspend the payroll tax, which would give a-- a-- a pay raise to everyone in America who is working. And, in particular, this virus originated because of communist China's deliberate cover-up. "Archaic" rules are keeping trained medical providers sidelined when they could be on front lines, trade group says. That's a whole piece of all of this that is essential to, again--. Our objective should be Americans want to get back to work. Thank you. MARGARET BRENNAN: I-- I just want to quickly--. But what I said to the airline executives in a public statement is, don’t fire people. Elderly couple who wouldn’t evacuate killed in Colorado wildfire, Senate GOP to drop documentary series days before election hitting China, Dems over coronavirus, Colorado fires: ‘It’s devastating… watching my community burn’. One nation-- one country, one destiny, more perfect union. REPRESENTATIVE NANCY PELOSI: That was in reference to what you said about the liability, et cetera. SENATOR TED CRUZ: Yes. But would you accept a flat amount? Now, mind you, we haven’t even spoken about state and local. Arsenal sign Iceland goalkeeper Runar Alex Runarsson on a four-year contract from Dijon to provide cover for Bernd Leno. Russian power lifter fractures both knees while attempting to... California lays out pandemic rules for church reopenings. I think you need to look at the density of students in the schools. So we have been ready for two months and 10 days. As the speaker of the House, Pelosi is second the line of presidential succession after Vice President Mike Pence. And John’s life was about that. So that is why I am asking you about the projections. REPRESENTATIVE NANCY PELOSI: Let-- let me just say, I'm not going to have a-- with all due respect to you, Margaret, and I appreciate the opportunity to share some values that we have that, apparently, they don't share. ALEX AZAR: --if we just will do this as individuals. It's a little bit more of a mixed bag in Florida and California. And for the latest from America's premier public affairs program, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Let’s depend on science on how to deal with it. He was the conscience of the Congress. What does that mean? But I hope it will be a signal that we really have to do better in preventing the spread of this virus. I think, yeah, we have our own in-house capabilities to run our tests and- and- and many times we can do actually same day turnaround. We want to go now to Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi. The ventilation–. SPEAKER PELOSI: Perhaps there could be some sampling. So that’s- that makes a difference. Mega Millions Results, Numbers for 10/23/20: Did Anyone Win the $97 Million? Here’s what’s different this time. REPRESENTATIVE NANCY PELOSI: And again, that-- that they would now be trying to-- they're in disarray and that delay is causing suffering for America's families.
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