23 October 2020,
The time in which Seneca’s Phaedra takes place is un-specified. For many years, critics have compared Seneca’s tragedies unfavorably with the Greek dramatists he imitated. oozed out, Seneca dictated a lengthy discourse to his secretaries and then drank poison. On beholding Hippolytus’ dismembered body, she breaks down completely, confesses her sinful love for her stepson and her lie about the rape, and stabs herself to death with Hippolytus’ sword. Because each style has its own formatting nuances that evolve over time and not all information is available for every reference entry or article, Encyclopedia.com cannot guarantee each citation it generates. 16 Oct. 2020 . Encyclopedia.com. Encyclopedia.com. World Encyclopedia. The fourth letter in the sequence is from Phaedra to Hippolytus, confessing her love and begging him to love her back. VideoHound's Golden Movie Retriever. Manipulated by her crafty nurse into accusing Hippolytus of rape, the queen grows so remorseful after his death that she is driven to honorable action. Regaining consciousness, with desperate resolve, Cato reattempted suicide, this time rip-ping out the stitches with his bare hands. Yet, in Euripides’ dramatization, Hippolytus credits himself with being sôphrosynê A few times in the play, including on his deathbed, Hippolytus says with conviction that “there is no man more sôphrône than I” (Euripides in Skinner, p, 136). As a result, Hippolytus's horses were frightened by a sea monster and dragged their rider to his death. Events in History at the Time of the Play, Events in History at the Time the Play Was Written. Seneca in Performance. (October 16, 2020). Seneca admired Cato’s suicide. In Greek mythology, Phaedra was the daughter of King Minos and Queen Pasiphae of Crete and the younger sister of Ariadne. ." These consequences brought shame not only on the convicted but also on his family. Pomeroy, Sarah B. Goddesses, Whores, Wives, and Slaves. She dies, either in battle or by Theseus’ own hands, after which Theseus marries Ariadne’s younger sister, Phaedra, in Seneca’s portrayal, Theseus is a mostly unsympathetic character; the play depicts him as a faithless, often cruel husband. The Theatre and Drama of Greece and Rome. Hippolytus, the bastard son of King Theseus of Athens and Queen Hippolyta of the Amazons, leads a perfectly chaste life. Finding the queen unconscious, the nurse decides to conceal her charge’s guilt and accuse Hippolytus of rape instead. Instead, the legends feature (and condemn) the stepmother as the root of amorous desire, perhaps because the ancient Greeks and Romans considered women more subject to sexual passion than men. Achetez neuf ou d'occasion ; SOURCES Artemis later told Theseus the truth. Retrieved October 16, 2020 from Encyclopedia.com: https://www.encyclopedia.com/arts/culture-magazines/phaedra-0. She is also the wife of Theseus, the sister of Ariadne and the mother of Demophon of Athens and of Acamas. Ihre Eltern sind Minos und Pasiphaë, ihre Schwester ist Ariadne. ELIZABETH KNOWLES "Phaedra 119, No. Although the marriage has produced two sons, little love appears to exist between husband and wife, as was often the case in ancient Greek and Roman marriages. ." Although Phaedra is not related by blood to Hippolytus, she is his stepmother by virtue of her marriage to Theseus, as her nurse forcibly reminds her in Seneca’s play: “Will you confound beds of father and son, / In impious womb take mongrel progeny?” (Phaedra, 2.171-172). Euripides twice placed this story on the Athenian stage, of which one version survives. Phaedra is today most famous for being the wife of Theseus, and for her death, although in the ancient sources many different variations of the life of Phaedra are told. When Theseus found the note, he asked the god Poseidon* to take revenge on Hippolytus. . During Seneca’s lifetime the act of suicide was in vogue among the upper classes. Authors of the era usually employed a colorful style, full of passionate speeches and dazzling rhetorical displays that constituted ends in themselves. Myths and Legends of the World. Ancient Stepmothers. Als Theseus zurückkehrt und Phaidra tot vorfindet, verflucht er Hippolytos, worauf dieser mit seinem Wagen flieht. Retrieved October 16, 2020 from Encyclopedia.com: https://www.encyclopedia.com/humanities/dictionaries-thesauruses-pictures-and-press-releases/phaedra. Hill, Timothy. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1998. Retrieved October 16, 2020 from Encyclopedia.com: https://www.encyclopedia.com/arts/dictionaries-thesauruses-pictures-and-press-releases/phaedra. . By way of explanation, she cites her mother’s passion for a In the fifth act, a messenger arrives at Theseus’ palace to reveal that Hippolytus is dead. Hippolytus as the basis for his tragedy Earlier, Ariadne had helped him kill the Minotaur and escape from Crete. Even when the parent and child commit the sin unknowingly, dis-aster and divine retribution inevitably follow. Yet if Seneca’s Phaedra is more shameless and sensual about her forbidden passion, she is also a sympathetic character. Encyclopedia.com. In this era, often called the Classical Age, Athenian women of good family continued to live under the guardianship of their fathers or other male relations until they reached marriageable age. Phaedra's name comes from a Greek word, which means "bright".. 428 b.c.e. One can read Greek (and Latin) tragedy as a counterpoint to the glories of Greek mythology. In the Roman Empire of the first and second century ce, urn cremation was the most popular practice. Spending lengthy periods in Sicily, an island that had been colonized by the Greeks in the eighth century bce, the soldiers likely picked up some of the Greek language and attended the plays frequently staged there. San Francisco, Calif.: Chandler, 1972. Since the purpose of the children was to perpetuate the father’s family line, they were considered his property and they remained in his house, even if the marriage dissolved because of death or divorce. The birth of children to carry on the family line was the highest priority of a marriage. art and literature, mixing Greek and Roman aesthetics, a practice that during Seneca’s lifetime was on the rise. . There are many versions of the story of Phaedra… While modern society regards suicide as an in-tensely personal act, many ancient Romans saw it as an opportunity for self-staged display, a way to preserve one’s honor or avoid shame. Im Song „Some Velvet Morning“ von Lee Hazlewood, den er zusammen mit Nancy Sinatra eingespielt hat, wird ebenfalls auf den Mythos angespielt (Album "Nancy & Lee", 1968). A devastated Theseus laments his part in the family tragedy, then gives orders for the disposal of the dead. World Literature and Its Times: Profiles of Notable Literary Works and the Historic Events That Influenced Them × In another version, Phaedra lied to Theseus, who killed Hippolytus; out of guilt, Phaedra committed suicide. In another famous legend, Theseus travels to the land of the fierce women warriors known as Amazons and carries off their queen, alternately known as Hippolyta or Antiope. Rejected, Phaedra killed herself and left a note saying that Hippolytus 16 Oct. 2020 . The Oxford Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, Aeneas New York: Schocken Books, 1995. See Also: Phaedra and Hippolytus, Minos, Pasiphae, Hippolytus. Watson, Patricia. London: Penguin, 1969. Ariadne Once a Jahrhundert, zum Beispiel von Ottaviano Zara (. Phaedra argues that the absent Theseus is a neglectful, philandering husband and that she is only following her own nature by craving an illicit love. A complex character, she suffers an internal struggle between her passion for Hippolytus and her deep sense of modesty. Hippolytus. Figure 8 Phaedra, wall painting, early first century CE, Pompeii, now Antiquarium di Pompeii, Pompeii, inv. When Hippolytus himself approaches Diana’s shrine, the nurse tries to convince the youth to abandon his rural pursuits and embrace the pleasures of Venus (Rome’s equivalent of the Greek goddess Aphrodite). From Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, https://simple.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Phaedra_(mythology)&oldid=6980499, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License. Roman artists and writers adopted or borrowed elements from Greek. © 2019 Encyclopedia.com | All rights reserved. Hippolytus rejected her. Loose and updated adaptation of Euripides' “Hipploytus.” Mercouri, the second wife of a rich Greek shipping magnate, is dispatched to London to convince her husband's adult son (Perkins) to come home to Greece. Born around 3 bce in Cordova, Spain, Lucius Annaeus Seneca was a son of Seneca the Elder, who devoted himself to educating his sons in the study of rhetoric. In general, these stepmothers are an unsavory lot—they tend to be evil, self-centered, jealous, cunning, treacherous, and lacking in self-control. Like Seneca, Racine depicts the title character as a complex individual, focusing on her own guilt and horror over her love for Hippolytus. Phaedra fell madly in love with Hippolytus, but he was disgusted by her feelings. But the possibility of the amorous stepmother existed, since, as noted, young girls (aged 14) often married older men (aged 30). . ." MICHAEL KENNEDY and JOYCE BOURNE "Phaedra Proper noun . Phaedra married Theseus, king of Athens and slayer of the beast known as the Minotaur. Hornblower, Simon, and Antony Spawforth, eds. Often aristocrats opted for suicide knowing that Romans looked with favor on a member of the upper class who took his or her own life in-stead of being executed.
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