We wanted to focus on making sure they enjoyed the journey and gained a mind-body awareness. People talk about flow, stringing movements together, and achieving this awesome state of bliss when you’re doing things. Accessibility Policy Both things forced him to look toward teaching fitness as a career. Ryan Hurst is head coach and program director for GMB Fitness. If you have any questions or issues with the verification process, please don't hesitate to reach out to. 4401 Freidrich Ln. To be honest we aren’t targeting the young guys out there who are just looking to get jacked and add some skills along the way. by Ryan Hurst, 7 Upper Body Bodyweight Exercises For Core Strength, How to Get Into a Handstand with More Confidence and Ease, 4 Exercises to Build Unbreakable Shoulders, The 5 Problems That Plague Runners and How You Can Train to Prevent Them. We felt that the way that things were taught could be improved on so that’s where we started.From there we began to put together these programs and worked to make sure that people knew exactly what it took become successful. Constantly updating our programs and trying to get better. Can you talk about how GMB’s training style grew into what it is today? We learn a lot from the GMB community as well. Get all the latest & greatest posts delivered straight to your inbox, Interview with Special Strong's Daniel Stein, Interview with MOVE Fitness Club founder Kelly Taphouse, Interview with Mindbody CEO Rick Stollmeyer. That’s not me. I was the same way when I was 20. If you’re participating in the January 2017 Whole Life Challenge, you’re going to see much more of Ryan. In this episode I had the honor of talking to one of the founders of GMB Fitness. We don’t anyone in there who is going to be a dick just to be perfectly honest. Suite 302 USA, Copyright 2020 Onnit Labs, Inc. This could be …, How to Get Into a Handstand? Not just to get the skills, but to be strong for my family. Ryan is the mythic hero of the GMB epic saga. It’s a process of continually building over time. Could you elaborate on this a bit? Animal Flow — Fitness program by Mike Fitch that incorporates ground-based movements. Could you tell me the influences that led to this and how the team came together to build this platform? There are so many great people out there, but it really depends on that person’s goal. Ryan: It originally it was Jarlo and I before GMB. We each know what our strengths are and where our weaknesses are. Ryan: Gold Medal Bodies started out fours ago by looking at skills that not I only wanted to work on, but could help other people as well. A lot of people don’t. There’s no ego. It’s like everyone’s working together to get better instead of competing. In the beginning I was looking at guys like me, like Andy, like Jarlo. We would travel and teach seminars all over the world. I’m not the guy in charge. Free shipping is offered on orders with a minimum subtotal of $150 less discounts. We wanted to show people that there are some great programs and coaches out there that would like for you work for X amount of hours per day and focus on performing that one thing for the next six months, but we’re not about this. Last night I watched the latest M:I installment, Fallout. We were involved in another fitness company and doing something completely different. We have programs that are downloadable, but the big thing we really wanted to do was create a community and we thought that the best way to do that was online. Ryan Hurst is a co-founder of GMB Fitness with many years of experience in strength and movement coaching. Listen to this podcast and you’ll learn much more about Ryan, his philosophy, his personal experience, and why you should be super excited about him being our guest coach during the Whole Life Challenge. What have you learned? To follow and read more from Ryan and GMB click the links below: – GMB Website Customer support for us is huge. He has run a private personal training and nutrition consulting practice for the past twelve years, working with a wide variety of clients ranging from professional athletes to busy working professionals looking to lose weight and improve health. A lot of people these days want to get these results right now and I understand it. We are creating a community and want to be available to everyone. Ryan: It originally it was Jarlo and I before GMB. Menu. Our Keep-It™ guarantee is valid for the first-time purchase of a formula, and redeemable up to three months (90 days) after the purchase date. This is Ryan Hurst's personal blog. If the product doesn't perform for you, however, we’re not gonna play games with you. We have the Alpha Posse, which is our online community of people who come together to do a lot of cool stuff and help each other out. What are you doing in your workout to help whatever else that is going on in your life. Our goal is that each person who comes to GMB enjoys working with us. We kept talking about it during the ride and Jarlo came up with the name Gold Medal Bodies before we reached our destination. Each month it seems to expand (laughing). He’s going to coach you by video through a series of workouts, one for each week of the Challenge. You can only progress with repetitions. Follow Gold Medal Bodies on Facebook , Twitter , Instagram, and YouTube. Matt: You have a background in martial arts, yoga, gymnastics, and strength training. We’re confident you’ll love your Onnit supplements. If not, we can refer you to someone who would be a better fit for them. We have a whole team working together to make GMB better. As Program Director, it’s his job to personally develop and test each of GMB’s programs before releasing them into the wild. We implement a variety of security measures to maintain the safety of your personal information when you place an order or enter, submit, or access any information on our website. David Dellanave is a lifter, coach, and owner of The Movement Minneapolis in the Twin Cities. What we’ve learned over time is that if we can create this positive experience with all of our members it also helps us as a company. Gold Medal Bodies — Helping people become more aware of their bodies. These days, Ryan spends most of his time playing with his kids and helping others move better. It’s just a group of really cool people sharing similar ideas with each other. Secure Shopping with 100% Industry Standard SSL. Well if they don’t know how to relax they won’t be able to relax. With many years of experience in strength and movement coaching, he holds black belts in Kendo, Judo, and Shorinji Kempo and practiced 10 years as a competitive gymnast. So we understood it couldn’t just be us. But really, how do you do that? Working hard to help you in between deadlifts and jiu-jitsu! On the car ride back Jarlo said that I needed to start teaching some of this stuff. You’d have people that would start out at a set Progression A and then the jump between A and B was just huge. For more information and a full list of products that qualify, visit our. I’m just the guy who loves what he’s doing and wants to help other people. Everyone turned around and started watching. References to any non-Onnit entity, product, service, person or source of information in this or any other Communication should not be considered an endorsement, either direct or implied, by the host, presenter or distributor of the Communication. They want camaraderie. So, when I first learned about GMB and the principles upon which it’s based, and then experienced the fun I had going through the basic elements training, I fell in love with this system. We looked at my background, and the backgrounds of my partners Andy Fosset and Jarlo Ilano, and saw that there was a lot of bodyweight stuff and gymnastics stuff out there, but unfortunately the progressions didn’t seem adequate. GMB is a physical training system that focuses primarily on teaching people of all ages, shapes, and fitness levels how to know their own body and move it well. We verify through. You will be back to enjoying the process because people tend to get bored. Our hands and wrists become more used to typing and scrolling than gripping and ripping! That’s what we have learned. Matt: Your approach to GMB I think is way ahead of what many in the fitness industry are offering so far.
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