23 October 2020,

And we fight it by publicly opposing this #idolatrousness! (2) or got worse with last years #Pachamama "worship" in the #Vatican gardens. Even Pope Francis blessed one of the statues. are registered trademarks of Newsmax Media, Inc. Newsmax TV, and Newsmax World are trademarks of Newsmax Media, Inc. Members of Amazon indigenous populations walk during a Via Crucis (Way of the Cross) procession from St. Angelo Castle to the Vatican. One of the idols was blessed and laypeople … A top cardinal of the Roman Catholic Church on Friday took exception to Pope Francis’ controversial support for the display of a Pan-Amazonian “Pachamama” wooden idol on a church altar at the Vatican. “Migration problematics everywhere. between commenters. “The coin recalls the Pachamama statues set up at the Amazon synod in the previous year, which according to the prefect of the Vatican communication dicastery, Paolo Ruffini, ‘stand for life, fertility and mother earth’ and should bring the culture of the Amazon region also objectively to the synod,” wrote katholisch.de. gaia, We all knew it and still know it! Oldiani, the artist, said he was commissioned by … God help us all. Remember though, there is still much beauty that lies within…We have Jesus and our Blessed Mother still guiding us. This all started or got worse with last years [sic] #Pachamama ‘worship’ in the #Vatican gardens. In the fall of 2019, Alexander Tschugguel, a young Austrian Catholic, had thrown a number of the controversial Pachamama statues into the Tiber in Rome after they had been prominently featured in a church in Rome for days. He reminded the audience that “St. Mueller spoke in Washington D.C. Friday at a forum hosted by the International Organization for the Family (IOF) and The Sacramental Institute. To say that this statue represents the Virgin is a … An idol [Pachamama] was introduced into St Peter’s Basilica – the figure of a demonic force. LifeSiteNews gives priority to pro-life, pro-family commenters and reserves the right to edit or sentences or comments will be removed (Internet shouting). It should be the holiest of holies and instead it has become full of conflict…good verses evil. Saturday, 26 October 2019 05:23 PM Cardinal Burke likewise said: “Something very grave happened during the special assembly of the Bishops’ Synod for the Amazon region. Last October 4, 2019, Pope Francis blessed the controversial pagan “ Pachamama” statue in the Vatican gardens, as a special prelude to the opening of the Amazon Synod. In the end times, this was meant to happen so that Jesus can return…Our Blessed Mother says not to criticize her priests; but, to pray for them. He is not the pope, but an imposter that needs to be removed from the holy office before he causes any more damage. LifeSiteNews welcomes thoughtful, respectful comments that add useful information or insights. #Staycatholic #staytrue #fightevil! surgeon can remove it. Hope to hear from you. The Pope promptly apologized for the vandalism and said, “I ask forgiveness to anyone who was offended.”. (Amos 3:7). .authImage{float:left;margin-right:10px;height:60px;}.artPgByline,.artPgDate{display:block;margin:0 0 3px 0 !important;float:left;width:330px;}span.artPgByline:first-of-type {margin-top: 5px !important;}.cta_brand{display:none !important;}.an-summary{display:none !important;}.an-special{display:none !important;}div#nmWidgetInstream-text div.nmWidgetInstream-post {margin:0 !important;}div#nmWidgetInstream-text div.nmWidgetInstream-post a {text-decoration:underline !important;}div#nmWidgetInstream-text div.nmWidgetInstream-post a.nmTitle{padding:0;}div#dfp2 {left:-10px;}.DFPInArticleNMX a {font-size:16px;text-decoration:underline;}#mainArticleDiv p:last-child {font-size: 15px;line-height: 20px;}#mainArticleDiv p:last-child > a {font-size: inherit;font-weight: bold !important;} Additionally, the Pope prayed in front of a Pachamama statue at St. Peter’s Cathedral on October 7 and then accompanied it in procession into the synod hall. Considered the right-hand man of fellow German Pope Benedict, Cardinal Mueller stepped down as Prefect in 2014. Multiple comments from one person under a story are discouraged (suggested maximum of three). Strongly rejecting the presence of Pachamama in the Vatican, the bishop continues: “Pachamama is not and never will be the Virgin Mary. Mueller, 71, sees things differently than the Pope. For more of his reports, Go Here Now. “Such conduct of the highest Church authority which does not only not forbid the symbols of pagan religions and their worship, but, rather, even justifies them, causes a great damage for the salvation of souls, because thereby the First Commandment is being undermined and in practical terms is being rescinded,” Schneider said. Why is everyone so afraid to act? Last October 4, 2019, Pope Francis blessed the controversial pagan “Pachamama” statue in the Vatican gardens, as a special prelude to the opening of the Amazon Synod. Peter [the first Pope] died because he didn’t accept the Roman emperor as a god.”. A formal exorcism is badly needed. This is final and definate proof of what kind of a corrupt bastard bergolio is. catholic, Our Jesus to Mankind prayer group will pray for you. The issue of the coin comes almost one year to the day when … Donnaliane72@gmail.com

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