will review the submission and either publish your submission or provide feedback. On learning of Jeanette's deafness, Miss Jewsbury promptly takes her to the hospital and angrily shouts at Jeanette's dismissive mother, "This child's not full of the Spirit ... she's deaf." 11 Dec. 2017. They are led by a pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night, and Jeanette cannot understand why the Israelites so easily accepted such "Strange Notions" whereas she struggles to understand the "perplexing and impossible" world she is in at school. Jeanette requires surgery to fix the adenoid problem causing her deafness. As might be expected, this admission soon leads to public condemnation from the pastor and the church, culminating in Melanie's repentance. As a teen, she begins to take on a more serious role in the Pentecostal community, preaching and teaching in this strict fundamentalist church community. In addition to comfort, Elsie offers a peek into literature and the arts outside of the strict biblical confines Jeanette's mother has imposed—with the exception of Jane Eyre. Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit Summary & Study Guide includes comprehensive information and analysis to help you understand the book. Melanie is her first lover and Jeannette sees no contradiction between her love for the church and Melanie. Shortly after graduating, Winterson published her first book—the autobiographical novel Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit —in 1985, at just twenty-five years old. this section. Even though Jeannette often feels constricted by the church and fears her mother, her position in the church also gives her joy and a sense of belonging. resource to ask questions, find answers, and discuss the novel. Both of these categories are appropriate as the story follows protagonist Jeannette from childhood through her early adult years. This time, Jeannette covers for Katy so that she does not take the blame, lying instead about with whom she was. After three terms, she is still confused by how things work there and cannot fit in socially. Get access risk-free for 30 days, This understanding becomes more apparent later in the novel. Find a summary of this and each chapter of Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit! Not affiliated with Harvard College. There is never any other fruit in Jeanette's household except oranges because they are "the only fruit," as her mother firmly states. In the tale about the imaginary Tetrahedron, evidently inspired by Jeanette's learning about the mathematical shape of that name, his home is described as "a palace made absolutely from elastic bands." She befriends the young girl and strengthens her confidence, understanding Jeanette in a way her mother cannot. Themes; Style; Quotes. Key themes of the book include transition from youth to adulthood, complex family relationships, same-sex relationships, organised religion and the concept of faith. At the end of the novel, Jeannette is on her own and discovering her identity, both personally and as a writer. Create an account to start this course today. In Course Hero. In fact she will experience deep despair and great joy, but all is cyclical and she will learn from it all. degrees in Curriculum and Development and Mental Health Counseling, followed by a Ph.D. in English. "Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit Study Guide." Elsie's worldview intrigues Jeanette, who is permitted to listen to it because Elsie is an accepted church member and shares some of her mother's zealotry. At the age she is, Jeanette is not rebelling against that way, but she is beginning to question it, "finding that even the church was sometimes confused." One of the wisest things Elsie tells Jeanette is that there is the outside world and a person's inner world and "if you want to make sense of either, you have to take notice of both." Select a subject to preview related courses: Many readers wonder where the imaginative title originates.
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