Minions Spheres - The sphere attack will have a large pink sphere appear on screen. This walkthrough and any content included may not be reproduced without written permission. These are easily divided up and you will know exactly when she shifts to the next one. It is unknown what they were going to be used for. In Expert mode, the tetrahedron moves faster and it's fire rate is increased. Also smokebomb. I can get 6 uses, but it's iffy at times. In Simple mode, it only shoots out small triangles twice. Located in a giant high-rise office, Rumor is literally the queen bee of “Honeycomb Herald.” Similar to Grim Matchstick, this is a moving platform encounter. Instead, she sends her drones after you. Then, she retreats off the top. Defeat them or dodge them. Additionally, she was one of the last bosses I earned A-Rank for Inkwell Isle III. While she reads, I'd lay into here with a full super. If you hit Rumor enough from up here, you should finally take her down. Cuphead - Rumor Honeybottoms in Honeycomb Harold, Rumor Honeybottoms was inspired by strong guiding toons from cartoons including Fleischer Studios' Ants in the Pants and well as their 1941 animated feature Mr. Bug Goes to Town. This phase will also be accompanied by worker bees (haha). In Expert mode, she can fire two fist missiles at the same time. Do you need to kill them? It is recommended to use the Chaser for this phase, because Bob is always moving from left to right. After taking enough damage, Rumor will flip her magic book to supposedly find a new spell after which she chants the spell with her eyes glowing and transforms into an airplane. ", "Dominate and bombinate -- that's how I bee! As I said, the A-rank here was rough. Therefore, I needed to get one parry on each bomb he dropped. Coffee or the P-items would be best once again. Now is a great time to get some damage in so attack. During the third phase, Rumor uses a magic spell that turns her into a yellow and black stripped airplane with a peach colored cockpit alongside a crown design on the back. Rumor will likely summon two of these if she performs this attack pattern. Besides this, worker bees stop in Phase 2 (same as Regular). Phase 2 can be (and you should always aim for it of course), but depending on which attack patterns you get, this can be easier or harder. Three are blue and need to be dodged. "Doggone! Hitpoints = 750/432/490 Some of her characterization was influenced from the Fleischer cartoon, Cobweb Hotel.[1]. The fists movements are slightly random, but they will be aimed in your general direction and will make a couple circles towards you before eventually flying off screen. Rumor Honeybottoms is probably the first fight that you will face in Inkwell Isle III.Located in a giant high-rise office, Rumor is literally the queen bee of “Honeycomb Herald.” 1. She is also one of the most annoying for me when I first started this area (probably the last or second to last of the 7 for me to take down). It makes her almost trival. These bombs explode after a 5-second delay and their detonation releases 6 spikes, 3 of which can be parried. Who knew Bees had such a transformative property to them? Worker bees stop coming in Phase 2. These will eventually drift off the screen in random directions after some time. You will want to avoid the chaser shot during the portions I used Charge though. —Bob the Bee, Phase 1 Death Screen. There’s a 3D, man-sized impostor among us ... 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Rumor is one of the bosses opened up right when you enter Inkwell Isle III. The honey dipper is now on the top of the airplane and acts like a propeller. It's tough, but it worked out usually. 2. This is actually a pun in reference to the, The bee missiles in the second phase bear a striking resemblance to the Banzai Bills from the. 3 She seemingly fights Cuphead and Mugman mainly to keep her own honey protected, rather than preserve her own soul as hinted in the death scene in Phases 1 and 2. Triangles - For this attack, you will see a dark shadow for a triangle appear. Rumor Honeybottoms is probably the first fight that you will face in Inkwell Isle III. He then departs, rubbing his shoulder and moaning "Owww..." in pain, flying off the screen to the left as Rumor intervenes to continue the battle. Rumor is one of the more clever bosses, using Bob the Bee as cannon fodder to test the abilities of her enemies. The side she leans towards will then reveal a saw blade arm coming. "Doggone! A glitch is found where the final phase can be defeated without taking damage. Throughout the whole fight, the bubbling honey at the bottom of the screen is continuously rising upwards, and players have to jump up hurriedly to avoid the honey by using the platforms. Captain Brineybeard - Shootin N' Lootin, © 2020 TrueGaming Network Ltd, All Rights Reserved. I will be sure to describe it below though. Rumor is seen with a knife, fork, and a napkin bib, hungrily looking at Cuphead and Mugman while licking her lips, and then snapping her fingers to call Bob the Bee, who is promptly heard blowing a whistle in the distance off screen before flying in, as if on cue, before warning the duo to step away from the honey. She then flies downwards off-screen and reappears at the bottom screen, which commences the final phase of the battle. Forms Being the queen, she wears a bronze crown and wields a large bronze honey dipper that acts like a magic wand. The pattern of the stingers will alternate blue/pink around the circle of stingers that come out. Saw Blades - For this attack, Rumor will smirk and begin to lean to one end of the screen. We've got ourselves a good old fashioned honey heist!" If dealt enough damage before last phase, Rumor can be defeated during the transition. After taking enough damage, the worker bees will stop appearing and she uses the "Bee missile" attack endlessly until she is knocked out, ending the battle without her transforming into an airplane. In terms of difficulty, there are some odd changes here to discuss. community members have thanked the author. Cuphead Rumor Honeybottoms - Honeycomb Herald. It is recommended to use Spread or Lobber in this phase as well, as Rumor's hitbox is also very huge, Chaser is discouraged as this phase is easy to hit and the spells will also be a focus for the shot and drag away damage from Rumor. Queen BeeSorceress (Phase 2)Buzz Plane (Phase 3) Basically, do whatever you want as long as it isn’t running into them. Rumor Honeybottoms is a boss in Cuphead. Despite her size, her wings are quite small but still able to hold herself at the top of the screen for the entirety of the second phase. In Expert mode, it travels faster. It may also be that she was confident that she would be able to beat any intruder and ran out of attacks to use. Due to the rotation of the triangle, I found myself focusing more on just dodging everything instead of trying to parry or make a considerable attack on Rumor. They’ll radiate in a spiral from the ball, so dodge or parry your way to safety. The other change however is that worker bees will continue to come on screen during this portion. These bees won’t attack the players, though if you run into them, you get hurt. Make sure to move off of this shape if you are on it currently. Seemingly, all the shape spells would have been able to take damage and be destroyable: the value that controls the ability to damage from the unused cube attack is left on for debugging purposes, and the tetrahedron and sphere damage controller is turned off. The oddness occurs in the other phases. —Rumor Honeybottoms, Final Phase Death Screen. 2 These shots will zigzag back and forth as they climb up the half of the screen they were shot on. I found that staying high was the best way to deal with them. There are two unused laughs for Rumor Honeybottoms in the game files. While still frustrating, the random platforms are far less likely to ruin your day. Flying Punches - This attack is a little harder to dodge than the saw blade. Cuphead fights her in a vertical autoscroll level. Location During Phase 1, you actually don't fight Rumor at all. Being the queen, she wears a crown and wield… It can be seen, This type of glitch can also happen with the fight against. Rumor will come down from the top of the screen on the Left, Right, or Center of the screen. The bomb will explode in 6 or 8 directions (difficulty dependent) with a small stingers. Bob will pull bee bombs from his pocket and then drop them. It may have been too chaotic when two cubes are cast to limit the player's action when the battlefield is always scrolling. Rumor usually summons two of them when she launches this attack. A stripy pink sphere that follows the players slowly, which the players can parry continuously. Simple - On Simple, Phase 3 is of course cancelled like always for the bosses. I will detail weapons later for damaging Rumor here, but I will say the Homing shot is best during this phase for sure. Level "Hey sugar, this honey is off limits. She may also be an amateur in transformations, as she uses a guidebook to help her transform. Rumor's crown is similar to a crown worn by two queen ants, one in the 1940 cartoon, Rumor is a bee character that turns into a plane and shoots out bullets. I usually saved my full charged for the beginning of Phase 3 right what Rumor is reading her book. In can help in certain situations, but it's not entirely necessary for the A-rank. Phases You are easily able to shoot and destroy these bees. Meanwhile, worker bees with suitcases fly across the screen, looking very sad. Cuphead boss guide: Rumor Honeybottoms in ‘Honeycomb Herald’, Genshin Impact tries fixing game’s biggest issue, but fans say it’s not enough, Rebecca director hopes his movie trolls hard enough, Ben Wheatley tried to remain true to the novel through the ending. Female During Phase 1 with the Security Bee, the bomb actually spreads in 8 directions. She will be reading a book. As I indicated, the Triangle spell always seemed to land one hit on me. Charge, Peashooter and Spread are harder to use as they need to be aimed down. Make sure not to let the boss distract you entirely from the fact th… I found that it was possible to get 2 parries here and take out the security guard. Rumor will fire the fists out of the engines on the left and right side. It is also recommended to use Lobber, as in the Policeman bee stage, the Lobber has the perfect trajectory, and it falls, so it is useful for stage three. As I indicated during the Phase descriptions, parries work best if you can get 2 during Phase 1. "Dominate and bombinate -- that's how I bee!" She wears a black and yellow dress with black sleeves with yellow cuffs and white gloves, and despite her full body wasn't shown in-game (even in the good ending) she has yellow legs and wears a pair of black high heeled shoes. After taking enough damage, Bob will suffer an injury to his shoulder and a plaster will appear in that region. She will begin alternating firing bullets to her left and right. Instead, you will be fighting a Guard Bee. Honeycomb Herald I found I could defeat the Security Bee after 2 bombs consistently. This phase begins with Rumor flying down from the Top Center of the screen. The first phase of this fight doesn’t actually feature Rumor Honeybottoms at all.
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