Birthdate: 61 ACDate of death: 113Other names: Plinio il Giovane. Honor puts us under an obligation as binding as necessity is for other people. Nullum, esse, librum, tam, malum, aliqua, parte, prodesset. Tags: Generosity, when once set going, knows not how to stop; as the more familiar we are with the lovely form, the more enamored we become of her charms. There is no lack of readers and listeners; it is for us to produce something worth being written and heard. The erection of a monument is superfluous, our memory will endure if our lives have deserved it. It is difficult to retain what you may have learned unless you should practice it. “The Letters of Pliny the Consul”, p.51, Pliny (the Younger.) Improve yourself, find your inspiration, share with friends, Pliny (the Younger. Letter 5, 10, referring to Pliny the Elder.Letters, Book IIIOriginal: (la) Dicere etiam solebat nullum esse librum tam malum ut non aliqua parte prodesset.. Letter 12, 5.Letters, Book IIOriginal: (la) Numerantur enim sententiae, non ponderantur; nec aliud in publico consilio potest fieri, in quo nihil est tam inaequale quam aequalitas ipsa. Everything, done. Letter 12, 6.Letters, Book IVOriginal: (la) Omnes enim, qui gloria famaque ducuntur, mirum in modum assensio et laus a minoribus etiam profecta delectat. Tanto, omne, quanto, tempus, happier, time, quicker, passes, Yes, I'd like to receive Word of the Day emails from (18??). Every day we present the best quotes! Letter 97, 2; Trajan to Puny.Letters, Book XOriginal: (la) Sine auctore vero propositi libelli nullo crimine locum habere debent. Pliny's uncle, Pliny the Elder, helped raise and educate him. Marcus Tullius Cicero, Pliny (the Younger.) Pliny the Younger quotes. Tags: Letter 38.Letters, Book IXOriginal: (la) Neque enim soli iudicant qui maligne legunt. Tags: Letter 5, 8.Letters, Book VOriginal: (la) Proinde, dum suppetit vita, enitamur ut mors quam paucissima quae abolere possit inveniat. "Epistles", Book IV. Beautiful quotes.Share your passion for quotes. Roman writer and nephew of Pliny the Elder; author of books of letters that commented on affairs of the day (62-113) Update this biography » Complete biography of Pliny the Younger » "Epistulae". Optimum et emendatissimum existimo, qui ceteris ita ignoscit, tanquam ipse quotidie peccet; ita peccatis abstinet, tanquam nemini ignoscat. By continuing, you agree to our Unfinished paintings are more admired than the finished because the artist's actual thoughts are left visible. Letter 18, 1.Letters, Book VIIIOriginal: (la) Falsum est nimirum quod creditur vulgo, testamenta hominum speculum esse morum. 20. The highest of characters is his who is as ready to pardon the moral errors of mankind as if he were every day guilty of them himself; and as cautious of committing a fault as if he never forgave one. Tags: Letter 9, 7.Letters, Book VOriginal: (la) Est omnino iniquum, sed usu receptum, quod honesta consilia vel turpia, prout male aut prospere cedunt, ita vel probantur vel reprehenduntur. 28 quotes from Pliny the Younger: 'An object in possession seldom retains the same charm that it had in pursuit. “The Letters of Pliny the Younger: Literally Translated with Notes, Melmoth's Translation, Revised by Bosanquest”. Literature is both my joy and my comfort: it can add to every happiness and there is no sorrow it cannot console. There were some so afraid of death that they prayed for death. Tags: "Epistles" by Pliny the Younger, Book I. and Discover interesting quotes and translate them. Too much polishing weakens rather than improves a work. ), William Melmoth (1796). pp. translated by William Melmoth.Hoboken, NJ: Bibliobytes. Pliny the Younger wrote hundreds of letters, of which 247 survive and are of great historical value. Dum homo est infirmus, tunc deos, tunc hominem esse se meminit: invidet nemini, neminem miratur, neminem despicit, ac ne sermonibus quidem malignis aut attendit, aut alitur. Description of the eruption of Mount Vesuvius which destroyed Pompeii in 79 AD. Everyone is prejudiced in favor of his own powers of discernment. Modestus, Regulus, biggest, rascal, walks, two, legs. Never do a thing concerning the rectitude of which you are in doubt. And as in men's bodies, so in government, that disease is most serious which proceeds from the head. “Letters and Panegyricus [of] Pliny”, Heinemann ; Cambridge, Mass. ", Tags: then, day, broken, here, nightno, more, night, This expression of ours, "Father of a family. Tags: Nihil, enim, que, gratum, adeptis, quam, concupiscentibus. Utque, imperio, capite, diffunditur. ), Betty Radice (1969). -Difficile est tenere quae acceperis nisi exerceas. Privacy Policy. Necessity, that excellent master, hath taught me many things. Letter 22, 7.Letters, Book IVOriginal: (la) Utque in corporibus sic in imperio gravissimus est morbus, qui a capite diffunditur. For however often a man may receive an obligation from you, if you refuse a request, all former favors are effaced by this one denial. ', and 'So we must work at our profession and not make anybody else's idleness an excuse for our own. Modestus said of Regulus that he was "the biggest rascal that walks upon two legs. In the pleading of cases nothing pleases so much as brevity. object, possession, seldom, retains, charm, pursuit. Letter 18, 5.Letters, Book VIIOriginal: (la) Oportet privatis utilitatibus publicas, mortalibus aeternas anteferre, multoque diligentius muneri suo consulere quam facultatibus. Pliny the Elder died in AD 79 in Stabiae while attempting the rescue of a friend and his family by ship from the eruption of Mount Vesuvius, which already had destroyed the cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum. Letter 20, 9.Letters, Book IIIOriginal: (la) Multi famam, conscientiam pauci verentur. Dum, homo, tunc, deos, hominem, esse, nemini, neminem, miratur. Never do a thing concerning the rectitude of which you are in doubt. Letter 17, 10.Letters, Book VIIOriginal: (la) In numero ipso est quoddam magnum collatumque consilium, quibusque singulis iudicii parum, omnibus plurimum. That indolent but agreeable condition of doing nothing. : Harvard University Press, There is a mistake in the text of this quote. O diem lætum, notandumque mihi candidissimo calculo. Nam, spe, unum, solum, quod. Tags: enim, decipi, possunt, nemo, omnes, neminem. : Harvard University Press, Pliny (the Younger. Enjoy the best Pliny the Elder Quotes at BrainyQuote. Præterea multo magis, ut vulgo dicitur viva vox afficit: nam licet acriora sint, quæ legas, ultius tamen in ammo sedent, quæ pronuntiatio, vultus, habitus, gestus dicentis adfigit. Nam quamblibet sæpe obligati, si quid unum neges, hoc solum meminerunt, quod negatum est. living, voice, sways, soul. It is wonderful how the mind is stirred and quickened into activity by brisk bodily exercise. Letter 22, 5.Letters, Book IOriginal: (la) Ornat haec magnitudo animi, quae nihil ad ostentationem, omnia ad conscientiam refert recteque facti non ex populi sermone mercedem, sed ex facto petit. Tags: ISBN 0585049971. Tags: Terms of Use Singuli enim decipere et decipi possunt: nemo omnes, neminem omnes fefellunt. There is no book so bad that it is not profitable in some part. Some are addressed to reigning emperors or to notables such as the historian Tacitus. 50 2 Pliny the Younger. Objects which are usually the motives of our travels by land and sea are often overlooked and neglected if they lie under our eye...We put off from time to time going and seeing what we know we have an opportunity of seeing when we please. Letter 15, 1.Letters, Book IIOriginal: (la) Rarum id quidem nihil enim aeque gratum est adeptis quam concupiscentibus.
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